Luigi’s Restaurant, Meeting Room Highway #3, Taber

Mon., Oct 6, 2014 1:00pm Lunch at noon

Zone Website:

President: Scott Howes, Medicine Hat High

Vice-President: Ray Neary, Crescent Heights

Past President: Randy Whitehead, Matthew Halton

Secretary-Treasurer: Marg Derbyshire

phone 403-527 – 5360 cell 403-548-1784 fax 403-580-2999


President Scott Howes called the Meeting to Order at 1:07 PM

Voting Strength: 45 ( 42 Admin, 3 School Reps) 43/74 schools were represented

Order of Business:

  1. MOVED by Ingeborg Pot (Stirling): To adopt the Minutes of May 5, 2014 Meeting in Lethbridge. SECOND: Ray Neary (Crescent Heights) CARRIED

2. Business arising from the Minutes

1. Erle Rivers School withdrew from hosting 2J Girls Volleyball. St Catherine’s will host

2. Reminder that there will be 10 min quarters in 2J, 3J and 4J Basketball games.

3. Communications/Guests

1. Deb Yanota, Terry Hanna, SchoolCoach Ambassadors. Deb spoke to the delegates about their plans to contact School District personnel.

2. New school: Dr Roy Wilson Learning Centre, Medicine Hat 1J, grade 7 only

4. Financial Report MOVED by Toby Boulet (Winston Churchill): to adopt the 20113-14 Year-End Financial Statementas presented. SECOND: Darryl Christensen (Magrath) CARRIED

5. Notices of Motion

1. SECTION X–TRACK AND FIELD (p13) submitted by Kelly Schmidt (Enchant) 2nd: Gordon Vatcher (St Joseph’s)

CURRENT: 2. The rules governing track and field shall be the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) rules.

ADD: a. All participants must wear shoes (runners or spikes if allowed at the venue) when participating in any track & field event.

Rationale: 1. Safety – to reduce or eliminate the chances of injury while participating in your event.

  1. ASAA Policy for Sr High states (p 124) : G. Equipment 4. Footwear must be worn while competing, with the exception of the kicking leg in the high jump event.


2. Article IV OrganizationMOVED by Lyle Parr (Fr Leonard Van Tighem) SECOND: Terry Carson (Alexandra)

Current: Section 3 - SZJHAA classified activities shall be conducted under their respective classifications.

1J: schools with grade 7 and 8 students only (gr 6 students are eligible for VB and BB only)

2J: 1 - 89 registered grade 7 to 9 students with less than 30 grade 9's (gr 6 students are eligible for VB and BB)

3J: 90 - 199 registered grade 7 to 9 students

4J: 200 or more registered grade 7 to 9 students

Proposed: Section 3 - SZJHAA classified activities shall be conducted under their respective classifications.

1J: schools with grade 7 and 8 students only (gr 6 students are eligible for VB and BB only)

2J: 1 - 89 registered grade 7 to 9 students with less than 30 grade 9's (gr 6 students are eligible for VB and BB)

3J: 90 - 280registered grade 7 to 9 students

4J: 281 or more registered grade 7 to 9 students

Rationale: 1. FLVT would like to remain a 3J school. We have approximately 240 JH students which puts us 1.5 classes over 200 and currently in 4J. It does not seen prudent to create a “weak” sister at the 4J level of zone participation. Smaller schools like ours are already put to an unfair advantage for badminton where our athletes compete against 4J schools in order to qualify for the 3J banner.

2. The current enrolment cut-off is outdated and needs revamping to allow schools that have only 3 classes at each of the JH grades to compete at 3J. This would not require a major overhaul of the system and I believe would only affect one school. 240 students is significantly smaller than the other JH schools competing at 4J levels. Most 4J schools have twice to almost 3 times the population. The premise for establishing J-levels is to provide fair competition between similar-sized schools.


6. Zone CompetitionReports

1.Track and Field - Report on Zones held June 5 in Medicine Hat–65 schools, 798 athletes, 9 records. Banners: 1J Gilbert Paterson; 2J Stirling; 3J Magrath; 4J Crescent Heights

2. Cross Country – Oct 8 at Echo Dale, Medicine Hat. Entries to Marg by Wed, Oct 1, using Hy-Tek if possible. If not, use Excel form on the web site

3. Volleyball – Nov 7, 8 Team registration deadline to Marg is Oct 15;

1J Boys and Girls – RI Baker

2J Boys – Barnwell

2J Girls – St Catherine’s

3J Boys and Girls – County Central

4J Boys– Notre Dame

4J Girls – Crescent Heights

7. New Business.

1. Basketball Championships March 6, 7, 2015

1J Boys BB:Cardston Jr1J Girls BB:Cardston Jr

2J Boys BB:Mountain View2J Girls BB St Joseph’s (Hill Spring, Foremost)

3J Boys BB:Willow Creek3J Girls BB JT Foster

4J Boys BB:Magrath4J Girls BB: Raymond

2. Badminton Championship: Sat May 2, 2015 bid: Lethbridge Venue Co-ordinators will be Lethbridge City (6) and Forty Mile (6). Terry VandeGriend will confirm venues and Lethbridge co-ordinators.

3. Track and Field June 3, 2015 in Medicine Hat

8. Discussion Topics (Notices of Motion could be submitted for the Spring Meeting if interest shown)

9. Other Business

1. Rulebooks will be distributed at this meeting

2. Feb Sr High Zone Meeting – there may be an AIAAA course offered, the course will start at 11:30 am. This Meeting will be in Lethbridge

3. Next Zone Meeting: Monday, May 4, 2015 at Horizon School District Office,Taber1:00 pm

10. MOVED by Ray Neary (Crescent Heights) : Adjournmentat 1:50 PM