Course SME Guidebook (04JAN06)
Course Design Process(4th Draft, 03JAN06)
Deliverables /- Approved Curriculum Requirements Document
- Approved Course Requirements Document
- Approved Design Document
- Approved Script and Instructor Resource Document
- Approved Online Course
Roles /
- Project Manager*
- Curriculum SME
- Project Manager
- Course Instructional Designer*
- Course SME
- Course Instructional Designer*
- Course SME
- Course Writer*
- Course SME
- Development House
Reviewers /
- Lead Instructional Designer
- Project Manager
- Project Manager
- Lead Instructional Designer
- Copy Editor
- Copy Editor
- Course Writer
- Curriculum SME+
Sign Off Reviewers /
- Curriculum SME+
- Curriculum SME+
- Lead Instructional Designer
- Course SME
- Course Instructional Designer
- Project Manager
Please Note:
1)An asterisk (*) denotes the lead role for that process step.
2)A plus sign (+) denotes the Curriculum SME may use an advisory board at his/her discretion.
3)The color assigned to each role maps to the sub process steps and tools.
Process Roles
RoleProcess Step / Project Manager / Curriculum SME / Course ID / Course SME / Lead ID / Course Writer / Copy Editor / Development House
Create Curriculum Requirements Document / * / +
Create Course Requirements Document / / + / * / /
Create Design Document / / * / / +
Create Script and Instructor Resource Document / / + / + / / * /
Produce Course / + / / / /
Please Note:
1)An asterisk (*) denotes the lead role for that process step.
2)A plus sign (+) denotes the sign off role for that process step.
Create Curriculum Requirements Document
Roles/TasksProject Manager /
- Identify and secure Curriculum SME
- Prepare for Curriculum Kickoff Meeting
- Lead Curriculum Kickoff Meeting
- Document Curriculum Kickoff Meeting
- Draft Curriculum Requirements Document
- Incorporate feedback
- Submit Curriculum Requirements Document to Curriculum SME
Curriculum SME /
- Attend Curriculum Kickoff Meeting
- Help identify resources and provide input to Curriculum Requirements Document
- Review Curriculum Requirements Document and provide feedback to PM
- Sign off on Curriculum Requirements Document
Create Course Requirements Document
Roles/TasksProject Manager /
- Identify and secure Course ID, Course SME, and Lead ID
- Prepare for Course Kickoff Meeting
- Lead Course Kickoff Meeting
- Document Course Kickoff Meeting
- Circulate Course Requirements Document to Course SME, Lead ID, and Curriculum SME for review.
- Collate reviewer comments, resolving any conflicting edits.
- Submit comment compilation to Course ID.
Course ID /
- Review all course materials prior to Course Kickoff Meeting.
- Prepare preliminary content questions for Course Kickoff Meeting.
- Attend Course Kickoff Meeting.
- Complete and submit Course Requirements Document to PM for circulation and review.
- Incorporate reviewer comments.
- Submit Course Requirements Document to Curriculum SME for approval.
Course SME /
- Review meeting materials prior to meeting.
- Attend Course Kickoff Meeting
- Provide input on content, sequence, weighting, readings, and activities to Course ID.
- Review Course Requirements Document and provide feedback to PM.
Lead ID /
- Review meeting materials prior to meeting.
- Attend Course Kickoff Meeting
- Review Course Requirements Document and provide feedback to PM.
Curriculum SME /
- Review Course Kickoff Meeting materials prior to meeting.
- Attend Course Kickoff Meeting
- Review Course Requirements Document and provide feedback to PM.
- Sign off on Course Requirements Document
Create Course Requirements Document
Course SME
Key Tasks /- Review meeting materials submitted by PM prior to Course Kickoff Meeting.
- Participate in the Course Kickoff Meeting with Project Manager, Course ID, Curriculum SME, and Lead ID.
- Work with Course ID to complete Course Requirements Document. Provide input on course topics, sequence, weighting, readings, and activities.
- Review Course Requirements Document and provide feedback to PM.
