WarmSpringsMiddle School

2015-2016 Band Contract, Guidelines Policies


Check the band website calendar for more dates and activities

MANDATORY Evening Concerts: 1) Thursday,November 5, 2015 @ Warm Springs MS

ALL BAND LEVELS 2) Wednesday,March 9, 2016 @ Warm Springs MS

 3) Thursday, May 19, 2016 @ Warm Springs MS


MANDATORY Evening Concerts

Symphonic + Intermediate Bands:  Music Festival: Thurs, Mar. 10 &17, 2016 @ site TBASymphonic + Intermediate Bands:  District Concert: April TBA 2016 @ VMHS HS

Symphonic Band Only  Open House: Tues, Mar. 15, 2016 @ WSMS MPR

Symphonic Band Only  Disney Studios: Fri, Mar. TBA 2016 @ Disney Studios

***Concert ATTENDANCE POLICY FOR MVUSD Middle School Bands***

Attendance at Concerts + Performances + Extra Rehearsals

Attendance at all performances is mandatory. Concerts are recorded as TESTS. Missing a mandatory performance will result in the loss ofone full lettergrade based on the district grading rubric for performing arts courses. Concerts are the goalstudents are workingtoward each semesterand are our primary opportunity to share our art with our families and community.

  • UNEXCUSED ABSENCES affect a student’s grade one full letter gradewith NO make-up points possible.
  • ONLY EXCUSED ABSENCES (Serious Illness,death in the family or quarantine of the home), per Ed Code, are given Research Paper make-up opportunities.
  • Excused Absences require make-up research papers 5-6 pgs, typed double-spaced, 12 pt. font (details on per absence basis). A PHONE CALL from a parent explaining special circumstances is required PRIOR to performance date for student to be excused. If serious illness (no colds or sore throats) or family emergency happens at the last minute, inform Ms. Cowan as soon as possible, even if it’s after the performance.
  • Make up research papers are not punitive. Like other classes, a missed math test, science lab etc. must be made up, not simply waived because of an absence. Band performances are identical to other academic exams; an excused absence must be made up. Again, unexcused absences will not be given a makeup opportunity.
  • FAMILY“emergencies” MUST be verified by parent/guardian with personal contact to director via phone or visit.

Emails and written notes will not be accepted as verification of excused absences.Stating “Family Emergency” does not necessarily qualify anexcused absence. Family vacations, sporting events, etc. are not considered excused absences under MVUSD policy and therefore will not be given makeup opportunities. Your child should be in schoolas well as the concert! MVUSD provides multiple vacation opportunities per academic calendar year.

Joining band, the student makes a commitment as a member of a team. Full participation is expected of all students.

PLAN AHEAD. Unacceptable absences include scheduling conflicts (including sports) and family vacations that should have been avoided.Notify your coaches well in advance of your performance dates. There are few concerts to create a concern (only one in fall and 2-4 in the spring, depending on group enrolled).DO NOT miss scholastic commitments for sports activities.Most coaches understand if you tell them in advance. If you have a problem with a coach, notify Ms. Cowan immediately to resolve the conflict. Please make a habit of keeping a year-long calendar. Events may seem too far in the future to worry about now, but you don’t want anything sneaking up on you. Make every effort to ensure that your child can attend all mandatory events. After elementary school, students become more accountable for their activities in school. This year’s schedule is listed at the top of the first page of this document. ALL DATES ARE FINAL, but you will receive more detailed instructions before each concert. *The Storm Game and Disney dates are still pending.*

CONCERT BAND FESTIVALS: Symphonic Band + Intermediate Band ONLY. Attendance at off-campus

Concert Band Festivals is mandatory.This year our top groups will proudly participate for the 13th time in adjudicated (judged by professionals) concert band festivals. These performances are extremely important. The groups will perform for a panel of judges for an overall rating with tape-recorded, judged comments. Student absences directly affect the outcome of the performance and thus the rating given to the entire group.


ALL Warm Springs rules apply to band members at ANY school function: concerts, field trips and performances. Review these rules and follow this simple guideline: Be respectful of other people and their property.

General ClassCampus Rules– Detention and/or point loss may be assigned for violation of any rule:

1) NO GUM in class EVER! – Automatic detention 4) Be in class BEFORE the tardybellset up quickly.

2) Keep hands and feet to yourself. 5) Cell Phones stay in backpack – not your pocket.

3)Students MUST NOT play instruments in class 6) Never leave Instrument outside or overnight.

that does not belong to them, with orwithout 7) Play Instrument ONLY when instructed to do so.

permission of the owner.

Behavior Consequences

Any STEPcan be skipped based on severity of disruption. Loss of 5 participation points for classroom disruption. CONSEQUENCES are as follows:

1)Verbal warning - Name of white Board4) Parent Contact

2)Lost participation points5) Referral to Administration

3)After school detention assigned6) Class change or removal from the band program

Tardiness and Punctuality

Arrive to class ON TIME and prepared. Tardy students may receive one or all consequences:

Students will not earn their 5 participation points for classroom disruption: Tardies are disruptive.

