Control Systems Design and Simulation, Syllabus DetailsEE 4551
Course Outline
Institution / Salman bin Abdulaziz UniversityCollege / College of Engineering
Program / Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Course Title / Control Systems Design and Simulation
Course Code / EE 4551
Status / Elective
Level / 9
Credit Hours / 3
Contact Hours / 4
Pre-requisite / Automatic Control Systems, EE 3511
Co-requisite / Nil
Course Description / The various stages in the design cycle of a closed-loop control system, namely modeling, identification, controller design and simulation. Students will appreciate the concepts of models and the ways to obtain them and their applications. Two modeling approaches will be covered; physical modeling which includes the principles and phases of modeling using basic physical relationships, and identification approaches covering both non-parametric and parametric identification. Modeling of electrical, electronic and mechanical systems, electromechanical systems, fluid and thermal systems. Control system design using root locus, frequency response, and ITAE methods for PID controller. Via project work, students will have experience in modeling, simulating and controlling physical systems.
Text Book / C. M. Close, D. K. Frederick, J. C. Newell, Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3rd Edition.
Reference Book / L. Ljung and T. Glad, Modeling of Dynamical Systems, Prentice Hall,Englewood Cliffs, 12th Edition.
Teaching Methodology / Lectures and Tutorials
Semester Offered / Spring2013, Fall 2013
Assessment Method / Item / Description / Percentage (%)
1 / Final Exam / 40 %
2 / First Mid. Term Exam / 20 %
3 / Second Mid. Term Exam / 20 %
4 / Quizzes / 10 %
5 / Assignments and mini projects / 10 %
Total / 100 %
Instructor Name / Prof. Fayez F. M. El-Sousy
Contact Information / E-mail:
Office Hours / Chairman Room (HS-20)
(Sunday 2:00 to 3:00 pm, Tuesday 2:00 to 3:00 pm and Thursday 2:00 to 3:00pm).
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student shall be able to:
1-Recognize the elements of control system design and possess an appreciation of controls in the context of engineering design.
2-Identify that differential equations can describe the dynamic behavior of physical systems.
3-Derive mathematical models of physical systems (electrical, electronic and mechanical systems, electromechanical systems, fluid and thermal systems) based on fundamental physical relations.
4-Identify models of dynamic systems using impulse and frequency responses as well as transfer functions based on measured input and output data.
5-Design of PID controllers using root locus and frequency response methods.
6-Design of compensation networks (lead, lag and lead/lag compensators) using root locus and frequency response methods.
7-Design of controllers to meet desired specifications in the time domain and frequency domain using robust ITAE and pole placement techniques.
8-Be familiar with modeling, controllers’ design, identification, simulation of physical control systems using Matlab/Simulink.
Student Outcomes:
Outcome (a): an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
Student has the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to the analysis and design of control system modeling.
Outcome (c ): an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
Student has the ability to design control system components to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
Outcome (e): an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Student has the ability to Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in the design of controllers using different methods.
Outcome (k):an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Student is encouraged to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools such as Matlab/Simulink for control system design and simulation.
Brief List of Topics to be Covered:
Topic / No. of Weeks / No. of Contact Hours1. Introduction to Physical Control Systems / 1 / 4
2. Simulation of Physical Systems Using Matlab/Simulink Software / 1 / 4
3. Mathematical Models of Physical Systems / 3 / 12
4. Modeling of Physical Systems Using Identification Techniques / 2 / 8
5. Design of Feedback Control Systems Using PID Controller / 3 / 12
6. Design of Feedback Control Systems Using Compensation Networks / 2 / 8
7. Design of Feedback Control Systems to meet desired specifications in the time domain and frequency domain using robust ITAE and pole placement techniques / 2 / 8
8. ProjectWork in the Modeling, Controllers’ Design, Identification, Simulation of Physical Control Systems Using Matlab/Simulink / 1 / 4
Total / 15 / 60
Attendance Policy:
Do not miss a class. You are responsible for all material covered and all announcements made in class. Attendance will be taken during each class meeting. 25% of absence is only allowed. Absence from classes and/or tutorials shall not exceed 25%. Students who exceed the 25% limit without a medical or emergency excuse acceptable to and approved by the Dean shall not be allowed to take the final examination and shall receive a mark of zero for the course. If the excuse is approved by the Dean, the student shall be considered to have withdrawn from the course.
