Considerations for an Organization

Applying to Affiliate with InSEA

Any art education organisation may apply to become an Affiliated Organisation of InSEA if it pursues similar goals. An organisation applying for affiliation to InSEA is required to submit to the Secretary of InSEA the application form attached below.

The following outlines the benefits and expectations of affiliation, as well as the annual review ensuring continual affiliation with InSEA.


·  Receive the InSEA newsletter.

·  Able to include the InSEA logo on official documentation. Beside the logo we would appreciate this byline: `Affiliated with the International Society for Education through Art'.

·  Able to apply for InSEA endorsement of events and publications.

·  Share information in the InSEA newsletter.

·  Link the organization’s website to the InSEA website.


·  Promote InSEA events and publications within their networks, newsletters and websites.

·  Create a link to the InSEA website via their website under the text ‘Affiliated to the International Society for Education through Art' (beside the InSEA logo).

Annual Review:

Affiliation with InSEA will be reviewed annually. An Affiliated Organisation is required to submit a report to the Chairperson of the Affiliations Board via the Secretary of InSEA by July 1st of each year or such other time as determined by the World Council. The following information should be included:

i. details of the total number of current members;

ii. InSEA representatives within the organization

iii. list of executive officers and governing council/committee or network moderators ;

iv. any changes or amendments to the Constitution or Statutes and membership subscriptions;

v. brief description of activities, conferences and publications in the preceding year.



An Organization Applying to Affiliate with InSEA

(revised December 2, 2010)

On a separate sheet of paper, please provide answers to the following questions.

  1. Name of your organization.

2.  Type of Organisation: National Society

National Association

Transnational Association

Social network

  1. When was your organization founded?
  2. How many members are in your organization?
  3. What is the Url of your organization website?
  4. Please provide the names and addresses (including email) of at least two InSEA members within the organization wishing to affiliate.
  5. What are your current membership subscription rates? (if applicable)

Please enclose:

  1. A description of the Organisation with:
  • A statement of the aims.
  • Conditions and categories of membership.
  • If the structure of the organization is hierarchical: Procedures for the election of officers and the governing. Council/Committee and the duration of the terms of office.

·  If the structure is not hierarchical, please describe how the organization is moderated.

  1. A list of Executive Officers and Governing Council/Committee, with addresses of the executive or in case of non-hierarchical structures a list of the social network moderator’s with email addresses.
  1. A list of InSEA members who are members of your organization (names and ID numbers). The list must include at least two InSEA members. Including InSEA membership numbers would be helpful.
  1. A short description of activities, conferences, publications or other events of your organization.

Send your application to:
