Redwood City, California


May 13, 2009

1.Call to Order

President Diaz-Slocum called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. at the District Office, 750 Bradford Street, Redwood City.

Present at the Board Meeting: President Maria Diaz-Slocum, Trustees Alisa MacAvoy, Shelly Masur, Dennis McBride, Hilary Paulson, and Superintendent Jan Christensen

Others present: John Baker, Raul Parungao, Patricia McRae, Joe Siam, Rosemarie Perez, Jan McCormick, Jane Yuster, Reggi Mainero, Amanda Neborsky, Antonio Perez, Sandra Portasio, Maria Fuentes, Carolyn Williams, Dr. T. W. Weideman, members of Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative, Janae Novotny, Schrene Whitmore, Mary Maher, Janelle Campbell

2.Closed Sessions

2.1Closed Session on Discipline/Dismissal/Release, Government Code 54957

At 6:32 p.m. President Diaz- Slocum and Trustees MacAvoy, Masur, McBride and Paulson went into closed session with Superintendent Christensen, Deputy Superintendent Baker, Chief Business Office Parungao, and Janae Novotny, counsel, regarding the discipline, dismissal or release of an employee as per Government code 54957.

2.2Closed Session with Legal Counsel on Existing Litigation, (CASE OAH No. 2009031273), Government Code 54956.9 (a)

At 6:48 p.m. President Diaz- Slocum and Trustees MacAvoy, Masur, McBride and Paulson went into closed session with Superintendent Christensen, Deputy Superintendent Baker, Chief Business Office Parungao, and Janae Novotny, counsel, regarding existing litigation per Government Code 54956.9 (a). The board came out of closed session at 7:11 p.m.


At 7:13 p.m. President Diaz-Slocum welcomed those present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

4.Changes to the Agenda

Trustee McBride requested that Item 10.9 be moved to Action Items because the agreement had been amended.

5.Approval of Agenda

On motion by Trustee McBride, seconded by Trustee Paulson, and by unanimous vote, the Board approved the agenda as amended.

6.Community/Staff Recognition

6.1Selby Lane School Recognition

Carolyn Williams, principal of Selby Lane School, requested that Dr. T. W. Weideman, Dr. Peter Mueller, Dr. Gillian Humphries, Dr. Ted Mill, Dr. Ester Bugna, Dr. Ray Ramos, Dr. Anup Goel, Dr. Kurt McMullin, and the Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative be recognized for dedicated service to Selby Lane students, parents and staff.

President Diaz-Slocum and Superintendent Christensen presented Certificates of Recognition to Dr. T. W. Weideman and the Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative (BAWSI) for their ongoing support of Selby Lane School. Dr. Peter Mueller, Dr. Gillian Humphries, Dr. Ted Mill, Dr. Ester Bugna, Dr. Ray Ramos, Dr. Anup Goel, Dr. Kurt McMullin were unable to attend.

On behalf of BAWSI, Amy Bocker expressed appreciation for the district recognition. She invited other schools in the district to participate in the program to support student sports.

7.Oral Communication

Maria Fuentes, parent, reported that her son’s education at Hoover School has been negatively impacted due to the presence of a substitute teacher for the last 6 weeks. She questioned the district’s policies in selecting and preparing substitutes for employment.

Amanda Neborsky and Antonio Perez, Hoover School, reported on the educational programs at Hoover School.

Sandra Portasio, Director of Community Schools, reported on the positive collaboration between the Hoover Family Center and Hoover School administration and staff.

Reggi Mainero, teacher, expressed concern about the district’s suspension report. She stated that the reduction of suspensions negatively impacts classroom management and student instruction when students are returned to classrooms when they should have been suspended.

8.School/Community Reports


9.Discussion Items

9.1District Budget Development, 2009-2010

Raul Parungao, CBO, updated the board on the status of the state budget. He reported that the district would be receiving federal stimulus funds. He reported that the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities funds have been extended indefinitely.

Mr. Parungao reported that he would bring a request for adoption of a resolution for the issuance of Tax Revenue Anticipation Notes to cover a cash shortfall, due to the Legislature and Governor delaying cash payments to California school districts.

10.Consent Items

On motion by Trustee Masur, seconded by Trustee McBride, and by unanimous vote, the Board approved the consent items, taking the following action:

10.1Recommendation re:Approval of April 22, 2009 Board Minutes

10.2Recommendation re:Approval of April 29, 2009 Board Minutes

10.3Recommendation re:Ratification of Warrant Register, April 2-29, 2009

10.4Recommendation re:Award of Bid for Installation of Closed Circuit Video Security System at Clifford School

10.5Recommendation re:Approval of Field Trip to Water, Marine Science Institute, Selby Lane

10.6Recommendation re:Approval of Field Trip to Water, Hyde Street Pier, San Francisco, Hawes

10.7Recommendation re:Approval Field Trip to Water, Hyde Street Pier, San Francisco, Gill (amended)

10.8Recommendation re:Approval of Field Trip to Water, Swim, Roosevelt

10.10 Recommendation re:Acceptance of Donations

10.11 Recommendation re:Declaration of Obsolete Textbooks

10.12 Recommendation re:Approval of Extended Hours Field Trip, Grand Canyon-Havasu, Kennedy and MIT Schools (amended)

11.Action Items

10.9Recommendation re:Approval of Agreement for Services with the California Reading and Literature Project

Mr. Parungao explained that the Agreement’s Indemnity Clause had been revised to include the district’s requested changes.

