Hyndland Primary School

Additional Support

for Learning



The Scottish Executive introduced the Additional Support for Learning Act in 2004. Amended 2010

Glasgow City Council puts The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 at

the heart of its commitment to equal opportunities, social inclusion and early intervention.

The Council’s policy ‘Every Child is Included’ recognises that there may be a broad range of factors and circumstances, over the short or long term which give rise to a child or young person requiring additional support to promote learning and all round development.

Each establishment is required to produce and keep under review a policy on provision for children with additional support needs. This policy is derived from the Council’s policy ‘Every Child is Included’ and will take account of the particular circumstances of this establishment.

Our school policy outlines how Hyndland Primary School will meet our duties under the new legislation. As with all our practice, it is dependent on a successful relationship with parents, carers and our children. I hope you find the contents of this document helpful to you.

Ms J. Laville


Hyndland Primary School

Additional Support for Learning

As children and young people progress on their journey through life, some may have temporary difficulties, some may live with challenges and some may experience more complex issues.

Sometimes they – and their families – are going to need help and support.

No matter where they live or whatever their needs, children, young people and their families should always know where they can find help, what support might be available and whether that help is right for them.

The Getting it right for every child approach ensures that anyone providing that support puts the child or young person – and their family – at the centre.

Getting it right for every child is important for everyone who works with children and young people – as well as many people who work with adults who look after children. Practitioners need to work together to support families, and where appropriate, take early action at the first signs of any difficulty – rather than only getting involved when a situation has already reached crisis point.

This means working across organisational boundaries and putting children and their families at the heart of decision making – and giving all our children and young people the best possible start in life.

We, in Hyndland Primary believe they should be:

Safe… / protected from abuse, neglect or harm
Healthy… / experiencing the highest standards of physical and mental health, and supported to make healthy, safe choices
Achieving… / receiving support and guidance in their learning – boosting their skills, confidence and self-esteem
Nurtured… / having a nurturing and stimulating place to live and grow
Active… / having opportunities to take part in a wide range of activities – helping them to build a fulfilling and happy future
Respected… / to be given a voice and involved in the decisions that affect their well-being
Responsible… / taking an active role within their schools and communities
Included… / getting help and guidance to overcome social, educational, physical and economic inequalities; accepted as full members of the communities in which they live and learn

The Well-Being Wheel

With these indicators in mind, we plan support for all children.

Provision for Additional Support Needs

General Classroom Practice

All classroom teachers have a contractual and statutory duty to address the learning needs of all the children in their class. For the majority of children their additional support needs are met by effective learning and teaching and appropriate differentiation.

Assessment of Additional Support Needs

• The class teachers are the first line assessors of a child’s additional support needs and will differentiate the curriculum or teaching strategies accordingly.

Examples of this include:

i. enhanced explanation of tasks to vulnerable children

ii. group teaching

iii. reduced volume of work

iv. differentiated outcomes or expectations

v. differentiated teaching materials

vi. differentiated tasks

vii. active learning

viii. more tightly structured learning programmes, allowing for slower pace of learning

ix. collaborative tasks offering peer support

x. additional support from class teacher

xi. additional support from Pupil Support Assistant

xii. close involvement of parents/carers as co-educators through the homework programme

The Additional Support Needs Co-ordinator for this school is Mrs. Catherine McQuarrie.

The Educational Psychologist is Mr Sam March.

As required in Council policy ‘Every Child is Included’, this school uses a Staged Intervention approach to meeting the needs of children and young people. Any planning

will depend on the stage of intervention.

In accordance with the authority policy, the planning document to be used will be the Additional Support Plan. This will be signed by the head teacher and will be kept under regular review. The ASPs are written by class teachers and reviewed by Catherine McQuarrie and Catherine Harte. We will review these at three points in the year, November, March and June.

Our Additional Support for Learning Team

Ms Catherine Harte Management of ASL

Mrs C. McQuarrie Additional Support Needs Co-ordinator

Ms K. McLaughlin ASL Teacher (Part-time)

Mrs R. Smithson EAL Teacher (Part-time)

Mrs P. Roberton Pupil Support Assistant

Mr T. Gavin Pupil Support Assistant

Mrs J. McAuley Pupil Support Assistant

Mrs K. McGhee Pupil Support Assistant

Mrs L. McGregor Pupil Support Assistant

Mrs A. Carrick Pupil Support Assistant (Part-time)

Mrs A. Jenkins Pupil Support Assistant (Part-time)

Management of Additional Support Needs

When staff recognise that a child needs additional support, they complete form SN1 and return to Ms Catherine Harte DHT. This will then be discussed with the ASL team to identify the next steps for the child. The ASL team of teachers, led by Mrs Catherine McQuarrie, meet weekly to discuss how children can best be supported. Class teachers are then given form SN2, which outlines the planned support. We share our skills and resources with class teachers in order that the child can be best supported at all times.

• Where a child’s additional needs can be met by differentiated responses under the management of the class teacher there is no requirement for an Additional Support Plan. For these children educational progress is recorded by the class teacher in our routine system e.g. through the use of forward planning (Stage 1 of the Intervention Model.) The teacher may ask for advice on additional strategies and/or resources from a member of

the Management Team, including from Mrs McQuarrie, the additional Support Needs Co-ordinator. Parents will be informed of the additional attention through routine Parent Teacher Liaison.

