Indexed listof filescreated during the period July – December 2017

Record Number / Title
2017/00741 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - ARPANSA input to Department of Health International Engagement Strategy
2017/00744 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Department of Health - World Health Organisation (WHO) - Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) Country Cooperation Strategy
2017/00778 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Input into the Australian Antarctic Strategy
2017/00773 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - NICNAS Definition of Radioactive Chemical for ICNA Act
2017/01661 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - NSW Poisons Information Centre - Clarification of ARPANSA Services
2017/00779 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Advice - Official Resource Flows to Developing Countries Survey 2016 – 21
2017/00794 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Agreements - Attorney-General's Department
2017/00795 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Agreements - Therapeutic Goods Administration
2017/01719 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Australian Government Planning Group (AGPG) - 2016-10-25
2017/01708 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Meetings - Australian Government Planning Group (AGPG) - 2017-11-24
2017/00772 / GOVERNMENT RELATIONS - Submissions (Routine) - Submission to Joint Standing Committee inquiry into the Australia’s Antarctic Territory
2017/00780 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Advice - Proposal for ARPANSA expert to attend International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission in Iran – 2017
2017/01744 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Advice - Ruthenium-106 Detection in Europe – September 2017
2017/00729 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Advice - Stocktake of Australia – European Union (EU) Engagement – 2017 and beyond
2017/00998 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - International Agreements – Director of Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation
2017/01016 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - International Agreements – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Practical Arrangements
2017/00791 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - International Agreements - The Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation of the Government of the United Arab Emirates (FANR)
2017/00793 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - International Agreements - The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) of the Republic of Indonesia
2017/00792 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Agreements - International Agreements - The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)
2017/01376 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Committees - OECD / NEA – Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy
2017/00690 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison - ARPANSA Relationship with US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
2017/01739 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison - ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM)
2017/00691 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison - Bilateral Relations with South Africa
2017/00742 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine: Achieving Change in Practice, 11-15 December 2017, Vienna
2017/01740 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - ARTEMIS
2017/01429 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - Co-ordination Comments - Comments on the IAEA Draft Transport Safety Standards
2017/01430 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - Co-ordination Comments - Comments on the IAEA Draft Waste safety Standards
2017/01374 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA Board of Governors Meeting – September 2017
2017/01375 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - IAEA Open-ended Meeting of Legal and Technical Experts on Implementation of the Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources
2017/00712 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – RAS-9.077-9005 - Expert team mission on Regional workshop on assessment and decision making - Pattaya, Thailand- 2017
2017/00711 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Course – Regional Training Course (RTC) on Building Capabilities for Nuclear Security – Beijing, China – 2017
2017/01642 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - Joint Convention on Safety of Spent Fuel Managemen - Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management - National Report 2017
2017/01597 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - Peer Review and Advisory Service Technical Meeting – August 2017
2017/01488 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Liaison (International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - Regional Workshop on the Revised Safety Requirements in emergency Preparedness and Response - GSR Part 7
2017/00721 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Meetings - IAEA Workshop - Research Reactors - 5-9 February 2018
2017/01658 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Meetings - IAEA Workshop of the Use of a Harmonized Safety Culture Framework – Vienna 23-25 October 2017.
