Deductive Reasoning 4

Pairs of Angles Name______

Worksheet Due Date ______Period ____

For 1-6, ÐABC is a right angle. Name the angles described.

1.  A different right angle.

2.  Two complementary angles.

3. Two congruent supplementary angles

4. Two non-congruent supplementary angles.

5. Two acute vertical angles.

6.  Two obtuse vertical angles.

For 7-12, OT bisects ÐSOU, mÐUOV=35°, and mÐYOW=120°. Find the measure of each angle.

7. mÐZOY 10. mÐZOW

8. mÐVOW 11. mÐSOU

9. mÐTOU 12. mÐZOT

For 13-16, AF bisects ÐRAE and mÐSAH = 23°. Find the measure of each angle.

13. mÐFAE 15. mÐSAF

14. mÐHAE 16. mÐHAR

17. BE bisects ÐCBD. Find the mÐABE.

For 18-21, XC bisects ÐBXD, mÐEXD = 44°, and XB ^ XD.

Find the measure of each angle.

18. mÐBXC 20. mÐAXH

19. mÐAXB 21. mÐHXD

For 22 – 24, write the equation needed to solve the problem and answer the question. Show all work!!!

22. The measures of two complementary angles are in a ratio of 8:7. Find the measure of the

smaller angle.

23. The measures of two supplementary angles are in a ratio of 3:2. Find the measure of the

larger angle.

24.  The measure of an angle is 21 more than twice its complement. Find the measure of the angle.

Deductive 4 Worksheet Key

1.  ÐCBD

2.  ÐCBE and ÐEBD

3.  ÐABC and ÐCBD

4.  ÐEBD and ÐABE

5.  ÐABF and ÐEBD

6.  ÐFBD and ÐABE

7.  35o 10. 155o

8. 25o 11. 120o

9. 60o 12. 85o

13. 23o 15. 157o

14. 157o 16. 157o

17. 135o

18. 45o 20. 134o

19. 46o 21. 90o

22. 8x + 7x = 90

x = 6

smaller angle 42 o

23. 3x + 2x = 180

x = 36

larger angle 108 o

24. m = 2(90 – m) + 21

m = 67 o

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