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I am entering the LIAF 2013 Flipbook Challenge category under 16s
I am entering the LIAF 2013 Flipbook Challenge category for 16s +
Flipbook title:
Name/s of flipbook creator/s:
Address: (optional)
Phone: (optional)

By signing you agree that you have read and accepted our Rules on the following page.
You also agree to LIAF and the Barbican filming and uploading your animated flipbook to social media sites.

(you can just type your name here)

Please send your completed entry form,along with your flipbook to:

LIAF, Hungerford Road, London, N7 9LF

Please note that you can also hand in your flipbook during the festival(beginning Oct 25th 2013) to any member of LIAF staff at the Barbican. The deadline for submissions to LIAF staff at the Barbican is Nov 2nd 2013. The deadline for postal submissions is October 24th 2013. If you would like us to return your flipbook, please enclose a SAE with your entry. If you have any questions, you can contact us at


How to enter:

•Entry is free.

•LIAF 2013 Flipbook Challenge is open for postal entries from 2nd August 2013.

•Flipbooks can be entered by filling in an entry form and sending it with your flipbook to LIAF, Hungerford Road, London, N7 9LF. Please mark all entries clearly with ‘Flipbook Challenge’. Alternatively you can hand in your flipbook and completed entry form to any member of LIAF staff at the Barbican from October 25th (or The Horse Hospital during LIAF programmed events). Please note Barbican staff cannot accept your entries.

•The deadline for postal submissions is 24th October2013. The deadline for flipbooks handed into LIAF staff is 2nd November 2013.

•Only flipbooks accompanied by a completed entry form will be considered for prizes.

Please note that only flipbooks accompanied by an SAE will be returned.

Flipbook technical requirements:

• Flipbooks must have a minimum of 24 pages.

• Flipbooks must have dimensions between 50mm x 50mm and A5 (210mm x 148mm).

• Flipbooks must create an illusion of movement or change, when flicking through the pages.


• Flipbooks meeting the requirements will be exhibited during LIAF 2013.

•We will allow members of the public to pick up (and admire!) the flipbooks. We will do our best to protect the flipbooks, but accept no liability if flipbooks become lost or damaged.

•Some flipbooks will be chosen to be filmed and uploaded to LIAF & Barbican social media sites.


• Flipbooks will be judged by Elizabeth Hobbs.

•Winners will receive LIAF DVDs and a special mention at our Best of the Festival programme on November 3rd 2013.