Director General School Education and State Project Director

Office of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab

SCO NO. 104-106, 2nd & 3rd floor, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh

Phone No.: 5015864-865, Fax No.: 0172-2624687, e-mail:

Tender Document

For Printing of CCE modules for the year 2012-13

(Tender No.: SSA/ASPD(Prnt.)/2012/07 Dated: - 19-07-2012)

Certified that this Tender Document contains (23) pages serially numbered.

Note: -

The prospective tenderer have the option to download the tender document from, but they shall have to pay a fee of Rs.1000/- (One Thousand Only) In shape of Demand Draft in favour of “State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab”, payable at “Chandigarh” being the cost of Tender Document along with the submission of tender.

If cost of the Tender Document is not attached along with the Technical Bid of the Tender Document, bid will be rejected out rightly.

Technical and Financial bid to be given in seperately sealed covers packed in single sealed cover.


Sr. No. / Particulars / Details
1 / Tender Notice No / Tender No.: SSA/ASPD(Prnt.)/2012/07 Dated:- 19-07-2012
2 / Name of the work / For printing of CCE modules for the year 2012-13
3. / Cost of Tender Document / Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only)
4. / Earnest Money Deposit / Rs. 26,000/- (Rupees Twenty Six Thousand only)
5. / Performance Security / @10 % of total value of work order
6. / Date & Time of Sale of Tender / 19-07-2012 of 12:00 p.m. (Tender Notice will be given in newspapers and Tender document will be on ssa wesbsite as )
7. / Last date for submission of Tender / 09-08-2012 by 12:00 p.m.
8. / Opening of Tenders / Technical bids will be opened on 09-08-2012 at 12:30 p.m. in conference room of O/o SSA Authority, Punjab, SCO 104-106, Sector-34/A, Chandigarh in the presence of tenderers or their representatives. Technically qualified firms will be considered for opening of their financial bids on the same date i.e. on 09-08-2012 or the subsequent date will be intimated to technically qualified Bidders.
9 . / Financial Bid / Performa "VI"

Notes: -

(i) In case the date of opening of tender falls on a holiday, tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time.

(ii) No bidder shall be allowed to withdraw his tender after its opening.

(iii) Rates both in figures and words should be quoted on the prescribed Performa and these should not be over written.

(iv) Tenders quoted on other than Tender Document of this office will not be accepted.

(v) Tenders which are not in the prescribed form/ incomplete/ or vary any of the conditions listed in the tender documents will be rejected out rightly.

(vi) All the columns of the tender form should be, properly filled in.

(vii) The bidder should serially numbered, stamp and sign all the bid documents and attachments other than drafts.

(viii) The successful tenderer is required to furnish the following within 7 days of issue of work/supply order: -

(a) Performance security @ 10% of total value of work/supply order in shape of DemandDraft/Bank Guarantee/Fixed Deposit Receipt in favour of “State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab” payable at "Chandigarh".

In case of failure to do so within 7 days of issuance of work/supply order then EMD of the successful tenderer would be forfeited and the work will be allotted to other party.





1.1  This invitation of bid is for printing of CCE modules for the year 2012-13.

1.2  The printing of above said material should conform to Technical Specifications mentioned in the Performa “V”.

1.3 Bidders are advised to study the Tender Document carefully. Submission of Tender shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the Tender Document with full understanding of its implications.

1.4 Sealed offers should be submitted to "State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab, SCO.104-106, 2nd floor, Sector-34-A, Chandigarh" not later than the last date and time of submission.

1.5 All bids must be accompanied by an Earnest Money of Rs. 26,000/- (Rupees Twenty Six Thousand only) and Tender Cost of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) in the form of Bank Draft, in favour of “State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab” payable at "Chandigarh".

1.6 This Tender document is not transferable.

1.7 Schedule for Invitation of Tender:-

1.7.1 Time and date for receipt of Tender: - at 12:00 p.m. on 09-08-2012.

1.7.2 Time Date, & Place of opening of technical bids: at 12:30 p.m. on 09-08-2012, in the office of the SPD, SSA Authority, Punjab, SCO.104-106, 2nd Floor, Sector-34-A, Chandigarh.

1.8 Validity of the bid: - 90 days from the date of opening of tenders.

1.9 Schedule for delivery: - Delivery of goods shall be completed as per the time schedule prescribed by SSA Authority, Punjab at F.O.R destination.

Note: - The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab shall not be responsible for any postal delay about non-receipt/non delivery of the documents.



2.1.1 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Auhority, Punjab (SSA Authority, Punjab) is the comprehensive and integrated flagship programme of Govt. of India, to attain Universal Elementary Education (UEE) in the country in a mission mode. Launched in partnership with the State Govt. and Local Self Govt. SSA Authority, Punjab aims to provide useful and relevant education to all children in 6-14 Age Group.

2.1.2 The bidder shall strictly abide by the time schedule for printing and delivery of the "printing of CCE modules for the year 2012-13" as contained in the tender document.

2.1.3 The SSA Authority, Punjab may at its sole discretion, award the work to more than one bidder.

2.1.4 The quantity indicated in Performa 'VI' is approximate. SSA Authority, Punjab reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of Material/pages as per the actual requirement.

2.1.5 SSA Authority, Punjab reserves the right to cancel any or all the bids without giving any reason whatsoever.

2.2 Approach: -

Consequent upon issuance of work/supply order to undertake the job in favour of the successful bidder, the concerned bidder shall deposit Performance security @ 10% of total value of work/supply order in the shape of Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee/Fixed Deposit Receipt in favour of “State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab” payable at "Chandigarh".