Deliverables /
- Course Kickoff Meeting documentation
- Course Requirements Document
Tools / Course Requirements Document Template
Course Requirements Document Review and Approval Checklist
Create Design Document
Roles/TasksCourse ID /
- Review Course Materials.
- Interview Course SME for activity ideas, readings, grading, course projects, etc.
- Document interview notes.
- Submit draft Design Document.
- Incorporate Course SME comments.
- Complete and submit updated Design Document for review.
- Incorporate Course SME, PM, and Lead ID comments.
- Submit Final Design Document to Lead ID for approval.
Course SME /
- Review Course Materials.
- Work with Course ID to identify activities, readings, grading, course projects, etc.
- Review draft Design Document and provide comments to Course ID.
- Review updated Design Document and provide comments to Course ID.
Project Manager /
- Be available to answer questions.
- Be available to answer questions.
- Review updated Design Document and provide comments to Course ID.
Lead ID /
- Be available to answer questions.
- Be available to answer questions.
- Review updated Design Document and provide comments to Course ID.
- Sign off on Final Design Document.
Create Design Document
Course SME
Key Tasks /- Review all materials received from PM including
- Course textbooks and ancillaries
- Curriculum Requirements Document
- Course Requirements Document
- Meet with and/or talk to Course Instructional Designer to identify activities, readings, grading, course projects, etc.
- Be available to answer questions from and provide input to the Instructional Designer.
- Review Draft Design Document and provide feedback to Course Instructional Designer.
- Be available to Course ID to answer questions and provide input.
- Review Design Document to ensure all of your requested changes from the draft Design Document have been incorporated correctly. Provide feedback to Course ID.
Deliverables /
- N/A
- Draft Design Document
- Approved Design Document
Tools / Design Document Review and Approval Checklist
Create Course Script and Instructor Resource Document
Course SME
Key Tasks /- Be available to answer questions from and provide input to Course Writer.
- Be available to answer questions from and provide input to Course Writer.
- Review Week 1 course materials and provide feedback to Course Writer.
- Be available to answer questions from and provide input to Course Writer.
- Review course materials and provide feedback to Course Writer.
- Be available to answer questions from and provide input to Course Writer.
- Review final draft of course materials and provide feedback as necessary until approved.
- Sign off on Course Script and Instructor Resource Document.
Deliverables /
- N/A
- Week 1 course materials
- 1st Draft course materials
- Approved Course Script
- Approved Instructor Resource Document
Tools / Course Materials Review and Approval Checklist / Course Materials Review and Approval Checklist / Course Materials Review and Approval Checklist
Tool Table of Contents
RoleProcess Step / Tool # / Tool Name / PM / Curriculum SME / Course ID / Course SME / Lead ID / Course Writer / Copy Editor / Development House
Create Curriculum Requirements Document / / Curriculum Kickoff Meeting Checklist /
/ Curriculum Requirements Document Template /
/ Curriculum Requirements Document Sample /
/ Curriculum Requirements Document Review and Approval Checklist /
Create Course Design Document / / Course Kickoff Meeting Checklist /
/ Course Requirements Document Template / /
/ Course Requirements Document Sample /
/ Course Requirements Document Review and Approval Checklist / / /
Create Design Document / / Course SME Interview Template /
/ Design Document Template /
/ Design Document Sample / /
/ Instructional Designer’s Job Aid /
/ Design Document Review and Approval Checklist / / /
Tool Table of Contents (cont’d)
RoleProcess Step / Tool # / Tool Name / PM / Curriculum SME / Course ID / Course SME / Lead ID / Course Writer / Copy Editor / Development House
Create Course Script and Instructor Resource Document / / Script Template /
/ Instructor Resource Document Template /
/ Course Materials Review and Approval Checklist / / /
Produce Course / / Change Document Template /
/ Online Course Review and Approval Checklist / / / /
Course SME Guidebook 04JAN06Page 1 of 4210/29/2018
<Insert Course Name>
Course Requirements Document Template
Tool for Course ID
Document OverviewThis document is a template to be used by the Course ID to build the Course Requirements Document. Complete the information using the directions in < italics contained within brackets>.
