One of the City Colleges of Chicago
Instructor: / Ms. Perpetua Ruiz
Office: / Y271
Office Phone number: / (773) 602-5263
Instructor e-mail:
Department Chair’s e-mail
Semester: / ,
Fall 2015
Length of Course: / 16 weeks
Lecture: / 160 minutes per week. 3 credit hours
Pre-requisites: / None
Credits: / 3 credit hours
Class Number: / B
Classroom: / Y110
Class Schedule: / TR: 8:00 a.m. to 9:20a.m.
Office Hours: / TR: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Textbook
/ GO! With Microsoft® Office 2013 Volume1
Authors: Shelley Gaskin, Vargas, McLellan,
Copyright ©2014 by Pearson Education, Inc. as Prentice Hall.
ISBN 133820769 (textbook plus MyItLab Access Code Package)
ISBN: 0133775062 (Stand Alone MyItLab Code with e Text)
Buy only one of these products (I recommend the package)
- Other Course Materials
Storage device for electronic files: 1GB (1 Gigabyte or a bigger size) USB flash drive - Access Code: (it comes with the book)
- Course ID: (Provided by the instructor)
Note: All these itemsare required. The instructor does not provide books or access codes
As per the catalog:
Fundamental concepts of computer information systems as applied to microcomputers in business and personal use; includes hands-on experience with a variety of microcomputer software. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Not more than three credit hours will be counted towards the CIS/IT degree requirements. Additional earned credit hours up to six will be counted towards elective credit and requires the Consent of Departments Chairperson
Students Course is Expected to Serve:
Students who are rounding their knowledge of computer applications. Information Technology Majors for the AAS degree; and as an elective for AA degree students; and those who own or plan to own a microcomputer either for personal or business purposes.
To familiarize students with the microcomputers environment as it pertains to the Windows platform. Specifically this course will provide students with an in-depth study of the concepts of: Windows, Email, Internet,word processing, spreadsheets, database and presentation software as they apply to business and personal use.
This is a hands-on course in which you will use a microcomputer to learn the four most popular programs within the Microsoft Office Suite. You will learn to be an intermediate level user of the Microsoft Office 2013 Suite.
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to demonstrate proficiency in:
1. The operation of the Windows XP operating system environment
2. Application of Microsoft Office 2007: PowerPoint Excel, Access and Word for Windows XP
3. The employment of a "Word Processing" program.
4. The application of a "Spread-sheet" program.
5. The use of a "File-maintenance" program.
6. Demonstrate the use of presentation software.
7. Utilize the Internet as a research tool.
This course will employ the following methods
L: lecture
D: Discussion
CAI: Computer assisted instruction
E: E-mail correspondence
I: Independent Study
O: Online activities
Definition of Active Pursuit of the Course:
District and College attendance policies are listed in the college catalog and the Student Policy Manual:
For this class, students will be considered as Actively Pursuing this courseif
1. Student demonstratesfrequent class participation
2. Student obtains the required materials
3. Student completes assignments, projects, trainings, and exams.
4. Student attends classes regularly (at least 80% or more of the total classes already presented)
A research paper and a PowerPoint presentation:Five page research project. (Apply MLA Style). The topic for this paper must be approved by the instructor (present a draft by the end of week 6). This paper is due the second day of class of week 8. Create a PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate your ability to use clip art, pictures, and videos to enhance it(include between 10 to 12 slides).It is due by the end of week 11)
In order to create a safe and healthy learning environment for all students in the class, it is critical that you treat your fellow students and your instructor with respect and consideration. Disruptive and/or disrespectful behavior can result in removal from the class and possible dismissal from the college. Some disruptive behavior examples are defined for this course as:
1) Sleeping2) Cell phone ringing and text messaging during or outside of classroom during class period
3) Verbal and non-verbal expressions that display disregard for feelings of others
4) Coming to class late and disrupting the class with inquires about what is going on
5) Coming in and leaving the classroom to take care of personal business
6) Talking to peers around you during class time
7) Surfing” the Web during class, for purposes no related to the class’ lecture
8) Have electronic objects hanging from your ear, neck or/and pocket
The class progress grade is a measure of how much work has been done during the class period. Therefore leaving the classroom without a justifiable reason will affect this grade
If a student is found working on other course’s assignments, or on previous class projects, or printing documents no related to the current class, or surfing the Internet, he/she will be marked absent and given zero points as the class progress grade and also to any other class activity in that class period.
