The Monthly Meeting was held on Monday 10th October 2011, in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington, and commenced at 7,30pm. 1 resident attended. PC Wayne Pilkington, PCSO Paul Flanningan and County/District Cllr Ron Oxby were also present.
Present:- Councillor A.W. Puncher – Chairman
Councillor Mrs C.J. Dunning – Vice-Chairman
Councillor Mrs A. Buckley-Jones
Councillor G. Brennand
Councillor Mrs N.J. Briscoe
Councillor J.R. Dziadkiewicz
Councillor G. Griffin
Councillor S. Gladwin
Councillor Mrs R. Norton
Councillor Mrs B. Webster
The Chairman opened the meeting.
Police Matters: 6 crimes were reported over the previous month to include a stolen pedal cycle, criminal damage and burglaries. A person had been caught with regard the burglaries and was on remand until 20 October 2011.That person’s involvement with 3 other incidents was being investigated by CID. There had been no other problems reported in the village and a previous anti social problem had been resolved thanks to residents’ involvement. The Chairman thanked PC Pilkington and PCSO Flannigan for attending and they left the meeting at 7.35.
Public Participation: The resident raised the following issues:-
- Asked for notes/minutes from meetings to be placed on notice boards earlier than at present and for them to be pinned lower down so that people of average height could see them. The Chairman explained notes were displayedon notice boards before meetings at which they were approved as minutes. Copies of Minutes were available at 10p per sheet through the Office and can be viewed on the village web site at The Clerk noted the observation about the position of the notes on the notice board.
- A query why residents could not stay to take part in meetings after public participation with exception to confidential issues was raised. The Chairman confirmed residents were welcome to stay atALL meetings. Public participationwas at the start of every meeting to allow residents to raise ANYissues.Nevertheless that did not prevent residents staying to listen and speak in relation to the Business on the Agenda. The latter was at the discretion of the Chairman who may at a convenient time adjourn the meeting. (Standing Orders 15 & 70)
- Why the public seat on the open space Back Lane to St Aubins Crescent had been taken away.The resident explained that he had found the seat useful because he couldn’t walk farthese days without resting. The Chairman reported that the seat was removed following complaints from nearby residentsaboutnoise/nuisance from congregating youths and noted there had been a consultation process with local residents before it was agreed to re-locate the seat along Newcote Lane.
- Problems with overgrown hedges/bushes blocking footpaths for pedestrians. The Chairman advised we had already received complaints and Highways had been notified about various problems including those raised by this resident.
- Problems with cars parked half on footpath/highway which obstructs passage for pedestrians. Irresponsible car parking. Cyclists using the footpath as opposed to the highway. Speeding vehicles. The Chairman informed that the Police Team was already dealing with all of those problems and speed checks were carried out monthly.
- The resident asked if Footpath No 2 and Pudding Busk Lane were free from obstruction and queried what steps the P.C. have taken to maintain freedom of use. The Chairman explained that Pudding Busk Lane was not a public right of way in its entirety.
- It was pointed out that public footpath No 5 goes down the track (Pudding Busk Lane) from Branston Road to join F.P. No 9 across the field towards Branston. Footpath No 8(from Garrett Close) crosses the field south to the track to linkwith No 9. The land owner erected a gate and stile at each end of Pudding Busk Lane following problems with motorbikes and other vehicles being driven across the land damaging crops. Wewere informed that some people had difficulties with access over the stile and following discussions with the land owner he offered to replace the stile with a hand gate.
- With regard to PF No 2 (Bracken Hill Farm Track) a claim has been made and it is being dealt with by the County Councils Legal Department.
The Clerk reported a request from the local British Legion who was looking for a person to cover Martin/Lintin/Garrett Close and Potterhanworth Road for the forthcoming Poppy Appeal. Cllr Griffin volunteered his services and agreed to speak with the local contact.
The resident left the meeting at this point and was thanked by the Chairman for attending.
1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest:Apologies from Cllr Shipston because of work commitments and District Cllr Ian Carrington were recorded. There were no declarations of interest.
