P.O. Box 631

Long Valley, NJ 07853


LVUSC Board Meeting – March 13, 2017December 14

8:05pmCalled to order: 8:10pm

Board Present: -- Quoruem

Present / Absent
Larissa Chen / X
Paul Ciavolella / X
Dennis Even / X
Matt Gegenfurtner / X
Rich Mastriani / X
Dave Mauldin / X
Paul Prata / X
Steven Robinson / X
Melissa Tuleya / X
Isabel Vieira / X
John Viera / X
Joe Wallace / X

Board-Elect Members:

·  Larissa Chen

·  Melissa Tuleya

·  Dennis Even

·  Dave Mauldin

Club Member(s) present: Jessica Graff, Jen Schwartz

Gareth Chitticks (Kickz Soccer)

Gareth made two presentations proposing additional training for our players. (See handouts) Spring/fall training, and summer camp

Spring/fall training:

·  open training for outfield players, analagous to what we have been doing with goalie training

·  8 week program, can have participants sign up for 4 weeks at a time to minimize commitment/make it less overwhelming. Players would be broken up by age and then by skill level observed on the field.

·  Cost:

o  $59 per player for 4 week session, or

o  club increases registration fee by $5, which would cover the cost of two trainers/about 32 kids per week

o  If enrollment gets too high, we could supplement with coaches initially, and/or make it first-come, first-served (like goalie training)

·  more individual-skill training, as opposed to the team skills that much of regular practice sessions focus on

·  overall sentiment was that this is something we should consider for the fall, not spring

Summer camp:

·  Kickz currently runs soccer camps through the Rec Dept, but these include kids of all levels. The Club has been wanting to have a camp just for travel players for a while now.

·  Recommends evening (~5-8pm) in order to accommodate kids’ schedules, as well as avoid conflict with town’s camps

·  Could do boys one week, girls another, or have two weeks available to accommodate families’ vacations, etc.

·  Financial benefit to LVU: we would receive either $25 per player, a percentage of the total, or a flat rate fee. We help secure field, and advertise/promote the camp to our families.

Board will consider options and vote on it at the next meeting. We anticipate a lot of interest/participation, based on kids’ past soccer camp participation.

[Gareth left ~8:41]

There was discussion about the pros and cons of sticking with one training company. Having a collaboration and a club-wide curriculum, vs. concern that our foot skills (eg) as a club may not be what they should be after using them for several years. We have not previously worked collaboratively with a training company, it’s been sporadic and independent. We need to make sure that we as a Club control the training/trainers and determine our goals, not vice versa.


Meeting highlights:

·  Has about 660 teams, 140 D1/D2. Final flighting is up. Schedule should be coming out this Friday for field schedulers.

·  League has paid a lot recently in ref fees for broken games. Reminder that coaches may not cancel games. Only clubs/referees can. If you don’t show up you have to pay the ref fees.

·  Game reports – stick to facts, not opinions

·  The state is looking to change the registration process; might not be using GotSoccer in the future. Idea is to streamline the system, state down to local level. Better information management, less redundancy.

·  State is no longer going to provide D&O liability or crime and theft insurance as of July 5. We need to cover it ourselves now, need to look into options. MCYSA not looking to do anything league-wide, but maybe we could combine with Rec.

·  Guest Carding – most leagues don’t allow this the way we do. It is staying for now.

2.  Secretary

·  Spring paperwork is in to town. We have 224 players, so our field usage fee will be $2240 for the spring.

·  Confirm whether field usage fee is per child per sport, or just per child.

3.  Treasurer

Financial Report

·  $46k in checking, $9k in money market, $18.7k in HC. Total = ~$74,000 About $14k is team money.

·  Two teams have high balances, everyone else keeps it roughly even.

·  When a team ages out, a lot of small checks need to be cut to disburse the team’s funds to the families. Could we ask them if they’d be willing to donate the money back to the club? Could be for scholarships, capital projects/light pole, whatever. Everyone is free to accept or decline.

o  All in favor of this.

·  Have no checks for HC account, looking into getting some in order to help keep LVU and HC money separate.

·  Looking to increase use of electronic checks too, and to improve ways for families to give money to their teams.

o  Late fees from Kickz were from November, were assessed only 45 days later. Fees are rather high, going to push back a bit. We paid them around $75k in aggregate last year, a lot of business. However, we have had issues with paying our bills in the past, and Kickz had been asked to send us the bills so we could deal with/pay and straighten things out. This is what needed to happen to make it right.

4.  Registrar

·  About 7 new players carded, a few coaches too. A few players lost.

·  Need to determine whether the teams on GotSoccer and LVU websites are up to date when these changes are made. Also, all new players need to pay $25 (tryout) fee, and if needed have a supplemental tryout. Registrar should not card anyone until approval is gotten from Player Development committee, and we need a system to ensure they pay what they need to (registration fee for spring only is $135).

5.  Coaching

·  Practice Schedule is out there, only small changes made from last version to the current one.

6.  Player Development

o  Tryouts will be Sat. 4/29 and Sat. 5/6. Has been posted on our website as well as the Patch. Players are encouraged to attend both sessions but only one is mandatory.

7.  Field Management

o  Still waiting to hear back about what fields we have, sizes, etc.

o  Shed – will need some people on a couple of Saturdays after tryouts to work on it.

o  PD shed that was offered to us – need to check it out, as well as figure out where we could put it.

8.  Field Scheduling – schedule should be out to Field Schedulers this Friday 3/17

9.  Highlands Cup – see HC meeting notes

Next LVUSC Board Meeting is: Monday, April 10, 2017 at 8pm.

Adjourned: ~10:30pm