Dear KWrap Parents,
There are a few procedures that will be different for the students that attend the KWrap program.
AM Kindergarten going to PM KWrap:
- Students will line up on the sidewalk facing the Kindergarten door and the teachers assigned to the door will let the students inside when the bell rings. I will not be available for discussions at this time as I am responsible for the students coming into the classroom.
- Have the Kindergarten snack separate from the lunch and KWrap snack. The Kindergarten snack MUST be from the list. (Mrs. Herring is a little more lenient with what is allowed.)
- Students should carry the lunchbox into the classroom. We found last year that the backpacks were so over loaded that the students could not find the proper snacks, papers, notes etc. So, the KWrap students should not put their lunch inside the backpack. They will carry it into the buildingand then place it on the bench in the coatroom.
- When the Kindergarten class ends, the KWrap students will line up and be escorted to the KWrap room for the PM session. Either Mrs. Herring or my aide will escort the group. They will go through the hallways of the school and not be walking outside,
- The students will be dismissed from the KWrap room. To pick your child up, you will be going to the parking lot side of the building.
- If your are going to be unable to pick up your child on a given day, there is a District form that must be sent in to Mrs. Herring. If she allows other forms of notification, you would need to obtain that information from her.
- If your child is going to be absent from school, both teachers should be notified by email. You will also need to call the school roll call number but that information is not shared with the teachers.
- Questions regarding Kindergarten activities should be addressed to me. Questions about KWrap activities should be addressed to Mrs. Herring.
AM KWrap going to PM Kindergarten:
- Students will enter the building in the morning on the parking lot side of the building and begin the day in the KWrap room.
- Have the Kindergarten snack separate from the lunch and KWrap snack.
- Students will carry the lunch box into the classroom and it will be placed on the bench in the coatroom until dismissal. Your child will then carry his/her lunchbox outside when he/she goes home.
- Mrs. Herring and/or her aide will escort the group to the Kindergarten classroom.
- Students will be dismissed from the Kindergarten room. We will exit through the Kindergarten door and walk down the sidewalk to Walnut Street. Please wait on the Walnut Street sidewalk.
- If your child is going to aftercare, he/she will not exit the building. He/she will walk through the hallway to the Gym.
- If you are not going to be picking your child up, I must know ahead of time. There is a District form that should be sent in with your child the day of the change. (This form is for one day only. So a form would have to be sent in each day that someone else will be picking your child up.) However, I do accept handwritten notes and emails. If you are going to be unexpectedly unable to pick up your child, either email me or call the school office for them to get a message to me. Please do not send an adult to pick up your child and tell me. I must be told from a parent directly in some form.
- I will not be available for discussions at this time as I am responsible for making sure students are released to the proper adult and I and required to return to the building so that the teachers watching the door can be dismissed.
- If your child is going to be absent from school, both teachers should be notified by email. You will also need to call the school roll call number but that information is not shared with the teachers.
- Questions regarding Kindergarten activities should be addressed to me. Questions about KWrap activities should be addressed to Mrs. Herring.