Academic Honesty:
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The penalty for any act of academic dishonesty (cheating on an exam, turning in something not entirely your own) is a lower final grade for the course, up to and possibly including an F.
Exams are closed book. Exam 1 will cover chapters 1 to 4 while Exam 2 will cover chapters 4 to 7or until reached topics. The final Exam will cover all chapters.
There will be 1 Quiz / chapter (graded out of 10).
There will be 1 homework / chapter (graded out of 10) assignments.
A project is required from students to design and simulatethe feedback control systemsusing MATAB/SIMUINK package. Useful application of control systemswill be picked and distributed to groups.
Students are required to make presentations for their projects one week before the end of semester with the submission of report.
Table of Contents
Chapter (1)
Introduction to Control Systems
1.2Brief History of Automatic Control
1.3Basic Control System Terminology
1.4Objectives of Automatic Control System
1.5Control Strategies
1.6Engineering Design
1.7Control System Design
1.8Mechatronic Systems
1.9The Future Evolution of Control Systems
1.10Application Examples
Chapter (2)
Block Diagrams and Computer Simulation
2.1Diagrams Blocks
2.2Combining Blocks to Solve Modeling Equations
2.3Running Simulink with Matlab
2.4Repetitive Inputs
2.5Application Examples
2.6Computer Simulation of Application Examples Using MATLAB
Chapter (3)
Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems
3.2Differential Equations of Physical Systems
3.3Electrical Systems
3.4Operational Amplifier Circuits
3.5Automatic Controllers
3.6Cascade Compensation Networks
3.7Mechanical Systems
3.8Electromechanical Systems
3.9Fluid Systems
3.10Thermal Systems
3.11Application Examples
3.12Computer Simulation of Application Examples Using MATLAB
Chapter (4)
Modeling of Physical Systems Using Identification Techniques
4.1Non-parametric identification
4.2Parametric identification
4.3Computer Simulation of Application Examples Using MATLAB
Chapter (5)
Feedback Control System Design with PID Controller Using MATLAB
5.2Three-Term PID Controllers
5.3The Design of Robust PID-Controlled Systems
5.4The Design of PID Controller Using the Root-Locus Method
5.5The Design of PID Controller Using the Pole Placement Method
5.6The Design of PID Controller Using the Bode-Diagram Method
5.7Design Examples
5.8Computer Simulation of Design Examples Using MATLAB
Chapter (6)
Control System Design with Compensation Networks Using MATLAB
6.2Approaches to Control System Design
6.3Design Considerations
6.4Cascade Compensation Networks
6.5Phase Lead Compensation Design Using Root Locus
6.6Phase Lag Compensation Design Using Root Locus
6.7Phase Lead-Lag Compensation Design Using the Root Locus
6.8Phase Lead Compensation Design Using Bode Diagram
6.9Phase Lag Compensation Design Using Bode Diagram
6.10Phase Lead-Lag Compensation Design Using Bode Diagram
6.11Design Examples
6.12Computer Simulation of Design Examples Using MATLAB
Chapter (7)
Feedback Control System Design with Robust Controllers Using MATLAB
7.2Design of Feedback Control Systems Using Robust ITAE Performance Index
7.3Design of Feedback Control Systems Using Pole Placement Techniques
7.4Design Examples
7.5Computer Simulation of Design Examples Using MATLAB
Chapter (8)
Project Work for DynamicControl System Design and Simulation
8.2Modeling of Selected Dynamic System
8.3Design of PIDcontroller Applied to Selected Dynamic System
8.4Computer Simulation Using MATLAB
Week No. (1):
Chapter (1)
Introduction to Control Systems
1.2Brief History of Automatic Control
1.3Basic Control System Terminology
1.4Objectives of Automatic Control System
