New Association of Friends

Meeting for Worship with attention to business

October 27, 2013 at Greenfield Friends Meetinghouse

The meeting was opened with a time of open worship.

Roll Call

The following meetings were represented:

Bluff Point, Englewood, First Friends New Castle, First Friends Richmond, Friends of the Light, Greenfield, Muncie, Raysville, Salem, and Spiceland, West Elkton, West Richmond and Williamsburg,

Cathy Habschmidt, Ohio Valley YM, and Jane Snyder, North Pacific YM, were in attendance from Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas. Jane spoke and brought greetings from all of FWCC. She shared a scripture from II Thessalonian’s bringing words of encouragement to our new association.

Minutes of Previous Meeting were approved

Proposed Bylaws

The changes to the proposed bylaws were presented by Jameson McGrew. The changes dealt only with membership in the NAoF. No concerns were expressed regarding the changes.

Another concern was voiced that emergency expenditures not budgeted had to be approved by approval of the NAoF business meeting. After some discussion it was recommended that the Steering committee be given authority to approve such emergency expenditures. This will affect section 11.3 of the bylaws and the bylaws committee was asked to make this change.

The bylaws were approved with the recommended change.


We welcomed Wayne Cox of Arba Friends, Indiana YM and Robyn Josephs of Media Friends, Philadelphia YM as individual members

The Clerk read a request from a Friend from Kenya for individual membership in the NAoF. Several concerns were expressed that the NAoF is not ready at this time to welcome international Friends. It was suggested that we allow the “cement to harden and begin to cure” before we move forward by including any international Friends into membership. The Clerk was asked to keep open the communications with this Friend for future consideration.

New City Friends Meeting, Detroit is showing interest being more closely connected.

Irvington Friends Meeting was not able to send visitors this time.

Nominating Committee

David Brock, Spiceland and Mat Hisrich, First Friends Richmond have accepted appointment to the budget working group.

Duke Hamm, New Castle was approved as Assistant Treasurer at and earlier Meeting of the NAoF but the approval was not included in the minutes of the meeting.

The nominating committee was charged with finding Friends willing to form a program working group, with responsibilities to develop a calendar of events for the next year, to include business meetings, service projects (including mutual aid on meetinghouses in need of repair) and some social activities. Many Friends would also like to have an annual gathering to which visitors from other yearly meetings would be welcome, incorporating an intergenerational camp where minimum necessary business would be carried out and community is built. APPROVED

Trustees Report

The funds both restricted and unrestricted from the IYM Reconfiguration are in the NAoF checking account awaiting decisions from the business meeting.

The Steering Committee agreed that all restricted funds and all but $10,000 of the unrestricted funds be invested in Friends Fiduciary Corporation’s Consolidated Fund. Friends Fiduciary will forward income payments directly to the endowed parties. The current return is 4.5%. The Trustees and the Steering Committee recommend this action be approved. APPROVED

The trustees will continue to work with possibilities for the Fountain City Meetinghouse which is now owned by the NAoF.

Cathy Harris recommended that the meeting approve the reimbursement of the Clerk’s expenses for travel to and from meetings and the startup costs of the website. APPROVED

Treasurer’s Report

(to be distributed separately)

Recording Gifts of Ministry Report

Josh Brown reported on the proposed Recording Process. The process documents will be provided to all member meetings for review and seasoning over the next year. Approval to follow the proposed process for the next year was requested. APPROVED

Friends United Meeting

IYM gave $39K to the general fund of FUM last year and $71K to the missions of FUM. Reported by April Vanlonden.

Friends Committee for National Legislation

We encourage our representatives to FCNL, Dee Hartman (Muncie & Pennville) and Abby Malcolm (West Elkton) to attend FCNL’s annual meeting in Washington, DC November 14-17 on our behalf, and to submit receipts to the treasurer for financial assistance from the New Association toward travel and accommodations, if needed. Welling Hall (West Richmond) is unable to attend.

Next Meetings

The next meeting of the Steering Committee will be held January 19, 2014 at Williamsburg and the next meeting of the full New Association will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2014 at Spiceland. (Williamsburg subsequently informed us that would like to host on another occasion. The location of the January steering committee will therefore be Bluff Point.

Social Activities

On December 8th Friends will gather at Bluff Point for a carol sing that will take to the road and go to Pennville. Further details will be sent via email.

Mission and Service Projects

We are asking member meetings to inform the Clerk of any ministries that your meeting supports. These ministries will be listed on the NAoF website,

Mutual Help on Property Renovation

Some meetings are struggling to maintain old properties, and would benefit from listening ears and helping hands. There is experience and expertise among members of NAoF. Is there someone willing to convene a work team program so that needs can be identified and prioritized and volunteers recruited to participate in work crews?

Journey of Hope

Leigh Ruddick Eason reported that the Journey of Hope events were well accepted and provide a very spiritual and moving experience for those in attendance.

The meeting was closed with silent worship and appreciation to Greenfield for their hospitality.

Russ Wheeler

Recording Clerk