Literacy Council of South Simcoe Policy and Procedures ManualLCSS 1.13

  1. Policy and Purpose

The Literacy Council of South Simcoe endeavours to maintain consistent and regular open hours to provide dependable, effective customer service.

From time to time LCSS may be required to close the facility for ascheduled or for anon-scheduled period due to emergency weather conditions, other emergency situations, building problems, or an unavoidableinability to staff the facility for a short period of time. Procedures are established to ensure that such closures take place for an authorized reason and in an orderly fashion and that all pertinent notifications are made.

  1. Procedures
  1. Scheduled Closure

A closure may be scheduled for a federal, provincial, or municipal statutory holiday. These dates should be noted on the annual calendar and on the website. LCSS is not required by the Ministry to be open on statutory holidays and no notification to MTCU is necessary.

  1. Non-Scheduled Closure

All efforts are made to be open the regular days and hours. On rare occasions it may be necessary and unavoidable to close LCSS for a day because no staff or Board members are available to supervise the facility due to illness, vacation, or other commitments. Authorization and Communication procedures apply.

  1. Emergency Evacuation

If the there is an emergency which requires an urgent and immediate evacuation, then the Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedures and the relevant Emergency Plan should be followed.

  1. Authorization

The Administrator or Senior Manager on duty is authorized to contact the President or Vice-President or Treasurer, in that order, to confer and toconfirm a non-scheduled facility closure.

  1. Communication

The Administrator or Senior Manager on duty or in their absence the President or Vice-President or Treasurer, in that order, will:

  1. If a staff member, phone the President or Vice-President or Treasurer in that order.
  2. Phone or text where appropriateany staff, tutor volunteers, and learners who are scheduled to be at the facility during the period of closure.

2. Phone or text where appropriate any other organization that is scheduled to use the facility.

3. Immediately that the closure is known or as soon as possible that same day, contact in writing by emailthe Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU). Include an explanation of why the facility is closing, when the closing is taking place, when the facility is expected to re-open, and any arrangements that are being made to provide information and referral services and to continue tutoring Learners in the meantime.

4. Change the phone message, e.g., Next Step Literacy Council isclosed unexpectedly at time/date and is expected to resume its regular open hours at time/date. We regret any inconvenience. For further information and contact information for other Literacy Councils,please visit our website at .

5. Contact information for other area Literary Councils should be permanently posted on the website.

6. A template for Non-Scheduled Closure will be available as an 8.5”x11” poster. The template includes“Non-Scheduled Closure”, date and time of closing, date and time of expected re-opening, contact information for other Literacy Councils. “We are sorry for any inconvenience.” Administrator’s name, LCSSphone number, LCSSemail address, “For further information visit LCSS at This will be posted on the front door.

7. During the closure the Administrator or most senior staff available will, during normal, regular open hours, check the LCSS phone number for messages and the LCSS email account and will respond as necessary. This will be considered paid duty and the staff member should log and submit any time spent.

  1. Shut-down Procedures

When time and the situation permits, normal closing procedures should be followed. Senior staff on duty should use judgement if there may be additional actions necessary depending on the circumstances, such as:

  • opening a tap to prevent pipes freezing if the closure is due to furnace failure or extreme cold;
  • unplugging computers and other electronic devises if the closure is due to power failure or extreme storms.

5. Re-opening Procedures

If necessary, survey the facility to assess any damage. If there is damage that will require time/money to repair, contact the President or Vice-President or Treasurer, in that order, MTCU, and the insurance company if appropriate. If the opening will be delayed beyond the time originally estimated, then also contact tutor volunteers and learners and arrange alternative meeting places and inform MTCU in writing by email of the change.

If there is no facility concern then normal opening procedures should be followed and:

  • Remove the poster.
  • Change the phone message.
  • Notify President or designate, MTCU, tutor volunteers, and learners that the normal schedule has resumed.
  • Depending on how long the facility was closed, notices could be arranged with the local radio stations and newspapers.

III. Policy Review

This Policy is reviewed annually by the Policy Committee as scheduled in the Annual Cycle of Board Operations.

  1. Reference:

LCSS H&S 5.09 Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedures

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