On motion by Trustee MacAvoy, seconded by Trustee Paulson, and by unanimous vote, the board approved the Agreement for Services with the California Reading and Literature Project as amended.

11.1Recommendation re:Approval of Hiring Special Education Staff to Support Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Middle School Students

On motion by Trustee MacAvoy, seconded by Trustee Masur, and by unanimous vote, the board approved the hiring of special education staff to support the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Middle School program.

11.2Recommendation re:Approval of Agreement with San Mateo County Chief Election Officer

On motion by Trustee, seconded by Trustee, and by unanimous vote, the board approved the agreement with the San Mateo County Chief Election Officer.

11.3Recommendation re:Adoption of Resolution 14, Reduction of Universal Preschool/Preschool for All Teachers Due to End of Funding

On motion by Trustee MacAvoy, seconded by Trustee Paulson, and by unanimous vote, the board adopted Resolution 14, Reduction of Universal Preschool/Preschool for All Teachers Due to End of Funding as submitted.

The board recessed the meeting at 8:09 p.m.; the meeting was reconvened at 8:14 p.m.

11.4Recommendation re:Adoption of Resolution 15, Final Decision Regarding Termination of Certificated Employees as a Result of a Reduction in Particular Kinds of Service

On motion by Trustee Masur, seconded by Trustee Paulson, and by unanimous vote, the board accepted the ruling of the Administrative Law Judge.

John Baker, Deputy Superintendent, requested that the board rescind notification of termination for all of the employees listed on Resolution 15, except for Nancy Powell, Alysone Rigolfi and David Rosenblatt.

Superintendent Christensen explained that Nancy Powell and Alysone Rigolfi’s positions are dependent upon receipt of a grant from the Sequoia Hospital Foundation. She stated that she had been informed that the grant had been awarded to the district and she is waiting for formal notification.

Dr. Baker explained that the reason David Rosenblatt is still being considered for reduction is because of his credential.

On motion by Trustee MacAvoy, seconded by Trustee Masur, and by unanimous vote, the board adopted Resolution 15, Final Decision Regarding Termination of Certificated Employees as a Result of a Reduction in Particular Kinds of Service as amended.

12.Board and Superintendent Reports

12.1 Report from Board Members and Superintendent

Trustee Masur reported she attended Adelante’s student festival.

Trustee Masur congratulated the Kent Award winners.

Trustee Paulson reported that the district music concert on the square would be held on June 14.

Trustee McBride reported that Trustee Masur was the new President of the San Mateo County School Boards Association.

Trustee McBride thanked Clifford School for the excellent art work in the board room.

Trustee McBride reported that the district auditors are still having problems with student attendance.

Superintendent Christensen reported on the artist reception being held on May 17 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in honor of district student artists.

Superintendent Christensen expressed appreciation to the board members for all of their hard work and dedication to students.

11.2Report Out of Action Taken in Closed Session on April 29, 2009 on Potential Litigation

President Diaz-Slocum reported that the Board received information from Mr. Davis on potential litigation.

President Diaz-Slocum reported that the Board received information from Mr. Simonson on potential litigation.


13.1San Mateo County Office of Education Review of the Redwood City School District’s Second Interim Financial Report for the Fiscal Year 2008/ 2009

The board received information from the San Mateo County Office of Education regarding the district’ 2008-09 Second Interim Report.

13.2Child Development Center’s Annual Report for the California Childcare Center Program (CCTR)

The board received the Agency Annual Report for the California Childcare Center Program (CCTR) from the Child Development Center.

13.3 Child Development Center’s Annual Report for the California Preschool Program (CPRE)

The board received the Agenda Annual Report for the California Preschool Program (CPRE) from the Child Development Center.


Trustee MacAvoy received a letter regarding the district’s phone service.

15.Other Business/Suggested Items for Future Agendas


16.Board Agenda Calendar

16.1Changes to Board Agenda Schedule

Board received information on changes to future board agendas.

Superintendent Christensen emphasized that the May 20 board meeting had been cancelled and the May 27 board meeting was moved to the district office.

17.Closed Session

16.1Closed Session on Negotiations/California School Employees Association

At 9:01 p.m. President Diaz-Slocum, Trustees MacAvoy, Masur, McBride and Paulson went into closed session with Superintendent Christensen, Deputy Superintendent Baker and Chief Business Official Parungao regarding negotiations with the California School Employees Association.

The board came out of closed session at 9:27 p.m.


On motion by Trustee McBride, seconded by Trustee MacAvoy, and by unanimous vote, the board adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m.

Alisa MacAvoy, Clerk


Board MinutesMay 13, 2009