Enhancing George Washington’s Socks

Enhancing George Washington’s Socks

Pam Karlstrom, Carolyn Paullin, & Diane Williams

Blue RidgeMansfieldElementary School

Mansfield, Illinois

Summer 2005

Chicago Daily News negatives collection,


Courtesy of the Chicago Historical Society.

Too often students view war as a fictional account of events. The goal of this unit is to enhance students’ understanding of not only the historical significance of the Revolutionary War but also the realization of the physical and emotional experiences encountered by the soldiers and the common people.

Overview/State Standards/Resources/Procedures/Evaluation/Extensions

Overview Back to Navigation Bar
Objectives / Students will:
  • Create a timeline using historical events from a primary source
  • Analyze a battle map using a map analysis worksheet
  • Compose a letter home portraying the conditions encountered during a soldier’s tour of duty

Recommended time frame / 3 to 4 weeks
Grade level / 4th
Curriculum fit / Language Arts, Social Studies, Math
Resources /
  • Imagetable
  • Map analysis sheet

Illinois Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar
Social Sciences:
GOAL 16: Understand events, trends, individuals and movements shaping the history of Illinois, the United States and other nations.
16A. Apply the skills of historical analysis and interpretation.
  • 16.A.1bAsk historical questions and seek out answers from historical sources (e.g., myths, biographies, stories, old photographs, artwork, other visual or electronic sources)
GOAL 10: Collect, organize and analyze data using statistical methods; predict results; and interpret uncertainty using concepts of probability.
10A. Organize, describe and make predictions from existing data.
  • 10.A.1b Answer questions and make predictions based on given data.
Language Arts:
GOAL 5: Use the language arts to acquire, assess and communicate information.
5C. Apply acquired information, concepts and ideas to communicate in a variety of formats.
  • 5.C.1a Write letters, reports and stories based on acquired information.(L. Arts)

Procedures Back to Navigation Bar
Activity One: Before students begin reading George Washington’s Socks, they will use a timeline of events centered around George Washington and the Revolutionary War. Students will select one event per year from the timeline for the time period ranging from 1774 to 1777. Students will use their selections to create their own timeline.
Activity Two: After students have read the portion of the novel, George Washington’s Socks, depicting an encounter with the Hessian soldiers, they will complete a map study utilizing a map analysis worksheet.
Activity Three: Upon completion of the novel, students will formulate a letter home using the book and a primary source to portray the conditions encountered during a Revolutionary War soldier’s tour of duty.
Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar
  • Timeline evaluation rubric
  • Letter writing rubric

Extensions /
  • Additionalactivities

An Adventure of the American Mind
