New Hampshire Soccer Association

Meeting Minutes

November 7, 2007

Attendance: Bill Thornton, Bob Willey, Ric Marion, Carla Nastri, Mary Beth Arling, Mark Ruest, Doug Thomas, Liz Thomas, Fil Faria, Mark Sadler, Kathee Doran-Goulet

Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm

Bill Thornton introduced and welcomed Carla Nastri as the NH ODP Administrative Director, replacing Tom Niedzwiecki and Mary Beth Arling as the NH ODP Teams Administrator, replacing Ken Roberge. Bill stated that as new administrators they should contact John Ferriera to clarify contract. He also stressed the importance of player payment.

Bill stated that no one on the board can solely sign a contract without board approval. All actions must be approved by the board.

Secretary’s Report: October meeting minutes presented. No quorum to accept minutes.

Treasurers Report: Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet ,NHSA Referee Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet submitted by bookkeeper.

Bill stated that the bottom line is the NHSA need to increase revenues and decrease expenditures or come up with other ideas for income. Bill and Bob stated they had ideas to increase revenue and would discuss this at a later time.

Executive V.P.: Written report submitted.

Bob stated that Ian has submitted the NHSA coaches for the 2007/2008 season. This needs to be looked over and approved.

Bob mentioned that the awards banquet was a success and would like to see more venues like this for the members. However he stressed the need to generate revenue in order to do this. Bob suggested everyone put in a concentrated effort for raising funds.

A date needs to be set for the Awards ceremony next year. Bill suggested late August before the fall season begins. A date will be voted on at the December meeting.

Fil asked for confirmation regarding cutoff dates for the ages of nominees. Mark Sadler stated he would check with Region I.

V.P. of Recreation: Written Report Submitted

An organizational meeting will be held at Doug’s house on November 12. He stated that he is looking for a change to get more teams involved.

V.P. of Competitive: Written report submitted.

V.P. of Adult: No written report

V.P. Indoor: No written report

State Coach of Education: Written report submitted.

Bill inquired if there were any D licensing courses scheduled. Mark stated that there are no courses confirmed at this time. He is currently reviewing the new format. Jay Joseph offered to assist with obtaining time at NH SportPlex.


State Coach of ODP: Written report submitted. Flyer for the 2008 Registration and Open Tryouts for the NH ODP, the Announcement release for the NH ODP Staff for the 2007-2008 Season and the NH ODP 2008 Master Schedule attached.

State Referee Administrator, SYRA, SDI, and SDA: Committee Report submitted.

Mark Sadler stated that there are currently 200 referees registered for the year. Mark questioned the process for Kid Safe clearance. Liz will get in touch with Mark to go over the details.

Fil stated that he was disappointed by the lack of assessors in the last 2 tournaments. Fil mentioned that he will be attending the Coaches Convention in Pittsburgh in February.

State Registrar: Written Report submitted.

State Administrator: Written report submitted

Risk Management Report: No report submitted.

New Business: Kathee suggested trying to recruit people for open board positions since elections are in March 2008. Positions to be voted on are: V.P. Recreation, Secretary, Executive V.P., and V.P. Indoor.

Date for AGM will be set at the December meeting.

Good of the Game: Doug mentioned the quality job of the Referees at the American Cup this year.

Next meeting is on Wednesday, December 5 at 6:30 at the State Office.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully Submitted

Kathee Doran-Goulet

Minutes of Meeting November 7 - 2007 Page 1 of 2