Civics and Economics

Unit 5/6 Enforcing and Violating the Law


You may create yourself a “cheat sheet” from this review sheet and use it on the test. You CANNOT use notes from the portfolio, as the portfolio will be turned in on test day. You cannot use someone else’s cheat sheet.

Study Tip: If you login to edmodo and go to Folders, you’ll find a full set of class notes with all this information….

  1. Understand the importance of Hammurabi’s Code/Justinian Code//Magna Carta with regards to its influence on the law.
  2. Are the Ten Commandments examples of moral or legal codes?
  3. Recognize examples of the different types of law (administrative, statutory, constitutional, civil, criminal)
  4. What is common law?
  5. Understand the significance of the 4 court cases we studied in this unit (Gideon, Miranda, In Re Gault, Mapp and the two Georgia death penalty cases)
  6. What is the purpose of a grand jury indictment?
  7. What happens at an arraignment?
  8. What is the goal of the juvenile justice system?
  9. What is the goal of the criminal justice system?
  10. What differences exist during the processes involved in the juvenile justice system?
  11. North Carolina’s State Bureau of Investigation (SBI)/ FBI/state troopers/police have jurisdiction in which types of investigations? (use CAN your chart #2 handout to grab the main ideas)
  12. Who is the chief law enforcement officer for a county in North Carolina?
  13. Understand the steps and what happens in each step of civil and criminal trials.
  14. Understand the difference between a settlement and a plea bargain and understand WHY these are preferred methods of ending court cases.
  15. Recognize basic examples of felonies and misdemeanors.
  16. Define the following terms.
  • Recidivism
  • Reciprocal punishment
  • rehabilitation (examples of?)
  • retribution
  • deterrence
  • incarcerated
  • plaintiff
  • defendant
  • prosecution
  1. What factors contribute to juvenile delinquency?
  2. The prison population is overwhelmingly made up of people that share what similar types of characteristics?
  3. Why did the prison population increase so dramatically in the 1970s and 1980s?
  4. What rights to juveniles NOT share with adults? (hint: it’s part of the 6th and 7th amendments)
  5. Understand the difference between the following:
  6. Probation
  7. Parole

Finally, make sure you carefully read and analyze the charts/primary source readings you will see on the test.