Any act of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal right of students to question and discussion with the instructor the educational process relative to subject content will be reported to the Department Chair, and the student will be removed from the classroom temporarily or permanently depending on the seriousness of the student's behavior.
Expectations of students:
- Attendance is mandatory.
- Final grade is lowered one letter grade after four absences unless discussed with instructor prior to the absences and in emergency situations.
- Consistent tardiness is not toleratedtwo tarries are considered as one absence.
- Students are expected to turn in all work on time.
- Late assignments are NOT ACCEPTED unless prior approval from the instructor.
- Class participation is essential for the student’s success. Participation grade includes attendance, timely homework submission, commands’ demonstration (using the classroom’s computer and projector)
- There is no tolerance for cell phone usage, excessive chatter among peers, text messaging, and inappropriate comments, you will loose 25% of your class progress grade each time you leave the classroom or your name is called for disrupting the class.
- All assignments should be turned in to the instructor on the specific class deadline.
- Emailed assignments to the instructor are not accepted unless stated by the instructor. These emails should be sent to Blackboard email address for the course or to any other email account specified by the instructor
Expectation of instructor:
- The instructor will begin and end each class session on time.
- The instructor will be prepared for each class session.
- The instructor will be available during office hours and will be otherwise accessible via email, Blackboard and/or office phone.
- The instructor will return work promptly
- The instructor will make sure that the students are competitive when they finish the course, not only academically, but through ethics and behavior.
Attendance and punctuality are expected for each one of the class periods. Regular class attendance will maximize your computer skills for your personal and professional future. If a student has been absent 20% of the classes (six class-periods from a total of 20 class-periods) during this academic period the student will be withdraw from the class (the student will not be reinstated). This is a hands-on course, the student must come to class in order to learn and use the concepts, methods, and procedures covered in this course and hand in the assignments on time. Make the effort to be on time. Your attendance will be P (present) or A (absent),Absences are a reason for you to be withdrawn from the class; experience has shown that good attendance is related to good performance. Please read the Kennedy King College‘s student’s manual.
In case you are late or absent: It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, laboratory assignments, and visit the Web Site where your teacher posts announcements for all the students in the class. Do not disrupt the class by asking your classmates or the instructor what is the work for the current class period. To be absent or late from a class period is not an excuse for not doing the assigned work on time. You will loose 20 points of your class progress grade for being late.
Food and Drinks in Class
Food and drinks are prohibited in the computer labs. Please be cooperative and respectful of the classroom environment, go to the cafeteria located in the W building in case you need to have breakfast or lunch. You will lose 1/10 of your (10% for student collaboration and attendance) each time you break this rule.
Group Participation: Students will be placed in groups of four (or one group per left row and one group per right row), each group will prepare a printed portfolio, they may collaborate with each other by helping to understand or use a definition or instruction, however, they must not do the typing or clicking part. The group must keep a journal of the contributions of each member.
Book and flash drive:
Every student must bring the textbook and the flash drive to every class.
The textbook and flash drive cannot be shared
If a student come to class without these items, he or she will be considered absent, even if she/he decide to stay in the classroom.
Such student must not demand or suggest to other students to share these items, if a student’s files are found in another student’s flash drive, both students will receive Zero points for that assignment.
Seating Accommodations:
At the teacher’s discretion, you would be assigned a computer during the class period (any class period)
Disability Accommodations:
Students with a learning disability need to discuss their situation with the Disability Support Services Department. Students need to request an accommodation notification for the instructor.
Wellness Center:
If life’s stress or other factors such as poor study skills, or personal challenges are hindering your “STUDENT SUCCESS”, free confidential help is available on campus at the WELLNESS CENTER. Call 773.602.5280, email .
Access to computers: In order to do the assignments and homework you must have access to computers. You may use the computer labs Y108, Y109, Y110 when they are available, the library’s computers, the CIS tutoring room Y218 and room W255, to work the assigned projects. In case you don’t have a computer at home.
For the MyItLab assignments, use computer labs Y108, Y109, Y110 when they are available, the CIS tutoring room Y218 and room W255 (five computers are available for it).
Tutoring Services:
Tutoring is mandatory for those students that are getting scores of 70 points or less in the class projects. The grade for the project finished with tutor’s help will count for 50% of the grade of the specific project
Tutoring services for several CIS classes are available in room Y218 the following days
Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Children in Class
Children are not allowed in classroom or laboratory facilities.
Printer Use: You will use the printer during the class period only when the instructor indicates you that a specific document needs to be printed.