Course Name(s)
Write the name of the course to be developed. >
Write the name of the curriculum that this course is a part of. >
Course Specifics (if applicable)
- Course Number: <Specify the course number if known.>
- Lower/Upper/Graduate: <Specify which level of students for which this course is designed.>
- Credits: <Specify the number of credits this course will be assigned.>
Course Description
< Write a 2-4 sentence description highlighting the key focus and goals of the course. This is what may appear in the course catalog.
Student (Target Audience) Profile
List key attributes of the students who will be enrolling in this course including the knowledge, skills, and experience range of the students as they enter the course . >
Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and Post-requisites
< Use the table below to list course pre-requisites, co-requisites, and post-requisites (if any). >
Course Name (or skill description) / Pre-requisite, Co-requisite, or Post-requisite? / Course (Catalog) NumberCourse Resources
Course Materials
List the textbooks and ancillaries for the course. Include title, author, and ISBN.
Resource Identification and Qualifications
Provide the name of the Course SME, Course Instructional Designer, and Course Writer and list 3-5 qualifications (including relevant knowledge, skills, and experiences) for each. >
Name / Role / QualificationsCourse SME
Course Instructional Designer
Course Writer
Resumes and/or CVs
Attach the resume and/or CV for the Course SME, Course Writer, and Course Instructional Designer. >
Instructor Knowledge and Skills
List the specific and special skills required by potential instructors for this course content (eg, degrees, certifications, etc. Desired characteristics for online learning are listed below)
- Tech-savvy and interested in e-learning (must be able to load and run the course, access email, use posting technology, etc.)
- Accessible to students on a daily basis (must check email daily and respond to emails within 24 hours).
- Disciplined (must adhere to a strict schedule and must respond to students in a timely manner).
Part 1: Lesson Title, Topics, and Sequence
Step 1: The Course ID fills in the table below by using the text book and any other ancillaries to identify the Lesson # (should be 12 lessons total), the Lesson Title, and the Lesson Topics (do not complete the yellow shaded “Activity Ideas” column… the Course SME will complete this). When finished, submit to the Course SME for review and input.
Step 2: The Course SME reviews the lesson titles and topics and provides feedback as to if they are appropriate and comprehensive, sequenced appropriately, and weighted (ie, the time spent on the lesson) appropriately. In addition, the Course SME provides ideas for potential activities and/or readings for each lesson.>
Lesson # / Lesson Title / Lesson Topics / Activity/Reading Suggestions1
Part 2: Course and Lesson Objectives
Based on the information from the table above, the Course ID generates the course and lesson objectives and documents them in the table below. Refer to the Instructional Designer’s Job Aid for assistance with writing objectives.
Lesson # / Lesson Title / Course Objectives / Lesson Objectives1
<Insert Course Name>Page 1 of 310/29/2018
Course Requirements Document Template 3rd Draft 20DEC05
Developmental English 1: Sentence to Paragraph
Design Document Sample
Tool for Course Instructional Designer
Version Control
Document Name / Document Stage / Revision Summary / Date / Submitted byDev English 1 Design Document Draft v2 17NOV05 / 1st Draft / N/A / 11/21/05 / Dawn Stapert
Dev English 1 Final 30NOV05 / Final Draft /
- Incorporated comments from Julie Nichols, Erik Styles, and Carrie
- Added course project details
- Added in Grading Criteria to Course Activities Matrix
- Added notes to DH and CW
- Other minor changes
Course Details
Course Name(s)
Developmental English 1: Sentence to Paragraph
General Education
Course Description
The “Developmental English 1: Sentence to Paragraph” course introduces students to college-level writing with an emphasis on basic grammar. Students will apply their learning to a variety of writing activities focusing on creating sentences and paragraphs.
