Project Title:

An Innovative UDL Professional Development System:

Leveraging Technology, Data, and Universal Design for Learning Principles to Improve Teaching and Learning in Literacy


UDL PLC Meeting September 11, 2012

ESS Room 114 4-6pm

Overarching Meeting Goals: Define the role of the UDL PLC Members, Coaches and Facilitators, Review essential resources, Identify next steps for BCPS UDL PLC teams


I. 4:05-4:10pm--Review of Project Goals

·  To focus on improved student achievement in one or two identified areas of literacy.

·  To align UDL and research-based literacy instructional practices across content areas through the utilization of the UDL-PDS.

·  To show initial indicators of positive change in educator beliefs, knowledge, and skills related to UDL and literacy instructional approaches.

II. 4:10-4:20pm--Role of PLC Members…PLC members will:

ü  be open to learning more about UDL and implementation

ü  participate in school and county PLC meetings and PDs

ü  be an active presence within the UDL Community: at their school, in the county, online via UDL Connect

ü  provide the following deliverables by December 2012:

o  completed UDL BKP Survey (2x),

o  at least one lesson and one collection posted in UDL Exchange (with post lesson reflection),

o  review/observe lesson designed by a colleague (provide feedback in Exchange)

o  create an action plan for future implementation

III. 4:20-4:30pm--Role of UDL Coach (school specific)…UDL Coaches will:

ü  Assist in PLC facilitation

ü  Support lesson development

ü  Conduct observations, upon request

ü  Provide online support through UDL Connect

ü  Communicate with school leadership

ü  Participate in district team meetings

III. 4:30-4:40--Role of UDL Facilitator…UDL Facilitator will:

ü  Coordinate county UDL PDS Project

ü  Serve as a liaison between CAST and district

ü  Share options for participating in state and national events/learning opportunities about UDL

ü  Design PLC agendas and assist in facilitation

ü  Support lesson development

ü  Conduct observations, upon request

ü  Provide online support through UDL Connect

ü  Communicate with school and district leadership

ü  Coordinate district team meetings

IV. 4:40-4:55-- Supports for PLC Teams:

1.  Schedule Review (see document: BCPS Next Steps- September-December 2012)

2.  PLC Meetings

3.  In-school support

4.  Access to online tools


V. 5:15-5:30--UDL Exchange Review (please continue eating J)!

·  Organization: Browse, Build, Feature Guide

·  Our Focus: Lesson builder, Shared with me

·  “Fixes” --updated home page, "discover" renamed to "browse", searching improved, build page look, searching, and creating new items improvements, can add a new resource while in the middle of editing a lesson or collection, spell checking, feature guide updated, bug fixes, design/layout improvements

VI. 5:30-5:45--UDL Connect Review

·  Review of BCPS page organization

·  Features: Replying to a discussion forum, Reviewing pages, Sending messages to group

VII. 5:45-6:00--Looking Ahead and Q & A

·  Stipends: Teachers must sign in and complete Excel spreadsheet with ID # at each meeting

·  MAG Conference-November 14-16th, 2012

·  MSDE CPD Course-Winter/Spring, 2012

·  September-December 2012 Schedule

Important Upcoming Dates:

In-School Support Week of 17th-21st (PGMS-9.18, LMS-9.19)

Complete UDL BKP #2 Week of 24th-28th (link to be emailed)

PLC Meeting #2:

·  Lansdowne, Tuesday, October 2nd, 3-4pm

·  Pine Grove, Wednesday, October 3rd, 3-4pm


ETB 9/4/2012