1)Length of Tardy may equal length of time held after class.

2)3rd Tardy will result in After-School Detention assignment (School Policy).

3)Excessive Tardiness may result in longer After School detention or SaturdaySchool.

Classroom Courtesy

No talking or playing of instruments unless requested by the instructor. Signal for quiet is a raised right hand by the instructor, at which time, students are expected to acknowledge and return the signal.


Attendance, Participation and Effort: Each day, students earn their 5 participation points by not only being present but also by giving their full effort in participating. This includes being prepared for class by having the following items on their person or their music stands (not in a backpack!) at the beginning of every class:

  • INSTRUMENT AND RELATED EQUIPMENT (reeds, oil, mouthpiece, etc.)
  • BLACK MUSIC BINDER (with plastic page inserts) AND Method BOOKS
  • A SHARPENED PENCIL (no pens)

Forgetting instrument/not having it in working order are not valid excuses.If instrument is not working properly, students must show it to Ms. Cowanimmediately. If Ms. Cowan cannot fix the instrument, it must be taken to a qualified repair shop ASAP. Always inquire about borrowing a “loaner” from the music store while instrument is in repair. Parents must inform Ms. Cowan that an instrument is in the shop, either by email or note. Missing required materials will result in the loss of 5 participation points.

REEDS FOR WOODWIND INSTRUMENTS: The school does not provide reeds for free. A vending machine with reeds is in the band room for parents who are not able to get to the local music stores. Clarinet, saxophone, oboe or bassoon players are expected to plan in advance with enough reeds to participate each day. Clarinet and saxophone players should have no fewer than 4 quality reeds at all times. Cracked or chipped reeds are unacceptable and may not be used.

Woodwind students should have a minimum of 4 reeds with them every day that are not cracked or chipped.


Students EARN points towards final grade. Points are not taken away. For example, if student does not show up to a concert ordoesn’t turn in a practice log/written assessment, those points will notbe earned toward their final point cumulative.



Fall Semester

Tests 60%

Concerts 10%

Rehearsal points 15%

Written work 15%

Spring Semester

Tests 50%

Concerts 20%

Rehearsal points 15%

Written work 15%


Fall Semester

Tests 60%

Concerts 15%

Rehearsal points 20%

Written work 5%

Spring Semester

Tests 50%

Concerts 25%

Rehearsal points 20%

Written work 5%


Category Description:

Tests: Includes Attendance at ALL concerts, playing and written quizzes. Playing tests consist of current music being studied:method book, concert music, scales or exercises. Written tests include material studied in class.

Rehearsal/ Participation Points Grade/In-Class Binder Checks (any band level)

  • Rehearsal/participation pointsare 15 - 20% of final grade (depending on band level).
  • 5 participation pointsare earned daily for effective rehearsal skills: being prepared, paying attention, displaying appropriate behavior, etc. Points are lost for disruptions or missing materials.
  • In-Class Binder Checks for materials, music, books are given points.
  • Unearned points cannot be earned back. Points are deducted for missing/forgotten music or instrument.

Written Assignments, Homework & Practice Logs

  • Practice Logs (Cadet and Beginning Band Only): due every 2ndMonday. Instructions can be found on each log. Practice Logs/homework make up 15% of final grade (5% for Sym and Int Bands). Students practice current music, scales, exercises and method book assignments.
  • In-Class Binder Checks: Periodic checks for materials, music, books are given points.
  • Homework and Written Assignments (Intermediate and Symphonic Band): can include written assessments on concert performances, assignments about music topics discussed in class, handouts to be signed and returned, etc.

Concert Grading Policy: Concerts will count as atest grade and willbe graded as follows:

  • On time, prepared and on task: 100%
  • Late: subtract 30 - 100 percentage points, depending on how late.
  • Unprepared or off task: subtract 10 percentage points, or more, depending how unprepared or off task.
  • Unexcused or unacceptable absence (no make-up opportunity): 0%
  • Dressed Inappropriately: subtract up to 50 % pointsstudent possibly may not perform.

Extra Credit Opportunities (Added to Participation Category)

Extra Credit is given to any student who auditions and shows proof of auditioning to a city, county, college or regionally sponsored (i.e. SCSBOA All-Southern Jr. High) Honor Band OR Participation in an SCSBOA Solo/Ensemble music festival (there is one hosted at VMHS each year). Participation in community bands and youth symphonies is excluded. Honor Band is defined as a group designated for a specific age group, time frame, with a performance concluding the honor band commitments. Other opportunities for Extra Credit may be given at the director’s discretion when appropriate.

Seating Tests (Sym. and Int. ONLY)

Symphonic andIntermediate Bandswill test to determine what order students will sit (first part, second part, etc.). Random tests will be given throughout the yearto determine changes in seating based on students’ playing ability. Tests may be given on exercises, scales,current concert music or other audition materials being studied in class. Challenges may change seating orders. Ms. Cowan may change order based on immediate performance in class with no advance notice. Always be prepared to play to the best of your ability at each and every rehearsal.


