NOVEMBER 19-20, 2015




Conference Overview

Reading Connects A. L. L. is the 60th Conference Theme of the West Virginia Reading Association. The conference logo contains four, distinct elements: the diamond, the book, connect-the-dot lettering and the acronym A.L.L.

The diamond is the precious gem used to symbolize a 60th celebration. Diamonds are formed under pressure after many years, somewhat like research-based, best practices in classrooms. The diamond that is produced is multifaceted, strong, and can endure over the years like students must be able to do over their lifetimes.

The book is the symbol of reading. Reading in the broadest sense is the tool by which educators help students become the precious gems in the classroom and later life. Connect-the-dot lettering is a special font of type selected for this conference theme because it is imperative that reading strategies extend beyond the English Language Arts period to all content specializations. The last logo element, and most important,is the acronym A.L.L. Not only should reading instruction be limited to the classroom, but alsoreading instruction needs to be extended to AllAges, AllLearners and AllLanguages.The acronym A.L.L.contains the three major conference strands.

Strand I-All Ages:This strand supports the African proverb, “It takes an entire village to educate a child.” The skilled educator connects the classroom with technological resources, civic organizations, higher education partnerships, faith based initiatives, and social services to maximize student learning.

Strand II-All Learners: Classrooms are filled with diverse learners. The skilled educator connects and adapts instruction to meet the needs of all students specifically students with high poverty and special needs.

Strand III-All Languages: Today’s classroom is multi-lingual. Students must learn and become fluent in the languages of science, mathematics, social sciences, health, the arts, and physical education. The skilled educator adapts best practices in reading instruction to increase student achievement in all content areas.

The Conference Selection Committee welcomes educational innovation and is eager to select concurrent sessions and workshops which address the three strands of this year’s conference.

Submission Criteria

Proposals strongly tied to the conference theme – Reading Connects A. L. L

Proposals incorporating technology, intergenerational, civic, or higher education partnerships

Proposals which adapt instruction to students with diverse needs.

Proposals excluded from select if they solely promote for-profit commercial materials, programs, or professional consultants

Proposals using integrated reading/English language arts instruction in all content areas.

General Information


Notification of a proposal being accepted will be e-mailed to the proposal’s author by July 1, 2015.

All program presenters must register for the conference and pay conference fees by October 17, 2015.

The West Virginia Reading Association is a professional, non-profit origination and is unable to provide honoraria nor reimburse presenters for materials, travel, technology, fees, meals, or hotel expenses.

Mail or electronically send the completed on or before June 19, 2015.

Bruce Neal

309 Shawnee Circle

Charleston, WV 25304

Home Phone 304-343-4725

E-Mail Address:

West Virginia Reading Association 2015 Program Proposal

Word Process and submit this proposal either electronically or through the US Postal Service

1. Proposal Authors Contact Information

Name (As it is to appear in the program): Last ______First______

Address communications about the proposal to: ______

Street Address______

City______State______Postal Zip Code ______

Telephone Preferred (_____) (_____)(______) Alternate: (_____) (_____) (______)

Best time to call ______AM PM

E-Mail Address Preferred:______Alternate: ______

Member of WVRA __YES __ NO Member of IRA __YES __ NO

2.Session Proposal Presider Contact Information

Address communications about the proposal to: ______

Street Address______

City______State______Postal Zip Code ______

Telephone Preferred (_____) (_____) (______) Alternate: (_____) (_____) (______)

Best time to call ______AM PM

E-Mail Address Preferred:______Alternate: ______

Member of WVRA __YES __ NO Member of IRA __YES __ NO

3. Other Proposal Participants and Contact Information( Cut, Paste, Complete and Duplicate item 3 for each member of the presentation team)

Address communications about the proposal to: ______

Street Address______

City______State______Postal Zip Code ______

Telephone Preferred (_____) (_____) (______) Alternate: (_____) (_____) (______)

Best time to call ______AM PM

E-Mail Address Preferred:______Alternate: ______

Member of WVRA __YES __ NO Member of IRA __YES __ NO

4. Title of the Presentation (Make this what you want to attend and limit the title to one line of type):


5. Program Description for the Conference Program (30 words of less to make us want to attend the presentation):______

6. Type of Presentation:

___ Session (45 Minutes) ____ Workshop (90 minutes with one break of 15 minutes in the middle)

7. Scheduling Date and Time Preference (In Order of Preference 1st, 2nd, 3rd:

__No Preference __ThursdayAM __ Thursday PM __Friday AM __Friday PM

8. Topic Relevance and Audience

Reading Topics Inter-Disciplinary Instruction Intended Audience

__Phonemic Awareness __Math__Birth-Pre-K

__Phonics__Science__Early Childhood (K-2)

__Comprehension__Social Studies__Intermediate (3-5)

__Vocabulary__Health__Middle (6-8)

__Fluency__Physical Education__High School

__Writing__The Arts__Title 1

__Other Explain__Special Education


__All Conference Attendees

9. Abstract and Session Introduction (Two Additional Attachments)

On one separate sheet of paper, write a 250 word or less abstract that summarizes the presentation. This summary should include the following: A. The Title of the ProgramB. The Program Objective(s);C. The Content to Be Presented: and D. Presentation Method(s)

On another sheet of paper, write a very brief introduction to your presentation. (This sheet will be used by your Presider.) Tell about the people presenting the session. . The introduction should make the audience want to hear the presentation. Biographies must be very brief and include only information about the presenter that is pertinent to the presentation. The Introduction is limited to one page.

Statement of Intent

Our presentation team, Presider, and I understand and agree that ifthe proposal is accepted by a peer review process, we will:

Register for the WVRA Conference and pay all registration fees before October 17th.

Pay rental fees for audio-visual equipment that wemay need for ourpresentation.

Provide and pay for handouts or materials that you will give participants during your presentation.

Be responsible for fines for copyright violations.

Do Not expect the West Virginia Reading Association to reimburse any expenses for members of

our team.

Notify Bruce Neal immediately about any changes in the statutes of this proposal.

______Proposal Author Signature: ______Date