• If, however, the assessed additional support needs require prioritised input from school managed resources, such as: English as an Additional Language (EAL) specialist, Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator or other member of the management team, support with developing gross and fine motor skills for at least a school term, it may be necessary to identify short-term outcomes in order to establish progress (Stage 2 of the Intervention Model) At this stage the class teacher and Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator should complete an internal referral


• Additional local authority intervention, outwith the direct management of the school, would require an Additional Support Plan (ASP) to be drawn up (Stage 3 of the Intervention Model). This could include direct input from external specialist services e.g. Sensory Support Service, Psychological Services, Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service.

• If a child’s additional support needs also require input from social work services and or health, an ASP would be drafted (Stage 4 of the Intervention Model). Some children may meet the criteria for a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP). Consideration of CSP criteria will be given when reviewing the ASP of each child at stage 4. If appropriate, a CSP criteria review will be called, with representation/reports from all agencies, as well as parents and school staff. The decision as to whether a Co-ordinated Support Plan is required will be taken by the Area Education Manager, based on the information provided by the school and other agencies. Children who have a CSP will also have an ASP.

• The Additional Support Plan will identify the child’s significant additional support needs and the interventions which will address them.

• The plans are overseen by a member of the senior management team, usually the Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator, and will be drawn up in full consultation with parents/carers and the child. The contribution of children and parents/carers to achieving the learning outcomes and the views of parent/carers and children will be sought. The outcomes will be appended to the Planning and Reporting Framework (PRF) document recorded on SEEMIS by the Additional Support for Learning Coordinator.

This will be the key document shared with agencies at Stage 4 on the Staged Intervention process.

• The school has the responsibility to monitor the implementation of the plans. Progress against the short term learning outcomes within an Additional Support Plan or Coordinated Support Plan will be reviewed as agreed at the initial planning meeting. An annual review of plans will be held, attended by relevant school staff and specialist services, parent and carers and the child or their advocate if appropriate. It is best practice that the class teacher takes cognisance of the short term outcomes and agreed strategies when planning tasks. He/she will therefore review these outcomes in discussion with the Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator (Mrs McQuarrie) at the agreed points in the school session. While the short term outcomes will be included in the class planning folder, the whole ASP and PRF, with all other reports and minutes from meetings, will be stored securely in individual pupil folders.

• It is recognised that the staged intervention record for the school is a constantly evolving document. It is hoped that the appropriate supports may allow some children to be recorded at Stages 1 or 2 for finite periods. Some will continue to cause concern. Planning evident at stages 1 and 2 will provide evidence for referral to external agencies at stages 3 and 4. Equally, where supports from external agencies are no longer appropriate, the child will move to stages 2 or 1 or may no longer require to be recorded.

In consultation with class teachers and other members of the management team, the Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator (Mrs McQuarrie) will update the Staged Intervention level record at least once each term (more frequently as occasion arises) and will copy the information to all staff each term. This information will inform discussion of forward plans with the Senior Management Team as part of the monitoring process.

• It is recognised that some children will present with urgent issues that may require placing straight at level 3 or 4 on the staged intervention record, due to emergency


• We have clear plans to support the transition of a child with additional support needs into or out of our establishment in line with timescales set within Council policy. The Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator, Mrs McQuarrie will act as the principal point of contact and co-ordinator of the transition of a named child or young person and will collaborate with other relevant professionals to ensure a successful transition process. The co-ordinator will ensure that parents/carers and child or young person are fully involved and informed at all stages of the process. These enhanced arrangements may be applicable to some children at Stages 1 and 2 on the Staged Intervention model, in addition to all at Stages 3 and 4.

This school is committed to meeting the additional support needs of all its children. The depute Headteacher, Catheirne Harte or Additional Support for Learning Co-ordinator (Mrs McQuarrie) will endeavour to provide information related to a child’s learning and teaching and will hopefully be able to answer any questions or reassure parents about any concerns or issues they may have. If we still cannot resolve the concerns of parents they will be advised as to whom should be contacted depending on the nature of the ongoing concern.

Mediation and Dispute Resolution

We, at Hyndland are very proud of our excellent relationship with parents as we work together to support learning. We are happy to discuss issues with parents as they arise, at any time. In the unfortunate event of us not being able to resolve an issue, we will co-operate fully with the Mediation and Dispute Resolution process. However, we would always strive to minimise parental concerns by ensuring that our approach to addressing additional support needs is clearly stated and understood by all and underpinned by a robust assessment and intervention programme which reflects the partnership between home and school.

Hyndland Primary School
Name of Child / Young person / Class/Group/Stage / D.O.B.
Member of Staff / Curricular Area / Date
Area(s) to be addressed / Tick
Progress in learning
Social, emotional, behavioural
Sensory impairment
Motor impairment
Communication and Language
Concern highlighted by / Tick
Head of Establishment
Depute Head of Establishment
Faculty Head
Principal Teacher
Child Development Team Leader
Child Development Officer
Support for Learning
Pastoral Care
Behaviour Support
Head of Year Group
Parent/ Carer
Child / Young person
Other professional [Specify]
Support Options / Tick
Discussion with ASL Team re strategies/programmes
Individual Support
Group Support
Strengths of Child / Young Person
Detail of concern(s) / Strategies employed – past and present / Date commenced / Impact to date

Date passed to ASL Co-ordinator ______