[Insert your name here]

Delete this text and replace it with a detailed paragraph analyzing the three-word responses you got. Try to speculate why certain words were chosen. Concentrate especially on the more interesting words (creativity is 20% of the grade). Make sure you have a LONG and DETAILED paragraph (analysis is 40% of the grade).

Submit what you have done so far as "ASSIGNMENT: 02.02 My Social Media Identity." I will send you the passwords to the next Exams when I grade this assignment. SEND ONLY PDF, DOC, or RTF – do not send PAGES files.

Delete this text and type out a clear and detailed description of your topic. (Make sure you have already gotten teacher approval for your topic; do not proceed with the work until you have talked with your teacher about it).

Delete this text and describe in detail the Social Media “campaign” you are going to launch. How many posts will you make? Will you space the posts over several days? What exactly is your goal (what specific action do you want to happen)?

Delete this text and type up the informational content you will post. These should be interesting and well-researched facts and statistics you have found from a reliable source. Make it INTERESTING. You want to grab attention. For example, if your topic was helping homeless pets get adopted, you could post “Many pets are killed if they can’t find a home.” However, that is boring. It would be far more effective to post “An unwanted dog or cat is euthanized every 6 seconds in America, more than 2.3 million pets per year.” That is a more IMPACTFUL statistic (which I made up completely, just to serve as an example). Be sure to cite your source. IMPORANT – DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. You may not take content word-for-word from the internet; call if you need help with paraphrasing. I recommend having at least 3-5 facts ready to post.

Delete this text replace it with the emotional content you plan to post. Honestly, photographs are the easiest way to touch people’s emotions online. I would recommend finding 3-5 highly emotional photos or images that you can pair with the facts you found. For example, for my unwanted dog/cat statistic, I could pair it with a photograph of the world’s cutest, saddest, loneliest puppy, behind bars and looking totally hopeless. This will touch people’s emotions! Resize and center your photos so that your infographic looks nice, not sloppy.

Submit what you have done so far as "ASSIGNMENT: 03.02 Head vs Heart." SEND ONLY PDF, DOC, or RTF – do not send PAGES files.


The 4.03 Final Infographic is your final exam in the class and you are only allowed one submission, no revisions. Instead, email it to your teacher for proofreading before you submit the assignment.

Think about what type of people look at your Social Media. How might you reach those people? What can you do to spread your message farther than just your own friends? How can you encourage your posts to be shared/favorited/retweeted, so that your message goes viral? Delete this text and replace it with a nice paragraph about your target audience and what your strategy is to reach them effectively.

This is the opposite of what you just posted. You can’t craft a message that appeals to everyone. Who will you NOT target in your campaign? What sorts of people? What are their characteristics, and what specifically about them makes you decide not to target your message at them? (Be specific). Delete this text and replace it with your paragraph.

The easiest thing to do here is to insert screenshots of the actual posts you made. I recommend making at least three posts in order to effectively get your message out. Delete this text and replace it with your screenshots. Resize the screenshots and center them on the page so everything looks nice and neat.

Time to be honest. You were only doing this assignment to complete the class, but, along the way, did you become passionate about your topic and decide you want to continue with your ideas? Why or why not? Delete this text and replace it with a detailed and thoughtful paragraph about how your project came out and whether your mission will live on past this class.

Email this assignment to your teacher for proofreading. Do NOT submit it for grading until you have worked with your teacher to complete all requested revisions.