UNSW BehavioursLunchbox Workshop: Recognising, Understanding and Embedding

SummaryRun Sheet


Purpose of workshop –Support people within faculties/divisions to advance their recognition andunderstanding of the UNSW behaviours so that they are able to identify ways of further embedding the behaviours collectively and individually in their area. The workshop is arranged in 3 key sections – these may be facilitated as one 90 minute session or as separate 30 minute sessions.

Format – Facilitator lead group discussion. Participants invited to bring along their lunch. Ideal group size of between 6 - 15

Facilitators –HRM; relevantlocal leader (e.g. HOS, team leader, etc)

Audience – Any team or work unit at UNSW

Resources required –workshop slide pack and facilitator guide, A3 behaviours summaries for activity, pack of behaviour definitions, pens and textas, post it notes, flip chart paper, faculty/division developed local examples of what exemplar behaviours looks likein action

Participant Pre-reading & pre-work – overview note about the purpose of the session; self-reflection pack on five behaviours, behaviours framework with definitions

Facilitator Preparation –review this run sheet and the slide pack with notes, have own stories/experiences and examples of behaviours in action to share with group

Post-work – as agreed in the sessionincorporatingaccountability and time frame for actions

Agenda Item / Purpose / Key elements / Time / Facilitator
Part One:
(30 mins)
Welcome and Introduction / Set the scene / Introductions – facilitator and participants
Purpose of the session and how it will run
Behaviour share (optional) - story to illustrate great example of where the UNSW behaviours have led to a great outcome for the Faculty. / 5 mins
Introducing the UNSW
Behaviours / Provide a baseline level of awareness of the UNSW Behaviours and their importance / UNSW Behaviours video
Where the UNSW Behaviours came from
What the UNSW Behaviours are and their component parts
Work in progress to embed these across UNSW / 10 mins
Making the Case for each behaviour / Make a deeper connection with the meaning of each behaviour / Small group exploration
What is this behaviour - what does it look, sound, and feel like?
Why does it matter? / 15 mins
Part Two:
(30 mins)
What does good look like? / Bring the behaviours to life to aid in recognising what we want to reinforce in self and others / Sharing stories andexamples of where the behaviours have been demonstrated in the Faculty to positive effect / 20 mins
What gets in the way? / Raise awareness / The potential exists for us to be exemplars of these behaviours – discuss what interferes with demonstrating them in the way we may aspire to? / 5 mins
So, what is the flipside? / Clarify where we may want to consider redirecting a behavioural approach / Briefly discuss where a behaviour is absent or not demonstrated well.
Use respectful examples of a behaviour which may be considered as a focus area for development and growth / 5 mins
Part Three:
Self-assessment & action planning
(30 mins)
Collective reflection and action planning / Align group on priorities for action/next steps to embed the UNSW Behaviours / Self-assessment of School/team/work area current state
Generate a plan/identify next stepsto embed the UNSW Behaviours
Clarify accountabilities – including collating ideas generated during the workshop / 15 mins
Individual reflection and action planning / Capture individual and leadership actions which will contribute to embedding the UNSW Behaviours / Personal reflection on new insights and learning
Identifying personal opportunities for development
Next steps for me to encourage development in others.
Buddying up / 10 mins
Close out / Share key take aways / 5 mins