Sunday, December 3, 2017 - 10:30 a.m.

U Indicates those who are able to, please stand

Bold type indicates congregational response

Hearing Assistance Devices and Large Print Bulletins are available from the ushers


If they wish, worshippers are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary before our service begins to light a prayer candle.



Candle liturgy

Hymn No. 6 verse 1

A candle is burning, a flame warm and bright,

A candle of hope in December's dark night.

While angels sing blessings from heaven's starry sky,

Our hearts we prepare now for Jesus is nigh.


UHYMN NO. 654 (Tune:686) “All My Hope is Firmly Grounded”


In every season of life,

God is always with us, even when we believe otherwise.

In this season of waiting,

Jesus reminds us that Bethlehem is the beginning of our discipleship, not the end of the journey.

In this season of Advent anticipation and hope,

The Spirit opens our ears to the songs of the angels.

Come, let us worship.

We will worship and give praise, to God, who taught us when we pray to say... Our Father…Amen.

UHYMN NO. 73 “The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy”

(Children may come to the front, if they wish, during the singing of the last verse for a conversation time.)


UHYMN NO. 2 “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”




We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, Creator;

In grateful devotion our tribute we bring.

We lay it before you; we kneel and adore you;

We bless your holy name, glad praises we sing.

SCRIPTURE Isaiah 64:1-9

ANTHEM “Eat This Bread”

MESSAGE “We Wait, We Look, God Comes to Us”



Communion Hymn NO. 459 vs. 1,2 “Here, O My Lord”


Bread and wine silently speak of a new realm.

Table and followers silently speak of a new community.

Breaking and pouring silently speak of rebirth.

Sharing and communing silently speak of rebuilding.

Lord, make this bread the means of our rebuilding, this wine the medium of our transformation, this table the foundation of our renewal, and this community the place of our rebirth.

Lord, create in us the presence of your Spirit, that we will be reborn as your children.

And so, breaking bread as Jesus did, my body broken for you.

Strengthen our faith O Lord.

Taking wine as Jesus did, the new covenant making all things new.

O God, let the tasting and eating of it all be the rebuilding for the world.

The elements are distributed.

Post Communion Prayer

Come, Spirit, and set this bread and wine apart. As we share it here today it becomes for us, not just a small reminder of the whole life of Jesus, but the feast of love and the full story of your way. Then, as young and old, we all become your family gathered, and no one is forgotten. Set us forth to do your will we pray. Amen.

UHYMN NO. 8 “Lo, How a Rose ‘ere Blooming”



Till we gather again, God be with you.

Till we gather again, God be with you.

May He give you His love, give you His kindness,

keep you in perfect peace.

God be with you till we meet again.



Rev. Matthew Penny

Director of Music: Alan Davidson

Lector: Catherine (Sutherland) Guida

Ushers: Catherine Guida, Wendy M. Allen, Chuck & Kathy Joynt

Lift Operator: Matt Davidson

Coffee Hour Hosts: Paul & Marie Pickering

Everyone is invited for a Time of Fellowship downstairs.

Coffee, Tea or Juice will be available.

Our Condolences to the families of:

  • Elsie Randall, who passed away on Sunday, November 26.
  • Eva Marlatt, who passed away on Monday, November 27.

Elsie and Eva will be missed by their extended family here at Lambeth UC.

Condolences to Ron & Shelly Martindale and family. Ron’s mother, Anne, passed away November 25.



FundScrip – Place your order at coffee hour. Order forms are available in the narthex. Next order date: December 17

December Promotions: If you order any of the following cash cards, LUC will receive a higher rebate than normal – Esso, Cdn. Tire, American Eagle, Winners/Marshalls/HomeSense, La Vie en Rose, Hudson’s Bay, Stokes, Bikini Village, Home Outfitters, Think Kitchen, Old Navy/Gap/Banana Republic, WaySpa, Joey Restaurents, PetSmart, Sunglass Hut

Christmas Poinsettia: Final day…place your orders during coffee hour.

Celtic Christmas With Canadian Celtic Choir SOLD OUT

This Week….

Monday, December 4

9:30 a.m. Art Class (Auditorium)

Tuesday, December 5

6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Brownies (Auditorium)

6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Pathfinders

6:30 p.m. Re’Bell’ious (Youth Bell Choir)

7:00 p.m. Bicentennial Bells Rehearsal

Wednesday, December 6

11:00 a.m. Ageless Grace (Auditorium)

7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Faithweavers & Youth-i-corns (Youth Room)

Evening – Wrapping gifts for Chaplaincy Christmas Party (Auditorium)

– If you are available to help, please contact Betty Poole

7:00 p.m. UCW Evening Unit – caroling at Ashwood Manor…

then to Sharon Moore’s, 51 Marianna Dr. for Christmas Cheer.

Please bring something to share.

Thursday, December 7

10:30 a.m. ROMEOs (Parlour)

1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Line Dancing Class (Auditorium)

6:30 p.m. Guides (Auditorium)

7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Friday, December 8

7:00 p.m. Movie Night The Yearly Classic “White Christmas”

Come and Enjoy…Free admission…Snacks available to purchase

Saturday, December 9

Cookie Walk 10.00 a.m. ‘til Noon

We are looking for bakers to make Christmas treats suitable to serve on a festive tray. They can be cookies, tarts, shortbread, squares or your favourite special Christmas sweets. We ask that you cut squares into small serving pieces and have them to the church Friday morning or Saturday by 9 a.m. If your baking needs to be refrigerated, please leave in church fridge. If it has a name ie: "dream cake squares" let us know. All baking will be sold for $10 a pound. Please no Rice Krispy squares or chocolate chip cookies as in this case they do not sell.

