Task Manager / Jeffrey Waite, Sr. Education Specialist / (202) 458-0842

Team Leaders / Mae Chu Chang
Primary Education:
Geeta Verma
Higher Secondary and Vocational Education:
Ahmed Ferej and
Nestor Balmores /

CPA / Dorothy Mazaka
/ 1-914-360-6528

Agency Focal Point / Farris Hadad-Zervos
Iraqi Representative
Convening Agency / World Bank
Jeffrey Waite, Sr. Education Specialist
Peter Buckland, Sr. Education Specialist
Mohammed Allak, Economist
Regina Bendokat /

Other Participants / Tayseer Al-Nahar, Education Consultant
Mohamed A. Bile, UNESCO /
Member State Participation / Fabienne Bessonne, EC (France) /
1. Infrastructure:
For all levels of education (UNICEF - primary education, UNESCO - secondary, higher and non-formal education).
2. School equipment and materials:
Need to identify the status of schools and educational institutions for a proper assessment.
3. Administration and teacher’s salaries
Teacher’s salaries and training.
4. Data Management
EMIS requirements

Cross Cutting Issues:


Human Rights questions to be addressed:

1. Is education compulsory, and if so for which age groups?
2. Is education, including primary, available free of charge?
3. Is mother-tongue education available for linguistic minorities?
4. What are the existing school enrolment rates? How has the school enrolment been affected by the conflict? Are there differences in enrolment rates for girls and boys, including from rural and urban areas, poor families and ethnic and religious minorities?
5. What are the existing attendance and drop-out rates, for girls and boys respectively? What are those rates with respect to rural and urban areas, ethnic and religious minorities and children from poor families?
6. How does education accommodate the education needs of girls, disabled, orphaned or children from ethnic or religious minorities?
7. To what extent have school buildings been destroyed or otherwise affected by the conflict? Have certain areas or vulnerable groups been particularly affected by disruption of classes?
8. Does the composition of teachers reflect the gender, ethnic and religious composition of the population?
9. Are there effectively functioning teachers’ unions?
Gender questions to be addressed:
Primary Education/Higher Education:
A.  Are there equal numbers of male and female teachers, administrators and other leaders in education among the Iraqi population? How can they take leadership roles in creating and sustaining the education of girls and boys during recovery? Are there differences between primary and higher education as concerns girls’ access?
B.  What are additional specific barriers to learning in the current unstable environment? How are these different for girls and boys? What factors account for this trend? How will the education system track and remedy this trend?
C.  What actions are in place to accommodate the education needs of disabled, orphaned, separated or otherwise unaccompanied children? Do girls and boys have access to the same services?
D.  How do alternative or informal models of education accommodate the different vulnerabilities and changed roles and responsibilities of girls and boys in the current situation?
E.  Are women and girls able to travel to school safely?
F.  How are Codes of Conduct used to ensure appropriate behavior of teachers?
Environment: Environmental curricula in schools and universities, public awareness campaigns on environmental topics, higher and vocational training for environment protection, media capacity for information dissemination.

Capacity Analysis

Date /
/ Responsibility
August 1-10 / Mission to collect additional information and validate costing analysis / Regina Bendokat, World Bank
August 2-16 / Field Mission / World Bank
August 4-24 / Mission to Assess School Meal Programs / WFP
End August 2003 / Costing of 2004 needs / World Bank
§  Colin Kaiser, UNESCO will be in Baghdad from 07 to 10 July on senior mission
§  UNESCO OFFP Team Michael Croft and Mohammed Djedid will be in Iraq from 04 to 24 July
§  Dr. Jacques Baudouy, Director Human Development, Middle East and North Africa Region, World Bank will be visiting Iraq 07 to 10 July.
§  WFP Mission to assess school meal programs, 4 August to 24 August
§  Watching briefs are being carried out by UNICEF and WHO, with the World Bank in reference to Social Sector.
§  Existing UNICEF and UNESCO data
§  Watching brief
§  Existing activities by CPA and USAID
§  Update on Iraq Crisis
§  Crisis Appeal for Iraq's Children
§  Situation Analysis of Education in Iraq
Name / Agency/Expertise / Based in / Contact Information
Freij Fenniche / OHCHR
Roswitha Newels / UNOPS
Colin Kaiser / UNESCO / Sarajevo (Currently in Baghdad) /
Adam Abdelmoula / UNOHCI /
David Jenson / UNEP / Geneva / ,
Mir Asghar Husain / UNESCO / Paris /
Darlene Bission / WFP, School Feeding Program
Arlene Mitchell / WFP, School Feeding Program

Education Fact Sheet Draft #5, 04/08//03 Page 3 of 3