NOTES of the meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 10th December 2015 at All Saints Church, Hough on the Hill.

Present: Cllr R Kingscott (in the Chair), Cllrs. Milne, Morgan and Ramsden, Dist Cllr Bob Sampson and + 2 members of the public.

52/15.There were no public requesting discussion at the public forum.

53/15.The Chairman asked Sonia Nevin to give a short introduction about herself to the Councillors and her reasons for wishing to join the PC. She confirmed that she was qualified for the position of a Councillor. Mr Steve Hesketh also gave a bit of background about himself in readiness for co-option at the March meeting. It was proposed by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Morgan that Sonia Nevin be co-opted onto the Parish Council and she then took her seat at the table.

54/15.Apologies for absence from Cllr P Miley.

55/15.There were no declarations of interest.

56/15.Minutes for the meeting held on 24th September had been read and after a slight alteration, were approved, and it was resolved that they be signed.


S15/0862 – wind turbines at Thackson Well Farm, Long Bennington – refused.

Wind turbine at Bellevue Farm, Carlton Scroop – appeal lodged.

S15/1765 – application for 10 wind turbines at Fulbeck Airfield – not yet determined.

S15/2537 – additional correspondence from Axis dated 19.11.15 had been circulated.

S15/2761 - Chair advised that an application has been lodged for a barn conversion to houses at Grange Farm on the C001 at Hougham. Councillors may wish to look at the application online.

58/15.Playing field:

Awaiting reports for November and December. Cllr Morgan pointed out that the contact telephone number on the gate sign is out of date. Chairman will see if he can update it.

Clerk to send play area report form to next person. Schedule is Cllr Milne for January 2016, Cllr Nevin for February, and Cllr Ramsden for March. Cllr Nevin stated that the kickerboards

need attention as they are constantly coming loose and nails stick out, which is dangerous.

Clerk to chase Wicksteed regarding annual inspection.

Clerk advised Councillors of the 3 quotes for the next 3 years grass-cutting contract. Councillors would prefer to stay with the local contractor and Clerk was asked to enquire of him, if he could reduce his quote. It was resolved that the final decision would be made by e-mail discussions.

It was agreed that Marilyn Taylor could speak to the meeting with regard to the play area grants– An SKDC grant for £4,546 has been approved and the LCC Big Society Award for £200 has already been paid to us. These grants, with £936 from the PC, provide the funding for the agreed MUGA, if put on to grass. In order to get the area tarmacked, further applications have been made to the Lottery Fund for £7,000 and the Playing Field Legacy Fund for £882. A WREN application will be made, as a fallback position. Council resolved unanimously to go ahead with these grants and to have the area tarmacked so long as it was funded by Grants. Marilyn Taylor had provided a Minute and it was resolved to accept it – as follows:

We are very pleased to note the positive outcome of the SKDC grant application for £4,546 and the LCC Big Society Award of £200. We now await the result of further grant applications to cover the full cost of the HAGS SMP MUGA unit with the hard-surface playing area (total cost with court markings £13,295 plus VAT reclaimable). Progress with grant applications to the Lottery Awards for All (£7000) and the Playing Fields Legacy Fund (£882) is noted.

It is agreed that an application also be made to WREN for £7,667 with Marilyn Taylor acting as the head contact and the Parish Clerk acting as the secondary contact. The Parish Council agrees to make the required “Contributing Third Party” payment of £824.26 to “FCC Environment” if the grant application is successful. The Chairman is authorised to provide a letter confirming this commitment. The PC also authorises the Chairman and Cllr Ramsden to act as validators of the WREN application when it is submitted. The PC’s maximum financial contribution to the scheme remains capped at £1,500 although it is anticipated that the final figure is likely to be considerably below this limit, recognising that VAT charges will need to be funded until the following financial year when they can be reclaimed and that some grant awards (or percentages thereof) may be held back until scheme completion.

