Latin Intermediate I Curriculum September 2011

Goals: By the end of this year students will be able to

·  Translate, analyze and write about Latin texts of Golden Age authors in the original, unadapted Latin.

·  Understand the historical and cultural background of these authors.

·  Use all Latin grammatical constructions, both English to Latin and Latin to English.

·  To enter into either Latin IV, Vergil AP or Advanced Topics in Latin poetry.

·  Be prepared for the SAT II subject test in Latin.


§  Homework is an essential piece of the teacher-student feedback process. As such, it will count for 10 - 15% of the grade. Additionally, more than one missed assignment will result in the forfeiture of extra help for that week and the forfeiture of that term’s retake.

§  Quizzes will be frequent and will account for at least 40% of the grade. These will be a mix of vocabulary, morphology/syntax, and translation (both Latin to English and English to Latin). The vocabulary quiz grades will be weighted less than the others.

§  Tests will be comprehensive and infrequent. They will account for 30-35% of the grade.

§  There will be occasional papers and projects on literary, cultural, and historical topics. These will count for 10-15% of the grade.

§  There will be one quiz retake per student per term.


·  Daily translation and close reading

·  English to Latin composition as well as Latin to Latin paraphrasing to reinforce grammar skills

·  Vocabulary quizzes

·  Grammar quizzes with a focus on form and function (morphology and syntax)

·  Class notes on background material

·  Tests/ projects


·  Review Latin Grammar, John Colby

·  Latin Library Online for Caesar’s De Bello Gallico I & II, Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae, and Cicero’s In Catilinam I and Pro Caelio

·  Perseus (Tufts Classical text site:

·  Horace, Selected Odes

·  Ovid, Selections for Metamorphoses I

·  Teacher generated materials for Caesar and Cicero units

First Quarter

Colby, Chapters II-XX

·  Review of pronouns

·  Double Dative construction

·  Special Verbs with Genitive, Dative, and Ablative

·  Impersonal Verbs

·  Review of all verb forms via the review of indirect statement, use of the subjunctive in indirect questions, and indirect statements.

·  Review of gerunds, gerundives, and passive periphrastic.

·  Review of fear clauses

·  Review of purpose and result clauses

·  Relative clauses of characteristic

·  Hortatory Subjunctive and review of commands

·  Conditional Clauses

Second Quarter

Julius Caesar Unit

Teacher generated background information

Introduction, War with the Helvetii: De Bello Gallico, I.1-I.5

Defeat of Nervii: DBG, II.1-2, 15-28

Classes and customs of Gauls and Germans: DBG, VI. 13 -28

Sallust, selections from Bellum Catilinae

Third Quarter

Cicero Unit

Teacher generated background information

Roman oratory, Ciceronian style

In Catalinam I. 1-27

Pro Caelio, sections 1-14, 30-36, (more if time allows)

Ovid, Metamorphoses I, Daphne and Apollo

Fourth Quarter

Poetry Unit

Ovid: The Flood, Jupiter and Io (Metamorphoses I)

Horace, Odes: 1.5, 1.11, 1.23, 1.37, 1.38, 3.1, 3.21