2. To Approve Clerk’s Notes as Minutes from Meetings:-
2a. Monthly Meeting on 12th September 2011: the notes had been displayed on village notice boards at High Street near the Village Hall and at the foot of Canterbury Drive. Copies had been distributed to all Members in meeting packs and were taken as read. Cllr Mrs Dunning proposed the notes be accepted as minutes and this was seconded by Cllr Griffin. It was resolved that the minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true record and this was agreed unanimously.
3. Matters Arising/Clerk’s Report:
3a. LCC Wildlife Grant Application: We had been informed that a grant of£107.27 had been awarded towards the purchase of hedge plants and 2 trees. The Chairman reported damage to the fence and hedge on the western boundary adjacent to the Cycletrack on the Station Road recreation ground. The grounds man had been asked to repair the fence and some of the hedge plants would be used to in-fill the gaps.
3b. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – Planning Local Celebration: A letter had been sent to all local organisations and 3 replies had been received to date, which was disappointing. The Chairman reported interest from the Festival Committee although their main priority at the moment was the Christmas Market. There wereconcerns that we might struggle to book activities if arrangements were left until after the New Year.Members were also informed representatives from Washingborough reported at a recent Four Parishes Cluster meeting they had formed a committee and sub-committees and were proposing a four day event plusyoungsters in Washingborough were going to be given a coronation style mug.It was recalled the topic had been raised at the Recreation & Environment Advisory Forum (REAF) in June, and an update at the next REAF meeting on 28th November 2011 was hopeful.
3c. Market Stalls: The agreement to write to NKDC at the previous meeting was recalled. It was reported that a letter had been sent but there was no update to date.
4. To Receive Clerk’s Notes from Committee Meetings.
4a. Property Services Committee Meeting on 14th September 2011: copies of the notes had been given to each Member and were noted for information. Cllr Mrs Dunning summarised the meeting and said there had been a good discussion.The audit of the buildings had started with the Pavilion on Potterhanworth Road. The aim was to complete all of the inspections, discuss the outcome in committee, and programme certain tasks/work. Hire charges had been reviewed and recommendations from 1st April 2012 were to be considered by the Council under item 9/3 tonight. The boot scraper for the recreation ground had already been purchased and installed.
5. Correspondence:
5a. Register of Electors Disclaimer: A disclaimer for use of the full register was endorsed by the Clerk and those Members present.
5b. Request for a Skate Park: A letter from Stephen Phillips QC MP enclosed a request for a local skate park from two young people living in Heighington and Washingborough. During a lengthy discussion reference was made to the ongoing review of sport and play area facilities. It was suggested that the young people be invited to actively participate in the survey for recreational facilities and this was agreed. It was also considered that the provision of a skate park including land was an additional facility to explore but it would be expensive and commitment to such a venturein the current financial climate was not viable without grants. The provision of a skate park was raised at the recent Four Parishes Cluster and we would not rule out the possibility ofa joint project with neighbouring councils. It was resolved that we proceed with the investigations to enhance play and recreational facilities.
5c. NALC – Guide Book ‘how to respond to planning applications’: A copy of the guide produced by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) in partnership with the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) was received and noted by the Chairman. Additional copies of the publication were available on request.The Guide could also be downloaded with other planning information at It was resolved to obtain additional hard copies of the publication for members.
5d. Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in England: The Boundary Commission for England notified arrangements for the review. Initial proposals were published on 13 September 2011, and are out for consultation until 5 December 2011. More information is available on the website at
5e. Community Lincs Annual Review & Autumn Debate 2011: The Clerk and Cllr Griffin confirmed they had attended this function. Following the end of year report and annual review there was a lively debate on the localism bill with local and national views from guest speakers Lord Taylor who talked about the progress of the Bill through Parliament, Cllr Mrs Woolley from LCC, Justin Griggs from NALC and Cllr Walton from Saxilby Parish Council.
5f: Readfile: The Autumn edition of Rural Links had been placed on the file for members to peruse.