Marilyn Taylor thanked the Clerk for her assistance.

59/15.Road safety:

The C001 has unlimited speed restrictions (ie 60 mph) and the Archer survey has shown that the average speed was under 40 mph with 85% being under 50 mph. Highways say it is a marginal case and will be looked at in the new year.


[a] SKDC has put shields on the lights at the green Gelston but the one nearest to Belvoir Cottage is not satisfactory and the light is still very bright. Clerk to ask SKDC to angle the light downwards to take light away from the property and/or increase the black ‘capping’ or put in a proper shield.

[b] The willow tree at The School House in Lower Road has been trimmed back slightly and is better. Agreed to leave this matter for now.

[c] Since reporting the two registration numbers to Mountains, the lorries thundering through Gelston and Hough has reduced – agreed to leave for now.

[d] The new 30 mph sign at Hough on the Hill is now in place.

61/15.Drainage in Brandon

Chairman reported that the Drainage Board will only intervene if there is a flooding issue. Chair will monitor and if necessary ask them to intervene.

62/15.Phone kiosks and defibrillators

The defibs for Gelston and Brandon have now been delivered and are awaiting installation. Training is set for 11.1.16 at The Brownlow Arms. Cllr Milne was asked to get more detailed information as to how the VETS system works. Thanks to Parishioners who have contributed to the ongoing costs of the defibrillators.


Cllr Miley will deal with this matter in the new year – to get the preferred noticeboards will require grant funding. Clerk to see if anything is available.


Feedback has been excellent. Agreed that the next Newsletter will go out prior to the Annual Parish Meeting in March. The Brownlow Arms has offered sponsorship.

65/15. Gelston Green – Cllr Morgan reported that there are bushes along the roadside banks that need cutting back. It was pointed out that there are 2 dead bushes which should be removed. It was resolved to allow up to £120 for the entire work and Cllr Morgan will discuss options with Mr Flowers accordingly.

66/15.Financial matters:

The following payments were authorised and a cheque drawn and signed: Church Community Area Hire £15; BACS payment for Clerks expenses £18.34.

Clerk produced a bank reconciliation and receipts/payments schedule at 30.11.15– resolved to accept and sign the same.

Clerk had produced actual 2014/15 figures and projected 2015/16 figures to assist the Councillors in agreeing a precept figure for 2016/17. Cllr Milne advised that the Clerk should have an increase in salary – Clerk to bring the salary scales list to the next meeting. Proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Cllr Morgan and agreed unanimously that the precept be increased by a nominal 2%.

67/15.Correspondence: none to hand.

68/15. The only matter requiring urgent attention was whether there could be a dog show at the next Village Fete? Agenda this for the March meeting.

69/15.Presentations from invited speakers:

Cllr Sampson stated that a meeting had been held between 5 representatives, with a government representative and it had been agreed that the matter of a devolved authority will go forward. This will involve all Lincolnshire Districts, Lincoln City and the two Unitary Authorities in North Lincs.

Local Economy Partnership with Cambridgeshire is still being talked about.

On 19.11.15 Mid UK Recycling held an exercise with the Fire Brigade and other multi agencies (15) for emergency procedures. More measures are to be employed regarding the piles of recycled material. Methods are to be put in place for emergency services to advise residents if any emergency operations are required.

Cllr Sampson advised that we should push ahead to get the speed restrictions on the C001.

He also advised that Fulbeck PC use the VETS system and it is used for other injuries aside from the heart/defibrillator. The PC there does fund the system.

The Fulbeck Airfield Committee decision will not take place until February 2016 and it is anticipated that the wind turbines and straw storage applications will be held at the same meeting.

70/15.Next meeting: 17th March 2016 with the Annual Parish Meeting at 7 pm and the regular meeting at 7.30 pm in All Saints Church, Hough.

The AGM will be held at 7.30 pm on 12th May 2016 and the regular meeting will follow that.

Meeting closed at 9.20 pm.