Course Resources
Student Learning Materials
- ‘The Wrtiter’s World: Paragraphs and Essays’ by Lynne Gaetz and Suneeti Phadke
- Prentice Hall Grammar Workbook, The, 2/E 0131947710
- Prentice Hall ESL Workbook, The, 2/E 0131947591
- Applying English To Your Career 0131921150
Web Sites
- TutorCenter
Electronic Media
- Visualizing Writing CD-ROM 0131734253
- OneKey CourseCompass, Student Access Kit, Writer's World, The: Sentences and Paragraphs 013188705X
- Practice and Assess for Writer's OneKey 013194262X
- Sentence to Paragraph CourseCompass Course Access Card 0131942638
Instructor Only Materials
- ‘The Wrtiter’s World: Paragraphs and Essays’ (Annotated Instructor’s Edition) by Lynne Gaetz and Suneeti Phadke.
Web Sites
Electronic Media
Course Content
Course Objectives
- State why and how good writing skills can benefit you in your life and career.
- Describe and apply the four steps of the writing process.
- Describe the paragraph pattern types.
- Identify the parts of a sentence and differentiate between sentence types.
- Write grammatically correct sentences and recognize and avoid common sentence problems.
- Define verbs, state their usage rules, and recognize proper use of them in writing.
- Define pronouns, state their usage rules, and recognize proper use of them in writing.
- Define nouns, state their usage rules, and recognize proper use of them in writing.
- Define modifiers, state their usage rules, and recognize proper use of them in writing.
- Identify the rules for using commas, end marks, apostrophes, and quotation marks, and recognize proper use of them in writing.
- Identify rules for diction usage in the English language.
- Construct grammatically correct paragraphs.
SCANS Objectives
- Locates, understands, and interprets written information in prose and in documents such as manuals, graphs, and schedules.
- Communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing
- Creates documents such as emails and paragraphs.
- Generates new ideas.
- Recognizes problems and devises and implements plan of action.
- Uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills.
- Discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationships between two or more objects and applies it when solving a problem.
- Exerts a high level of effort and perseveres towards goal attainment.
- Assesses self accurately, sets personal goals, monitors progress, and exhibits self-control.
- Chooses ethical courses of action.
- Contributes to group effort.
- Works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds.
- Acquires and Evaluates Information.
- Organizes and maintains information.
- Interprets and communicates information.
- Chooses procedures and tools including computers and related technologies.
Special Instructions to the Course Writer
- This course has a lot of skipping around in the text. As part of the introduction to the students, we need to point this out and explain why.
- Throughout the course, build in online interactivity for ESL users and career-specific examples.
For the ESL issue, the Instructor Manual of Writer’s World provides numerous tips for ESL students, also the ESL Workbook provides exercises and explanations that can be useful. Can place an “ESL” button throughout the course when there is some ESL-relevant information to add. The 1st ESL tip can explain the use of the buttons as well as provide a link or reference to additional resources and exercises.
For the career-specific examples, can handle it in 2 ways:
1)Like the ESL buttons described above, can have some interactivity associated with “career applications.” Can have a button for each of the top 5 careers with examples, etc., or can have a “career application” button, and once you click on that, can see info for several different careers.
2)Can have a variety of activity options based on the career track. Instructor can direct students to choose the one that aligns with their career.
- Reference the “Visualizing Writing” CD ROM for ideas on content presentation. Most topics of the Writer’s World book are included in this CD ROM, and it may give the Course Writer ideas on interactivity design like rollovers, animated examples, etc.
- All PH Words references are taken from specific courses established by our SME. When referencing the PH Words activities, use the following for access:
Web site link:
Username: readysetsew
Password: Linbook06
- Additional exercises will be listed as option and can be incorporated as a link on the screen.
Developmental English 1: Sentence to ParagraphPage 1 of 4210/29/2018
Dev English 1 Design Document Final 30NOV05
Developmental English 1: Sentence to Paragraph
Objectives and Course Outline
[Note to Course Writer: Please note the following abbreviations used in this document: CW = Course Writer; DH = Development House; WW = Writers World text]
Lsn / Lesson Title / Reading / Course Objectives / Lesson Objectives / Graded Activities / Online Activity Ideas1 / The Writing Process and an Introduction to Paragraphs / [Note to CW: No reading is associated with this objective, so please add a couple of screens to emphasize why writing skills are important]. / State why and how good writing skills can benefit you in your life and career. /
- State why and how good writing skills can benefit you in your life and career.