April 2006doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0547r1
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 18-May-2006
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
W. Steven Conner / Intel Corp. / 2111 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro, OR97124 / +1 503-264-8036 /
The Chair convened the call at 11:04 EDT
The task group secretary, Stephen Rayment, was not available on the call. Steven Conner volunteered to take minutes for the meeting.
All attendees were familiar with the IPR Policy. An opportunity was provided for members to identify or disclose patents essential to the standards under development and there was no response.
The chair reviewed the agenda for the call (11-06/544r0). The agenda was accepted with no changes.
- Discussion of TGs security based on the following or any more recentversions available:
"The Mesh Security Problem", 11-06/483r0
"Function Oriented Mesh Security", 11-06/493r0
- Discussion of the agenda for the May 2006, Jacksonville, meeting andthe tentative TGs ad hoc meeting 13-15 June.
The chair opened the topic on TGs security by asking if anyone has updated security presentations to discuss or comments on the presentations made during the March meeting.
- Due to all of the recent and ongoing letter ballots in the 802.11 WG, no updated presentations were available at the time of the call.
- Presentation authors plan to come back with an updated presentation by the May meeting to address comments received on 11-06/483r0 during the March meeting.
The tentative May meeting Agenda, document 11-06/0544,was reviewed by the Chair.
- In summary it allows…
Administrivia and Status
TG Process Discussion
Resolution of Informal Review Comments
Opportunity for Other Technical Presentations
Special Session on Security
Tuesday Morning
Process and Teleconferences/Ad-Hoc Meetings Discussion and Votes
Resolution of Informal Review Comments
- The chair had requested 7 meeting slots during the May meeting, but only received 5 slots. (Chair noted that all task groups received less time than requested). All timeslots are clustered at the beginning of the week. The chair mentioned that he is investigating ways to improve the schedule (e.g. by swapping a meeting slot for a slot later in the week), but no guarantee that this will be possible.
- No changes were suggested to the agenda given the currently allocated meeting slots.
Given the restricted meeting time during the May meeting, the chair suggested it will likely be useful to hold the tentative ad-hoc face-to-face meeting 13-15 June (location tbd), which was approved at the March 802.11 WG meeting, to provide sufficient time to work on resolution of informal review comments.
-The location for the face-to-face must be announced at least 30 days prior to the meeting (by May 12th in this case). Thus the chair requested that anyone who would like to host the ad-hoc meeting should send a mail to the TGs reflector and/or directly to .
-The decision to hold the ad-hoc meeting and its location should be made by or at the time of the TGs teleconference scheduled on May 10th in order to allow the meeting details to be announced by the May 12th deadline.
The chair noted that no informal comments have yet been received from the call for comments. Reminder that comments are due by May 1st and should be sent to both and .
The chair noted that two more TGs teleconferences are scheduled before the May meeting, on 26 April and 10 May. There was a consensus not to cancel either of them.
The Chair adjourned the call at 11:21 EDT.
Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
Guido Hiertz
Steven Conner
Jorjeta Jetcheva
Jesse Walker
Huihui Wang
Osama Aboul-Magd
Dominic Paulraj
Steve Dentiniea
Submissionpage 1W. Steven Conner, Intel Corp.