September 30, 2016

Dear Public Affairs Director,

As you no doubt know from recent news stories, lead exposure is a critical public health concern across the country. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development have declared Oct. 23-29, 2016, Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.

As part of this effort, the American Water Works Association has developed a 30-second PSA that brings special awareness to the issue of lead in water. The PSA encourages consumers to find out if they have lead pipes on their property or lead plumbing in their homes and consider addressing the issue. Spanish and English versions of the PSA are available.

Please help us create public awareness about this important issue by airing the PSA from Oct. 1, 2016–April 2017.

Thank you for your help, and please don’t hesitate to contact me or visit our website at if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Deirdre Mueller, Senior Communications Manager

American Water Works Association,

6666 West Quincy Ave, Denver, CO 80235

Direct Line: 303-347-6140


Lead Poisoning Prevention PSA Script

Lead Poisoning Prevention Week PSA script -- :30 sec spot

English Version

[sound of person taking a drink of water]

Ahhhh…refreshing tap water!

Water utilities perform thousands of tests to ensure your tap water is safe to drink. But we can all play a role in keeping it that way.

If you think there may be lead in your home plumbing, or in the pipe connecting your home to the water system, contact your water utility or plumber. Together, let’s get the lead out.

Learn more at

This message is brought to you by the American Water Works Association.

Spanish Version

[sound of person taking a drink of water]
Ahhhh… ¡me encanta el agua del grifo!

Las empresas de agua realizan cientos de pruebas para asegurarse de que el agua del grifo sea segura. Todos podemos colaborar.

Si usted sospecha que puede haber pIomo en la tubería de su casa, o en la conexión de su casa al sistema público, entre en contacto con la empresa de agua o con un fontanero. Juntos, podemos eliminar el plomo.
Para saber más, visite

Este es un mensaje de la American Water Works Association.