9.00 Registration, coffee and pastries
10.00 Welcome and Introduction to BEECS
Miss Seema Verma, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hosptial, London
10.10“State of the Nation”
Mr John Buchan, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
10.30 Medical retina – where things go wrong
Prof Miles Stanford , Consultant Ophthalmologist, St Thomas’ Hospital, London
11.00 Medicolegal pitfalls – how to avoid being sued
Mr Brian Leatherbarrow, , Consultant Ophthalmologist, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital
11.30 Trainee competition part 1 (see below)
12.30Lunch in the Platt Room
13.30“Sex and the Clinic” – Sexual Health and Emergency Eye Care
Dr Colm O’MahonyConsultant in Sexual Health, Countess of Chester Hospital
14.00Traineecompetition part 2 (see below)
14.30Debate: “It was better in my day” – the case for and against subspecialisation.
FOR: Teifi James Consultant Ophthalmologist Calderdale Royal Hospital
AGAINST:Jeremy Butcher Consultant Ophthalmologist, Countess of Chester Hospital
15.00 “How can we help?” : the role of the allied health professional in the emergency eye clinic Paul Johnson Nurse Consultant, Helen Wilson Acute Optometrist
15.30Tea in the Platt Room
15.50Presentation of Trainee Competition Prize
15.55Hot Hat debates
16.55 Closing remarks
Trainee Competition Part 1 1130-1230
A photographic series of early acanthamoeba and fungal keratitis cases
Ronald Kam ST5 Registrar, Moorfields Eye Hospital
Current Outcomes Following Open-Globe Ocular Trauma in an English District General Hospital: A Ten-Year Review
Rory Nicholson, ST3, Royal Bournemouth Hospital
Acute proptosis is an unusual and worrying sign when patients present to the emergency department.
Zaria Ali Clinical Fellow, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital
Just Another Referral With Flashes and Floaters?
Alastair Porteous ST5 Moorfields Eye Hospital
Northampton General Hospital (NGH) Eye Casualty Audit – New Referrals
Abdul El-Khayat ST3 Northampton General Hospital
Foundation Trainee knowledge and experience of acute ophthalmology presentations.
Nyasha Ishmael Shangwa FY2 Calderdale and Huddersfield Hospitals
When is Seidel’s not Seidel’s? The perils of misdiagnosing trauma.
Marcus Posner ST4 Central Middlesex and Western Eye Hospitals
Presentation of Horner’s syndrome with features of Pancoast syndrome in young patient with supra-clavicular metastasis of testicular cancer (germ cell tumour).
Gerard Reid ST1 Royal Vicitoria Hospital, Belfast
Part 2 200-230
The Great Pretender
James P Laybourne, StR7 in Ophthalmology Newcastle Eye Centre
Informed consent in emergency scenarios
Muhammad Amjad ST5 Bradford Royal Infirmary
An Audit Assessing the History and Examination of Patients Presenting with Red Eye
Mustafa Yusuf
Schematic approach to perforating eye injury
Matthew Maguire ST2 Royal Preston Hospital