Santa will be there for pictures. This event was a big success last year and we are hoping to top it. If baking is not something you like to do, then please come out to shop, bring a friend, tell everyone.

Janet Brent and Wendy Barbour

Sunday, December 10 – White Gift Service

10:30 a.m. Worship & Sunday School

This year, our gifts will go to help the London Community Chaplaincy and their Christmas hamper program. The need is for basic food stuffs such as pancake mix and syrup, for baby wipes and the like, for dry goods that can be packed in a box (not too heavy) and delivered by the volunteers before Christmas. Please bring your unwrapped donations on December 10 and be prepared to put them under the Christmas tree during the offering time. Thank you for your ongoing, loving response to those in need.


Robbie Burns Evening

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Watch for info


LUC Family Christmas Tree: All ornaments on the Christmas Tree in the narthex have been donated by members of Lambeth United. If you haven’t yet and would like to have an ornament on the tree, please bring and place in the box under the tree. Don’t forget to include your families’ name. All ornaments are photographed and recorded so we know from year to year which family donated them.

Bazaar FYI: The 2017 Holly Berry Bazaar was very successful again this year! Thank you to everyone who helped make this event happen. The profit of $12,224.18 will help your UCW donate to the United Church Mission and Services Fund, Camp Kee-Mo-Kee, London Community Chaplaincy, Canadian Foodgrain Bank, Global Health, Mission Services of London, Women’s Community House, Salvation Army, Wellspring London, My Sisters’ Place and Salthaven. The 2018 Bazaar will be held Saturday, November 10.

Connie Amos & Marie Black

For other events and happenings in the area

check Red Bulletin Board

in hallway downstairs


How You Can Become Involved…

Annual Chaplaincy Christmas Party – You can help by donating funds for the Outreach Committee to purchase $20 gift cards for the teens. Note “Chaplaincy Christmas” on the Other line of your offering envelope and enclose the funds. Funds are needed by TODAY.

Ongoing LUC Outreach Activities

·  Support Daily Bread Food Bank - by bringing non-perishable goods and placing in the boxes at each door. High Priority Items: fresh produce that doesn’t need refrigeration, soups, canned vegetables and tuna, diapers size 4,5, and 6. Alternately, you may make a cash donation using your offering envelope. Please write “Daily Bread” on the line marked Other.

·  Wondering what to do with your old prescription eyeglasses? Bring them to the church and put in one of the containers in the narthex. We are partnering with the Rotary Club of Lambeth

·  Women’s Community House - Always needed: paper towels, toilet paper, shampoo, toiletries etc. Place your donations in the appropriate box near south auditorium door.

·  London Community Chaplaincy – Sign up to help with the monthly meals for the Homework Club. See sign-up sheet on UCW bulletin board outside of parlour. Of course, you can also make financial donations using your offering envelope. Write “Chaplaincy” on the line marked Other.

Prayer Circle Q

Prayer request forms (blue) are located in the pewsand narthex.

To make a request place the completed form

in the prayer request box located in the narthex

or e-mail Matthew ().

You may also request Matthew to include the person

in the pastoral prayer on Sunday.

Being a “Caring” Community…

Lambeth United will be a place with an open door policy in regards to the sharing of information about members and adherents with other members and adherents. Within the constraints of the law, we will publish the names of those in hospital in the bulletin and hold them up in prayer. This will be done only with the express permission of the person, or their immediate family. If you would appreciate the prayers of the community, or to have the congregation informed of a hospital stay, or other life celebration, then please let one of the staff know, or use the little cards in the pews to indicate a desire for prayers. We will do our utmost to ensure that privacy is respected. And we will do our utmost to ensure that Lambeth United continues to be a community that shows respect, love and support for everyone.

E-mail Addresses at Lambeth United

Rev. Matthew Penny:

Alan Davidson (Music Director):

Jan Linner (Parish Advocate):

Emily Oudyk (Interim Youth Leader):

Address: 4268 Colonel Talbot Road,

London, ON N6P 1A2

Phone: 519-652-2093


website: www.lambethunitedchurch.ca


RELAX: You can be assured you will never be centred out, never embarrassed. Our service is user friendly. Just follow the bulletin or the verbal instructions

DRESS: As you wish. Remember that God looks at the heart. God loves variety.

KIDS: We try to have something for every child. Questions? Ask an usher. Ask the Minister

SING: Music is a big part of our service. But we recognize that some folks don’t enjoy singing. That’s fine. Enjoy the words!

DRINKS: Are on the house. After the service linger awhile. Enjoy the fellowship.

TELL: Use the information cards provided in the pews to tell us your needs. Put the cards on the offering plate.

OFFERING: If you are a guest with us, please don’t feel obligated to participate in the offering. This is a time when regular members give to God and God’s work through Lambeth United. If you are a guest with us today, this service is a gift to you.

Lambeth United, from time to time, records events and worship in audio, still pictures, and video recordings. These are used mostly in house to archive events and the many people who worship and gather in this place. From time to time, these events may be posted on the church’s YouTube Channel. If you have a strong aversion to you or your child being photographed, please speak to one of the ushers, or one of the ministers prior to the event.

Address: 4268 Colonel Talbot Road,

London, ON N6P 1A2

Phone: 519-652-2093


website: www.lambethunitedchurch.ca