Triangle Neighbors’ Meeting of Wednesday, January 9, 2008

  • CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS – Jim Ludwig called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. Everyone introduced themselves.
  • Attendees: John Becvar, Michael Clarke, Jennifer Dedes-Nowak, Jon Donnelly, Neil Ford, Dave Fucheon, Laura & Tony Garza, Dave Gasman, Mary Head, Kevin Jackson, Terie Kata, Shane & Matt Landler, Bennett Lawson, Mark Liberson, Jim Ludwig, Patrick Maloney, Mark Masaracchia, Jack Meyer, Don Ridge, Greg Rohner, James Shapiro, Doug Smith, and Jeff Stark
  • APPROVAL OF MINUTES– The minutes from November 14, 2007 were approved by voice vote.
  • SPACEPARK – Jim Ludwig provided an update on wall construction. He indicated we need a variance to construct a 7’ foot fence. Most of the help we are getting is pro bono but there are still filing and copying costs of several hundred dollars. We anticipate completing the permitting process in February with construction to begin shortly thereafter. Bricks are still available for $500 each and are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. As a matter of note, the building next to the park (821 W Roscoe) has been sold/bought. The developer did offer to re-sell it to the park but we do not have the funds to purchase a third lot.
  • HALLOWEEN PARADE RECAP – John Becvar talked about the 11th Annual Halloween Parade held on October 31, 2007 and the need to start planning for 2008’s parade on Friday, October 31, 2008. We discussed the possibility of getting permits to close Halsted from Belmont to Addison (extending beyond Cornelia). The feeling is the parade has grown very large and we cannot easily turn-around the vehicles and participants. Mary Head made a motion to apply for permits to Addison and the motion passed unanimously by voice. John Becvar indicated we would start having planning meetings in the Spring and we are always looking for volunteers to join the Halloween Parade committee.
  • CHICAGO CUBS UPDATE – Jennifer Dedes-Nowak provided updates and distributed a hard copy of the latest Cubs Community Connection (available at The field has been re-done this past winter. The Cubs Caravan is going to be visiting NettlehorstSchool. The Third Annual Race to Wrigley has been scheduled on Sunday April 13 (versus Saturday as in past years).
  • LVCC REPORT - John Becvar reported Tim Collins has not attended a single Triangle Neighbors nor LVCC meeting since being elected as the second TN delegate to LVCC. John asked for a replacement and Michael Clark volunteered to replace Tim as a new TN delegate to LVCC. John Becvar talked about the upcoming “Participate in ‘08” opportunity to meet the local candidates running for election at Sidetrack on Friday, January 25 from 6PM – 8PM. LVCC is co-sponsoring the event with Equality Illinois.
  • 44th WARD CDDC REPORT - Greg Rohnerreported on the November CDDC Meeting where they distributed “Late Hour Liquor License Exterior Safety Plan” guidelines. Greg also informed everyone about the upcoming meeting on Wednesday, January 23rd at 6:30PM at the Stadium Club at Wrigley Field (enter on Addison/Sheffield). The meeting will discuss a proposed structure for Addison-Clark-Sheffield that would include two large towers (one residential over looking the park and one a Park Hyatt hotel on Clark), plus a Dominicks/Walgreens. There was major concern vocalized about traffic, lack of neighborhood parking, impact to sewage (given street flooding issues), deliveries for a grocery store in a residential neighborhood (enter on Sheffield), etc. Greg implored everyone to come to the meeting so the community voice is represented.
  • 44th WARD REPORT –Bennett Lawson thanked several Triangle volunteers (John Becvar, Mary Head, Dave Fucheon, Sharon Lynch) for putting up numbers on the garages in the alley. This is a test project that will be revisited in the Spring when the weather is nicer. Putting numbers on garages is very important from a safety perspective and equally important, is required by law. The primary elections are February 5th and you can still register and vote in person as part of “late registration”. As a reminder, removing snow in front of your property is required. Several residents vocalized concerns of individual addresses that were not removing the snow, including the Salvation Army building on Addison (Halsted to Broadway).
  • FYI – Permits that have been recently issued were communicated in the meeting announcement email.
  • 3441 N Sheffield (The Yard) – DonRidge has taken over the location of Pepper Lounge and now operates The Yard. Don requested a Patio License in front of his building to seat three 30” round tables (12 seats), along with the required flower boxes and potted trees. Jon Donnelly whose business is adjacent to Don’s has a similar seating in the summer and supported the proposal. Mary Head moved to approve the request. John Becvar explained how the process of patio licenses work and reiterated if there are any issues with this or any patio license, how Triangle Neighbors can help. The motion carried unanimously by voice.
  • 3532 N Halsted (Brompton Auto Place) – Up-zoning request. Despite being on the agenda and having had prior email correspondence with the Executive Board, no one showed up. John Becvar pointed out to Bennett Lawson this no-show experience has happened several times and it is not fair to the 30+ residents who came out to discuss this project. Bennett Lawson confirmed the permit application is currently dead, having been submitted by someone who did not currently own the property and not have attended the meetings. Doug Smith and Neil Ford who live on Halsted expressed concern about the proposal (John Becvar re-distributed the handout from the last meeting). Dave Fucheon brought up possible remediation issues at the site. Jim Ludwig indicated he heard “The Abbey” in LA may be interested in creating a lounge on the location (no construction). There was some concern about lack of details and Jim/John reminded that any new liquor licenses or permits would come before this organization prior to being issued.
  • NEXT MEETING - The next Triangle Neighbor’s meeting will be Wednesday,March 12, 2008 at 7 p.m. in the LVCC Offices (867 W Buckingham – Lower Level).
  • ADJOURNMENT –The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.

Respectfully submitted,

John Becvar, Vice President