All the Exams (one per chapter) will be Available on MyItTab Web site
You have to register and enroll in the MyItLab Online course, for this course you need the following:
- A current Hotmail email account
- Access code (it comes with the textbook)
- Course ID (provided by the instructor)
- The students are organized in groups of 4 students, they may help each other to understand the concepts and procedures, and executecommands.
- During class period, the instructor approaches each computer desks (two times in average), look at the computer monitor, points to the student’s possible errors and explain the student how to correct them.
- Sometimes, it is necessary to explain an instruction or procedure to the whole class more than one time (such as how to insert a picture).
- On MyItLab Online Website there is an assessment item(s) that the student must use in order to improve his/her understanding and knowledge of the concepts, procedures, and commands presented by the instructor during the class period.
You will be evaluated based on your combined performance on:class (class progress) chapter- projects (13), chapter-Myitlab-activities (12), PowerPoint presentation, class progress, writing assignment, and portfolios (hard copy and electronic), collaboration and attendance, and group participation.
Course GradePoints Approx. % of Grade
Thirteen class chapter-projects (13 chapters)27027%
W1, W2, W3, E1, E2, E3, A1, A2, A3, PPT1,
PPT2, PPT3, IP (10 points)
Twelve Online MyItlab-activities (12 chapters)36030%
Syllabus quiz (10 pts) W1, W2, W3, E1, E2, E3,
A1, A2, A3, PPT1,PPT2, PPT3
Classprogress 25025%
Writing assignment (research paper) 2002%
PowerPoint Presentation (special topic) 30 03%
Portfolio printed copy and electronic copy 1%
(flash Drive 1% and SkyDrive 1%) 3003%
Student collaboration (arrive on time, no leave
early, and don’t use cell phone) 0505%
Attendance 05 05%
The chapters’ projects are done in the classroom. Do not work the chapters’ projects ahead of time; you will not receive a grade for this work.
Final Grade
Point System: 1000 total assigned points
Grade A if total assigned points ≥ 900
Grade B if 800 ≤ total assigned points < 900
Grade C if 700 ≤ total assigned points < 800
Grade D if 600 ≤ total assigned points < 700
Grade F if total assigned points < 600
If any of the student’s grades (Except final grade) has been erroneously calculated, contact the instructor via e-mail, within two weeks of the day you have received the grade. Overdue grade’s complaint will not be considered
The appeals policy applies to the course final grade only. There is an Appeal Procedure for Instructional Grading (see Student Policy Manual, Part V, for the complete Grade Appeal Process). The appeal process must be accomplished within one term (excluding the summer term) of the final grade’s assignment.
If the student has a personal complaint related to the instructor, or instruction materials, the student must state in written his/her complaint (there is a special form for this purpose) and do the following.
1. Give the written complaint to the instructor; he/she has seven days to respond.
2. If the instructor’s response is unsatisfactory, the student takes the complaint to the Department Chair. To contact the Business and Information Technology Department’ Chair use the email address
Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without a sound reason and documented evidence of illness or other reasons for not completing the course assignments and/or exams. In any case, for a student to receive an incomplete, he or she must have a passing grade of at least C and must have completed a significant portion of the course (at least 75% of the course work).
Students are expected to uphold the school’s standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student’s submitted work, examinations, reports, and homework must be the student’s own work. Students shall be guilty of violating the honor code if they:
- Present the work of others as their own (copy and/or print files that belong to another student in this class or other class, lend your storage device to another student, copy answers on exams or glance at nearby exams).
- Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work.
- Give unauthorized assistance to other students.
- Misrepresent the content of submitted work.
- Turn in assignments that have been used in other classes
- Borrow, purchase, or sell assignments or exam materials
Any student violating the honor code is subject to receive a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the Dean of Students. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute an honor code violation, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss the situation.
For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions, general advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assignments and homework. In other words, students may not “work together” on graded assignments. Such collaboration constitutes cheating. A student may not use or copy (by any means) another’s work (or portions of it) and represent it as his/her own. You will be penalized in the same way, if your work is used by other student...
If you cheat, some or all of the following actions will be taken:
You will receive a zero for that particular assignment or exam.
A report of the incident may be forwarded to the Business and information Technology Department’s Chair
A report of the incident may be forwarded to the Dean of Student Services. The Dean may file the report in your permanent record and/or take further disciplinary action.
You are expected to read each assigned project prior to the lecture
Lectures will be short, to the point, and will discuss the highlights of the Project for that class.
Every student will complete four class projects per chapter. These projects are due before the beginning of the next chapter(saved in your flash drive and also uploaded to your Skydrive).