

Adjudication Division

Procedures Under 38 U.S.C.

Chapter 31 General

October 29, 1985 Department of

M28-2, Part I Veterans Benefits

Washington, DC 20420

M28-2, Part IDepartment of Veterans Benefits

Veterans Administration

Washington, DC 20420

October 29, 1985

Part 1, "General," Department of Veterans Benefits Manual M28-2, "Adjudication Division Procedures Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31," is published for the compliance of all concerned.


Chief Benefits Director

Distribution: RPC 2202

FD EX: ASO and AR, 1 each

Printing Date: 2/86

October 29, 1985M28-2, Part I


This manual provides procedures for the administration of vocational rehabilitation benefits under title 38, United States Code, chapter 31. Material in these procedures incorporates comments by field elements.

The material which is presented in this manual is divided into five parts:

Part I -General

Part II-Eligibility and Entitlement

Part III- Authorization and Award Procedures

Part IV-Other Program Processing

Part V - Rates, Codes, and Tables

A table of contents precedes each part of this manual. Decimal numbers, starting with the digit 1, identify paragraphs. The digit or digits to the left of the decimal indicate the chapter number and digits to the right indicate main paragraphs. Main paragraphs begin with .01 in each chapter. Main paragraphs may also be further subdivided. Should it become necessary to interpose new paragraphs between existing ones, the additions will be numbered by extending the number of the preceding paragraph an additional decimal digit. For example, main paragraphs inserted between paragraphs 1.01 and 1.02 would be 1. 0 1. 1, 1. 0 1. 2, etc.

Pages are numbered within each chapter by first giving the chapter number, a dash, and then the page number, beginning with the digit 1. This numbering system allows the addition of pages to a chapter without disturbing the numerical sequence of pages and paragraphs. Pages inserted between two numbered pages in a chapter will use the number of the preceding page followed by lowercase letters in alphabetical order. For example, pages inserted between pages I -I and 1-2 would be I-la, I-lb, etc.

If a revision requires little change in the original text, instructions will state how the text is to be amended. If the change is extensive, a new page or pages will be issued. The new pages will be inserted in the proper place and the replaced pages destroyed.

Each page of the manual bears the date of publication in the upper inside corner. Changed pages carry the date of the change in the upper inside corner and the number of the change in the upper outside corner.

Deviation from any of the prescribed procedures contained in the manual without prior approval of the Chief Benefits Director is prohibited.

M28-2, Part I October 29, 1985



2.Interim Issues

3. Circulars


October 29, 1985 M28-2, Part I




1. Jurisdiction and Transfer of Chapter 31 R&E

(Rehabilitation and Education) Folders...1-1

5. Responsibility and Delegation of Authority...... 2-1

6. Folder Maintenance...... 3-1

7. Definitions and General Rules of Evidence...... 4-1

8. Counseling Referrals for Potential Chapter 31 Applicants...... 5-1

6. Duplication of Benefits...... 6-1