6. District/County Councillor Updates: County Cllr Oxbyannounced the Big Society Fund. County Councillors have £2,000 to award to local groups and good causes. He also updated about the east/west link road in Lincoln City which had been stalled because of heritage concerns regarding the demolition of a grade II listed building; Social Care and changes to the structure;the long awaited opening of the final section of the A1073 bypass at Crowland because of construction problems;forthcoming road works on the B1190 Main Road at Washingborough was also mentioned but no dates were available. With reference to District Council issues it was reported that NKDC were looking into upgrading the swimming pool at Sleaford;there wereland issues and other problems connected with the former Bass Malting’s site in Sleaford;a new trial of bigger recycling wheelie bins to hold 360 litres as opposed to the current 240 litres; residents with larger families will be targeted initially.
7. Community Plan: Members were informed that an Open Evening for residents had taken place on 26th September 2011 when seven new residents attended. A further meeting took place on 3rd October 2011, with the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Cllr Brennandwho met with the Community Plan Team. Various issues were discussed but the primaryobjectives werethe response to the action plan from the Parish Council and lack of communication.In discussion the Chairman offered to review the Parish Council response.It was pointed out that the Plan was a public document managed by a Community Team who liaises with the Parish Council. It was also considered the errorsin the document required correcting.The Plan can be viewed on the village website at
8. Grit Bins:The provision of grit bins in the village had been raised with Highways.We had ask them to consider relocating existing grit bins on Back Lane, Millstream Road and Canterbury Drive and installing a new grit bin at the bottom of Canterbury Drive and along Curtis Drive. We had received a verbal response to inform us that our application would be considered in 2012, as our request was received after the 1st September2011 deadline. It was suggested that when Members patrolled their areas it would be useful if they could log the position of grit bins (located outside house No and street name) and look inside to see if they want re-filling and report back to the Clerk.
9. Financial Matters:
9/1 to approve Monthly Statements for the month of September 2011: (copies on minute file)copies of the statements were distributed at the meeting and the Clerk highlighted the balances in the savings and current accounts and no queries were raised.
9/2 to approve accounts received for payment during October 2011: (copies on minute file)A list of accounts received for payment was reviewed by Members. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Dunning and seconded by the Chairman that all of the expenses be approved. It was resolved that the Clerk be authorised to pay the accounts. Cheques were signed by the Chairman and Cllr Mrs Dunning.
9/3. Jubilee Hall Hire Fees & Sports Club Rentals for 2011/12 & 2012/13:A recommendation from the Property Services Committee for a 3% increase for all facilities, with a pricing and usage review in 2013 was considered by Members(copies of proposed charges on minute file). It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Norton that the recommendation be endorsed. This was seconded by Cllr Gladwin and unanimously agreed. It was resolved that Sports Club Rentals would increase by 3% with effect from 1st April 2011.Additionallyall tariffs for Jubilee Hall Hire Fees & Sports Club Rentals would increase by 3% with effect from 1st April 2012.
9/4 Additional Rate Relief (NNDR) for Jubilee Hall: We had been informed of a further one year increase in small business rate relief which meant that we do not have to pay National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) for the Jubilee Hall. Therefore the current temporary increase in Small Business Rate Relief, which started on 1 October 2010 and was due to end on 30 September 2011, will continue for a further year (1 October 2011 to 30 September 2011).
9/5 New Litter Bin - Almond Avenue Children’s Play Ground: The requirement of a larger waste bin on the playground was outlined by the Clerk. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Webster and seconded by Cllr Gladwin that a new bin be purchased.
10. Planning Matters.
10a: Planning Applications for Members Consultative Comments: None Received for review.
10b: Report Decision Notices received from NKDC:
11/0862/LBC Reconstruction of chimney stack at Manor Farm, High Street - permission granted on 27 September 2011.
11/0944/PNTEL Installation of single BT Telecommunication DSLAM cabinet outside 9 Back Lane - permission authorised on 4th October 2011.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm.
Signed: …C J Dunning……………………… Dated: 14 November 2011......