2017/01018 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Meetings - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – Practical Introduction to Nuclear Forensics, Sydney, Australia, 16-20 October 2017
2017/01172 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Treaties and Conventions - Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS)
2017/01173 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Treaties and Conventions - Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM)
2017/01743 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Visits - Indonesia BAPETEN 2017
2017/01742 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Visits - Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority 2017
2017/01741 / INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - Visits - Thai Office of Atoms for Peace 2017
2017/00735 / NATIONAL UNIFORMITY - Advice (Nuclear Safety Committee) - Appointments - NSC 2018-2020 Triennium
2017/01368 / NATIONAL UNIFORMITY - Advice (Nuclear Safety Committee) - Meetings - 20 October 2017
2017/01586 / NATIONAL UNIFORMITY - Advice (Radiation Health Committee) - Appointments - Successful Applicants - RHC 2018 - 2020 Triennium
2017/01500 / NATIONAL UNIFORMITY - Advice (Radiation Health Committee) - Meeting Papers - RHC - Meeting - 15 November 2017
2017/01478 / NATIONAL UNIFORMITY - Advice (RH&SAC) - Appointments - Applications for Appointment – RHSAC 2017-18
2017/01754 / OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY - Radiation Safety - Dosimetry - ARPANSA Dose Records from providers other than PRMS
2017/01689 / QUALITY MANAGEMENT - Quality Documents - Current - EPR - Current Manual
2017/00720 / QUALITY MANAGEMENT - Quality Documents - Current - GOV-SEC 2017
2017/00716 / QUALITY MANAGEMENT - Quality Documents - Current - INFO-SEC 2017
2017/00719 / QUALITY MANAGEMENT - Quality Documents - Current - PERS-SEC 2017
2017/00684 / QUALITY MANAGEMENT - Quality Documents - Current - PHYS-SEC 2017
2017/00738 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 3-Current Operations - 2017-05-26 - MERS support to CSIRO Regulatory Inspection
2017/00731 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 3-Current Operations - 2017-07 - NPW Visit - QLD
2017/00739 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 3-Current Operations - 2017-10 - IAEA RANET Joint Assistance Team Exercise - Japan (J3-TR-56187)
2017/01480 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 4-Logistics - Budget - ARPANSA Finance References
2017/00766 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 4-Logistics - Purchasing - AGCC - Scott Muston
2017/00761 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 5-Planning and Coordination - International - IAEA-National Competent Authority - Convention Exercises - 2017-08 - ConvEx-1b
2017/01707 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 5-Planning and Coordination - International - IAEA-National Competent Authority - Convention Exercises - 2017-12 – ConvEx-2b
2017/01704 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 5-Planning and Coordination - International - IAEA-National Competent Authority - Correspondence (IEC) - IEC Routine communications
2017/01248 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 5-Planning and Coordination - International - WHO Collaborating Centre - Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Network (REMPAN) - REMPAN General Correspondence
2017/01721 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 5-Planning and Coordination - National - Australian Government Response Plans
2017/00755 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 5-Planning and Coordination - National - Domestic Health Response Plan for Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear Incidents of National Significance
2017/01755 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 5-Planning and Coordination - National - Nuclear Powered Warships - Reports on Radiation Monitoring
2017/01733 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 6-Communications - Field Communication Development - EPR SIM Cards
2017/01498 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 6-Communications - GIS - Python Scripts
2017/00726 / RADIATION HEALTH - Emergency Preparedness and Response - 7-Training (EPR) - External - 2000-07 - Environmental Survey Team (EST) Training [Obsolete]
2017/01601 / RADIATION HEALTH - Liaison - Australasian Radioanalytical Laboratory Network (ARLN)
2017/01487 / RADIATION HEALTH - Liaison - Victorian Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC)
2017/01340 / RADIATION REGULATION - Advice - Licence Holder F0213 Defence
2017/01342 / RADIATION REGULATION - Advice - Licence Holder S0002 RHS
2017/01338 / RADIATION REGULATION - Advice - Licence Holder S0015 Supervising Scientist
2017/01339 / RADIATION REGULATION - Advice - Licence Holder S0042 Defence
2017/01337 / RADIATION REGULATION - Advice - Licence Holder S0092 DIBP
2017/00676 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - 2013
2017/00679 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - 2014
2017/00680 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - 2014
2017/00681 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - 2015
2017/00682 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - 2016
2017/00683 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Audit - 2017
2017/01760 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Committees (Other) - RHC - Declaration of Interest 2018 -2020
2017/01013 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Legislation - Amendment/Remaking of ARPANS Regulations and Licence Charges Regulations effective 1 July 2018
2017/01609 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - 12 October 2017
2017/00757 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - 13 September 2017
2017/01701 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - 21 November 2017
2017/00675 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - ASG Meeting - 12-July-2017
2017/00698 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - ASG Meeting - 14-September-2017
2017/01612 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Meetings - ASG Meeting - 22-November-2017
2017/01734 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - Consultation Kimba SA
2017/01716 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - Correspondence
2017/01717 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - IAP
2017/01713 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - IDC
2017/01718 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - Project Documentation
2017/01715 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - RFI
2017/01712 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - TAG
2017/01505 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - Travel/Catering - RHC Meeting - 15 November 2017
2017/01714 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Planning - WAC
2017/01192 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Policy - Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ARPANSA and Comcare
2017/01017 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Procedures - General Correspondence
2017/00733 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Reporting - ARPANSA - Annual Report 2016/2017
2017/00749 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Risk Management - Security Incident - Tony Haddad
2017/00758 / STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Risk Management - Security Incident - Unidentified items found in Cobalt 60 Lab - 31 July 2017 (Closed 8-Aug-17)
2017/01193 / TECHNOLOGY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Maintenance - iPhone Serial No. F4GT9A3HHG7G

Indexed list of files created during the period January – June 20171 of 6