1.5Control Strategies
1.6Engineering Design
1.7Control System Design
1.8Mechatronic Systems
1.9The Future Evolution of Control Systems
1.10Application Examples
Week No. (2):
Chapter (2)
Block Diagrams and Computer Simulation
2.1Diagrams Blocks
2.2Combining Blocks to Solve Modeling Equations
2.3Running Simulink with Matlab
2.4Repetitive Inputs
2.5Application Examples
2.6Computer Simulation of Application Examples Using MATLAB
Assessment Method:
Homework-1Due Date: Tuesday/Week No. (2)
Quiz-1Date: Tuesday/Week No. (2)
Week No. (3), (4) and (5):
Chapter (3)
Mathematical Modeling of Physical Systems
3.2Differential Equations of Physical Systems
3.3Electrical Systems
3.4Operational Amplifier Circuits
3.5Automatic Controllers
3.6Cascade Compensation Networks
3.7Mechanical Systems
3.8Electromechanical Systems
3.9Fluid Systems
3.10Thermal Systems
3.11Application Examples
3.12Computer Simulation of Application Examples Using MATLAB
Assessment Method:
Homework-2Due Date: Tuesday/Week No. (5)
Quiz-2Date: Tuesday/Week No. (5)
Week No. (6) and (7):
Chapter (4)
Modeling of Physical Systems Using Identification Techniques
4.1Non-parametric identification
4.2Parametric identification
4.3Computer Simulation of Application Examples Using MATLAB
Assessment Method:
Homework-3Due Date: Tuesday/Week No. (7)
Quiz-3Date: Tuesday/Week No. (7)
Week No. (8), (9)and(10):
Chapter (5)
Feedback Control System Design with PID Controller Using MATLAB
5.2Three-Term PID Controllers
5.3The Design of Robust PID-Controlled Systems
5.4The Design of PID Controller Using the Root-Locus Method
5.5The Design of PID Controller Using the Pole Placement Method
5.6The Design of PID Controller Using the Bode-Diagram Method
5.7Design Examples
5.8Computer Simulation of Design Examples Using MATLAB
Assessment Method:
First Mid Term ExamDate: Thursday/Week No. (8)
Homework-4Due Date: Tuesday/Week No. (9)
Quiz-4Date: Tuesday/Week No. (9)
Week No. (11) and (12):
Chapter (6)
Control System Design with Compensation Networks Using MATLAB
6.2Approaches to Control System Design
6.3Design Considerations
6.4Cascade Compensation Networks
6.5Phase Lead Compensation Design Using Root Locus
6.6Phase Lag Compensation Design Using Root Locus
6.7Phase Lead-Lag Compensation Design Using the Root Locus
6.8Phase Lead Compensation Design Using Bode Diagram
6.9Phase Lag Compensation Design Using Bode Diagram
6.10Phase Lead-Lag Compensation Design Using Bode Diagram
6.11Design Examples
6.12Computer Simulation of Design Examples Using MATLAB
Assessment Method:
Homework-5Due Date: Tuesday/Week No. (12)
Quiz-5Date: Tuesday/Week No. (11)
Second Mid Term ExamDate: Thursday/Week No. (12)
Week No. (13) and (14):
Chapter (7)
Feedback Control System Design with Robust Controllers Using MATLAB
7.2Design of Feedback Control Systems Using Robust ITAE Performance Index
7.3Design of Feedback Control Systems Using Pole Placement Techniques
7.4Design Examples
7.5Computer Simulation of Design Examples Using MATLAB
Assessment Method:
Homework-6Due Date: Tuesday/Week No. (14)
Quiz-6Date: Tuesday/Week No. (14)
Week No. (15):
Chapter (8)
Project Work for DynamicControl System Design and Simulation
8.2Modeling of Selected Dynamic System
8.3Design of PIDcontroller Applied to Selected Dynamic System
8.4Computer Simulation Using MATLAB
Assessment Method:
Homework-7Due Date: Tuesday/Week No. (15)
Quiz-7Date: Tuesday/Week No. (15)
Students are required to make presentations for their projects one week before the end of semester with the submission of report.
PresentationsDue Date: Thursday /Week No. (15)
Week No. (16):
Assessment Method:
Final Term ExamAs Organized by Exams Committee
Prof. Fayez F. M. El-Sousy(1/9)