Keeping in view, the urgency of the matter, the progress of the work done by the contractor shall be reviewed on weekly basis as under:-

2.2.1 The contractor shall submit a report of the progress achieved during the previous week at 10:00AM on every Monday to SSA Authority, Punjab.

2.2.2 The SPD, SSA Authority, Punjab may depute a team of his officers to conduct on the spot verification of the volume of work done by the contractor and the quality of printing.

2.2.3 The quality of the paper shall be got tested at random at the cost of the contractor.

2.2.4 If the progress of work is not found satisfactory, SPD, SSA Authority, Punjab may without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of the fault send to the bidder, terminate the contract in whole or part thereof.




3.1.1 There shall be a Two-Cover System followed in this tender. The bids shall be submitted in the following manner: -

a) Technical Bid along with EMD and Tender Cost in one cover.

b) Commercial bid in another separate cover.

3.1.2 The Technical Bid should be filled in original and should be sealed in a separate cover. The Technical bid should be super scribed as "Technical Bid- Envelope A; Tender No.: SSA/ASPD (Prnt.)/2012/07 Dated:- 19-07-2012” and put in the main cover. The Bidder should put his seal and sign on all pages (serially numbered) of the Pre-qualification cum Technical bid.

3.1.3 The Commercial Bid in the prescribed format should be filled in original in a separate cover. The Commercial Bid should be super scribed as "Commercial Bid- Envelope B; Tender No.: SSA/ASPD(Prnt.)/2012/07 Dated:- 19-07-2012” The Bidder should put his seal and sign on all pages (serially numbered) of the Commercial Bid.

3.1.4 Both the bids should be enclosed in a single envelope which should bear the name of the bidder and should be super scribed as “Technical and Commercial Bid for printing of CCE modules for the year 2012-13".

3.1.5 The covers thus prepared should also indicate clearly the name, address and Phone No. of the Bidder to enable the Bid to be returned unopened in case it is received "Late.”

3.1.6 Pre-qualification cum Technical Bids will be opened on the prescribed date and time and checked for submission of EMD and other applicable documents specified.

3.1.7 The bids received late after the last date and time for receipt of bids prescribed in the tender document shall be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.


3.2.1 The tenders relating to pre-qualification and technical bid documents will be opened and evaluated on 09-08-2012 at 12:30 p.m. in the presence of the bidders or their representatives.

3.2.2 Thereafter, the Financial Bids of only those bidders will be opened who will qualify the pre-qualification and technical rounds on the same day or the subsequent date and time intimated to them in the presence of such Bidders.

3.2.3 The work can be split between more than one bidder(s). In such a case, (based on the lowest quoted rates) the Bid Evaluation Committee will decide a benchmark Price and the short listed bidders will have to match the so decided benchmark price.

3.2.4 The successful bidder(s) shall be issued work/supply order by the SSA Authority, Punjab detailing therein the contract rate and quantity. Pursuant to this, the successful bidder(s) shall submit Performance security within 7 days from issuance of work/supply order @ 10% of the total value of work/supply order in the shape Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee/Fixed Deposit Receipt in favour of “State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab” payable at "Chandigarh". After the submission of Performance security, the EMD of the Bidder will be refunded. If he fails to do so his EMD shall be forfeited and the contract will be allotted to other party.

3.3 Cost of submission of Tender document: -

3.3.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid, including cost of presentation for the purposes of clarification of the bid, if so desired by the SSA Authority, Punjab and the SSA Authority, Punjab will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process.

3.3.2 The Bidder is expected to carefully examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Tender Document. Failure to furnish all information required in the Tender Document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Tender Document in every respect will be at the Bidder's risk and may result in the rejection of the bid.

3.4 Clarification regarding Tender Document:-

3.4.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Tender Document may contact the office of the SSA Authority, Punjab personally. The SSA Authority, Punjab will try to respond to the query then and there. However, submission of request for clarification will not entitle the Bidder for any extension of time in submission of the Tender Document.

3.5 Amendments in the Tender Document:-

3.5.1 At any time up to the last date for receipt of bids, the SSA Authority, Punjab may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Tender Document by an amendment.

3.5.2 The amendment will be notified by general advertisement, /website “,” /through letter, FAX or Email to the prospective Bidder(s) who have received the Tender Document and the same will be binding on them.

3.5.3 In order to afford prospective Bidder(s) reasonable time, or otherwise for any other reason, in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the SSA Authority, Punjab may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Bids.

3.6 Language of Bids:-

3.6.1 The Bids prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bids exchanged by the Bidder and the SSA Authority, Punjab, shall be written in the English language, provided that any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another language so long as accompanied by an English translation in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, the English translation shall govern.




4.1.1 Tender Cost of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) as in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab” payable at "Chandigarh".

4.1.2 Earnest Money of Rs. 26,000/- (Rupees Twenty Six Thousand only) as in the form of Demand Draft favour of “State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authority, Punjab” payable at "Chandigarh".

4.1.3 Certificate as per Performa "I" for authorization and verification of authorized signatory in favour of person(s) authorized to sign the tender bid and all correspondence/documents, typed on Company Letter Head, stamped and signed by Proprietor/Partner(s)/Managing Director/Director must be attached.

4.1.4 An Affidavit on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten only) as per Performa "II" stamped and signed by the authorized signatory and duly attested by Public Notary must be attached.

4.1.5 Declaration, typed on Company Letter Head, stamped and signed by Authorized signatory (Performa –"III") must be attached.