School District-Owned Instruments

Limited numbers of school instruments are available. An annual$75.00 Maintenance Agreement donationwill secure an instrument - if available - based on first-come, first-served basis. Some considerations may be made based on personal need and availability.Acquire forms from the BAND office. Instruments returned during or at end of yearmust be professionally cleaned and repaired before instrument is checked in.WSMS instruments are ONLY serviced by Shamrock Music. Call band office for contact info. For returning students,instruments may be re-issued for use over the summer and following year. Any damage and repaircostsare incurred by the parents. Costs vary depending on instrument and repairs needed if instrument is damaged.

Percussionists must bring drum sticks + music to schooland must have a keyboard instrument, drum, and/or practice padat home on which to practice. Preferable keyboard instruments are practice bells, xylophone, marimba, or vibraphone.Pianos and electronic keyboards with at least 30 keys are also acceptable.By signing the contract at the end of this packet, it is agreed that you understand this standard and this equipment will be at home for practicing purposes.

INSTRUMENTS ARE NOT TO BE LEFT UNATTENDED ANYWHERE! NEVER drop them outside band room door and walk away! Band Room opens 10 minutes before first bell + stays open 10 minutes after last bell. Students must drop off/pick up instruments before and after school. Leaving instrument unattended may result in a loss of up to 5 participation points for that day. DO NOT leave instruments in Band Room overnight!After one warning an afterschool detention will be assigned.

Books, Music and Equipment ALL Bands (Required Class Materials)

1)Required Method Book:Each student is expected to provide his/her own method book corresponding to his/her class level. These books are available at local music stores. These books may also be ordered at local music stores like Master Musician. Other sheet music will be issued and collected at school.

Beginning Band/ Cadet Band:Essential Elements InteractiveBook 1

Intermediate Band Members:Finish Traditions of ExcellenceBk 1

Begin Traditions of ExcellenceBk 2 +

Technique and Musicianship (Traditions of Excellence series)

Symphonic Band:ContinueTraditions of Excellence Bk 2+

Technique and Musicianship (Traditions of Excellence series)

2)BLACK 1” Three Ring Binder: For sheet music and exercise materials that are handed out in class. Each student is expected to keep an organized notebook (black) of all music in plastic insert pages with a pencil. NO Colored Binders permitted on stage!

3)SYMPHONIC BAND ONLY:ALL performers must have a tuner and pick up microphoneat each rehearsal.

Concert Dress Code

Concert dress will reflect the seriousness and professionalism of our art and demonstrate students’ respect for the work they and their peers have dedicated to that art through the semester.Students are responsible for providing their own concert clothes at each performance. There are two types of performances: 1) Warm Springs Band Concerts, for ALL band levels (the three listed dates) 2) off-campus Concert Band Adjudicated events and district concert (at this point, Symphonic Band and Intermediate Band only).

1) Required Warm Springs Concert Dress for Beginning, Cadet and Intermediate concert Bands:

1)Black slacks for boys and girls. Girls: black skirts OK. Hem must be at or below knee-level while seated.

2)Blue Band Shirt for Boys and Girls (Available from Band Boosters -order form is in this packet.)

3)All Black/Dark dress shoes and BLACK SOCKS/TIGHTS (No white socks or platform shoes, ballet flats preferred,NO TENNIS SHOES!)

4)Conservative, professional hairstyle. Hair pulled back and away from face preferably.

2) Concerts and Concert Band Festivals (Adjudicated Events): Symphonic Band = CONCERT BLACK

  • ALL BLACK FORMAL DRESSES (LADIES.)MUST BE BELOW THE KNEE WHILE SEATED!!! Modest neck line and sleeves preferred.
  • ALL BLACK SHOES/DARK DRESS SHOES & DARK SOCKS/TIGHTS (No white socks or platform shoes, ballet flats preferred)

Do not wait until the day of the concert to make sure you have these items. If you have a question or concern about the dress code, please call or e-mail Ms. Cowan.

Private Lessons and Instructors:

Private Lessons are not required; however, students who study privately in addition to band class may advance more quickly than students who do not study privately. Studying privately with a teacher is a major advantage to any student wishing to accelerate on their instrument and are strongly recommended for all students, regardless of current ability or experience. Private lessons offer one-on-one between a highly qualified teacher and your child. Personal attention is given to improving technical and musical skills, increasing awareness of proper sound production on the instrument, and expressiveness and musicality in performance. Lessons can be arranged weekly, bi-monthly or even monthly, depending on the instructor and your budget. Please contact your director for a list private lessons instructors for your child.



I have read and understand the guidelines and policies of the Warm Springs Bands. If I had any questions, I have already inquired with Ms. Cowan and received a satisfactory answer or reply.