Bishopsworth Cof E Junior School: Literacy Planning Sheet

Class 6K 2007/08 Term 4 Week 3 Non-narrative Writing (Revision)

Year 2007/08
Class 6K
Teacher Miss Knight / Term 4
Week 3
W/b 10.03.08
Unit Non-narrative Writing (SAT Attack) / Text level objectives:
Write in different genres and understand the differences in language and structural features
Focuses for this phase:
Familiarisation / Capturing ideas / Modelled writing / Shared writing / Supported writing / Independent writing / Sentence level (VCOP)
Use past, present and future tense accurately / Word level (inc. phonics)
Core – (VS) revise RWI Set 3 graphemes
Challenge – (MK)
Super – (SA) see Searchlights for Spelling Year 6 for activity ideas / Resources / texts
SAT Attack Revision Texts & Revision Manual
WALT / Word / sentence starter / Main Lesson Activity
Independent Activities – Must / Should / Could / Success Criteria / Plenary / Guided reading /
WALT explore the effect of different sentences structures in CV writing. / Explain the scenario that links the work in this unit. Read p.36-7 of Revision Texts together, about the three missing people. What is the purpose of each text? Explain how CV is used. What do you notice about the style and layout of the texts? What are the similarities in the three CVs? Discuss the 3 different styles of writing (brief bullet points, narrative paragraph, chronological list). Which is most effective for the purpose? Why? Focus on one CV and highlight past present & future tense verbs. Discuss purpose of headings. Model how to write CV using details from own life. Discuss amount of detail included to suit purpose. / ¬  Vary style of writing (phrases, complete sentences, bullet points)
¬  Use past, present & future tense correctly / Listen to a few children read out their CVs. Ask other children to comment on the way they’ve varied sentence structure. Ask for supportive comments on how each could be improved. / Guided group (Jack, Loni, Chloe H, Jessica K, Emily T, Kai): Read ‘Last Will and Testament’ (Revision Texts p.41). Discuss unfamiliar words and features of text type.
Independent tasks:
Write CV for character in reading book or one you know well.
Booster groups (VS & SA)
Write own CV, using p.43 of Revision Manual. / Core group
Write own CV, using p.43 of Revision Manual. / Challenge group
Write own CV, using p.43 of Revision Manual.
WALT use journalistic language in writing / Spelling / Children read ‘Four Lost at Sea’ (Revision Texts p.38-9). Discuss style and purpose of text. Review language and layout features of journalistic texts. Identify those features in ‘Four Lost at Sea’ and annotate text. Explain independent task. Remind the children about the CVs they read in the previous session about these people. Explain that the fourth missing person, a child, is themselves. Discuss what to put into the article. Together, draw up some examples of journalistic words & phrases to include in articles. Discuss tone & ask children to suggest how they might build up the tension & drama of the report. Discuss purpose of article. / ¬  Use past, present & future tense correctly / Ask a few children to read their articles to the class. Ask the class to comment on effective parts of the article. How did the article build up the drama? Which words or phrases contributed to the journalistic style? How could it be made more sensational? / Guided group
(Amelia, Taylor, Alex C-S, Leah, Anna, Sammy): Read ‘Last Will and Testament’ (Revision Texts p.41). Discuss unfamiliar words and features of text type.
(Booster teachers to complete with group).
Independent tasks:
Read newspaper article. Write down main facts (who, what, where, when, why).
Booster groups (VS & SA)
Write a short follow-on article on p.44 of Revision Manual. Use prompts around page to help them structure article. / Core group
Write a short follow-on article on p.44 of Revision Manual. Use prompts around page to help them structure article. / Challenge group
Write a short follow-on article on p.44 of Revision Manual. Use prompts around page to help them structure article.
WALT write a recount in the style of a diary / Spelling / Children read ‘From the Journal of Gloria Arkwright’ (Revision Texts p.40). Revise features of recount together. Discuss language features specific to diary writing. Identify and annotate examples of past tense, writer’s opinion (present tense), rhetorical questions, emphasised words. Identify intended audience & explain effect on content and style. Briefly discuss what the children might see, hear & feel as un-named child in boat. / ¬  Explain where you are and what you can see, hear & feel
¬  Include comment and opinion about the other occupants of the lifeboat
¬  Use past, present and future tense correctly / Ask the children to think of questions they would like to ask a survivor of the disaster. Discuss types of questions that require more detailed answers.
Ask some of the children to read their journal entries to class. Ask the other children to ask questions about the experience that will encourage the author to give more detail. / Guided group
(Jessica S, Natasha, Chloe S, Alex M, Mitchell): Read ‘Last Will and Testament’ (Revision Texts p.41). Discuss unfamiliar words and features of text type.
Independent tasks:
Identify unfamiliar words in texts from this week (Revision Texts p.43-6). Look up definition in dictionary.
Booster groups (VS & SA)
Write diary entry on p.45 of Revision Manual, telling what happened to the cruise liner. / Core group
Write diary entry on p.45 of Revision Manual, telling what happened to the cruise liner. / Challenge group
Write diary entry on p.45 of Revision Manual, telling what happened to the cruise liner.
WALT / Children skim quickly through three texts read this week (Revision Texts p.36-40) and name each type of non-fiction writing. Ask them to think of a brief description for each of these types. Encourage them to think about genre, structure, language & purpose. Ask the children to write a sentence in the style of each text type (on whiteboards). Read out some of their examples & ask others to comment. How can we tell which genre it is? / ¬  / Discuss features of each text type. Children add any missing features to own tables if needed. / Independent tasks:
Read examples of fairy tale written in different styles. Identify genre of each and highlight distinguishing features.
Mrs Sach to take spelling group
Booster group (VS)
Look back over pages 43-6 of Revision Manual and review different language features & structures. Fill in chart on p.47 of Revision Manual. / Core group
Look back over pages 43-6 of Revision Manual and review different language features & structures. Fill in chart on p.47 of Revision Manual. / Challenge group
Look back over pages 43-6 of Revision Manual and review different language features & structures. Fill in chart on p.47 of Revision Manual.
INSET / ¬ 
Target children
Teacher focus:
Jack, Loni, Chloe H, Jessica K, Emily T, Kai (low level 4)
Booster groups:
Mrs Sach – Luke, Hannah-Rose, Lorna, Kristian, Elijah, Trey (mid level 3)
Mrs Asare – Tasmin, Ashley, Luci, Shaun, Rochelle, Shannon (borderline level 3/4)
Spelling groups:
Mrs Sach – Elijah, Chloe H, Kristian, Trey, Rochelle (recap on basic phonic skills)
Mrs Asare – Jessica S, Jack, Leah, Natasha, Alex C-S, Emily T, Amelia, Shannon (extend to more advanced spelling patterns) / Next steps


Core / Challenge / Super Challenge