Klaus Trutzel

Josef-Simon-Strasse 18

90473 Nürnberg, Germany

Tel: +49 911 80 67 09

Fax +49 911 9898 4041
September 2007


Personal details: Born on 21 April 1937, married, one daughter.

Education: Munich University 1957- 1961 (1 year at the London School of Economics), majoring at Munich University in Economics and Accounting (Diplom-Kaufmann)

Professional qualifications: Applied Statistics, comparative urban and regional statistics, management of projects (incl. projects in international co-operation)

Membership in professional bodies: German Statistical Society, Association of German Municipal Statisticians, International Statistical Institute, SCORUS – Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics of IAOS

Present position: Senior Adviser to the Bureau for Statistics and Urban Research of the City of Nuremberg (after 38 years in this office and 28 years as its director); National Coordinator for the Urban Audit

Professional experience:

Period / Working for / Function and activities
1962 - 1963 / Infratest – market research institute, Munich / Sampling statistician: design and reports
1964 - 1974 / City of Nuremberg, Bureau for Statistics and Urban Research / Head of the research division: Census organisation and analyses, designing and establishing sub-city statistics and an automated regional reference system, introducing computer applications, establishing perception surveys and small area population projections
1970 - 1974 / City of Nuremberg, Bureau for Statistics and Urban Research and Committee for Urban Development / Head of the staff for urban development: organising co-ordinated planning processes, investment programming, managing the interdisciplinary planning committee
1974 - 2002 / City of Nuremberg, Bureau for Statistics and Urban Research / Director: Managing urban and regional statistics and research, organising and reporting on all types of elections
1981 - 2004 / KOSIS association / Chair / CEO: Installing, co-ordinating and (partly) managing the sub-groups of cities cooperating in the development of the municipal statistical information system
2001 - today / Association of the German Urban Audit Cities under the Umbrella of the KOSIS association / NUAC: Managing data collection from the Federal NSO, the State Stat. Offices and the cities, advising in methodological and practical questions as member of Eurostat’s UA “Think Tank”
2002 - today / Eurostat’s contractor for the improvement of data coverage for Local Territorial Units in the New Member States / Project Leader: Coordinating experts, instructing the NSO re. Eurostat’s requests, collecting the data and reporting on problems and results

Other assignments:

1972 - 1982 Chair of the Committee on automation and data protection of the Association of German Municipal Statisticians

1986 - 1994 President Association of German Municipal Statisticians

1993 - 2000 Vice Chair of the Statistics Committee of German Municipalities

1993 - 2002 Member of the City’s Steering Committee for administrative reforms

2000 - 2002 Chair of the Statistics Committee of German Municipalities
