Maths PLAT markers Term 1 Year 6
Term 1 Year 6PLAT MARKERS Weeks: 1-5 / Term 1 Year 6PLAT MARKERS Weeks: 6-10Whole Number
Investigate everyday situations that use integers; locate and represent these numbers on a number line
- recognise the location of negative whole numbers in relation to zero and place them on a number line
- use the term 'integers' to describe positive and negative whole numbers and zero
- interpret integers in everyday contexts, eg temperature
- investigate negative whole numbers and the number patterns created when counting backwards on a calculator
- recognise that negative whole numbers can result from subtraction
Fractions & Decimals
Compare fractions with related denominators and locate and represent them on a number line (ACMNA125)
- model, compare & represent fractions with denominator of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 100 of a whole object, a whole shape & a collection of objects
- compare the relative size of fractions drawn on the same diagram
- compare & order simple fractions with related denominators using strategies such as diagrams, the number line, or equivalent fractions egwrite 3/5,3/10,1 1/10,4/5 and 7/10 in ascending order
- find equivalent fractions by re-dividing the whole, using diagrams & number lines record equivalent fractions using diagrams & numerals
- write fractions in their 'simplest form' by dividing the numerator & the denominator by a common factor
- recognise that a fraction in its simplest form represents the same value as the original fraction
- apply knowledge of equivalent fractions to convert between units of time
- continueandcreatenumberpatterns,with/outtheuseofdigitaltechnologies,usingwholenumbers,fractionsanddecimals, eg , ,,.....or1.25,2.5,5,…
- describehownumberpatternshavebeencreatedandhowtheycanbecontinued
- createsimplegeometricpatternsusingconcretematerials,
- eg∆,∆∆,∆∆∆,∆∆∆∆,......
- completeatableofvaluesforageometricpatternand
- describethenumberpatterninavarietyofwaysrecorddescriptionsusingwords
- determinetheruletodescribethepatternbyrelatingthebottomnumbertothetopnumberinatable
- usetheruletocalculatethecorrespondingvalueforalargernumber
- read,interpretandusetimetablesfromreal-lifesituations,includingthoseinvolving24-hourtime
- usebus,train,ferryandairlinetimetables,includingthose
- interprettimetableinformationtosolveunfamiliarproblemsusingavarietyofstrategies
- interpretdatapresentedin2-waytables
- createa2-waytabletoorganisedatainvolving2categoricalvariables,eg
- interpretside-by-sidecolumngraphsfor2categoricalvariables
- comparerepresentationsofthesamedatasetinaside-by-sidecolumngraphina2-waytable
solve word problems involving multiplication & division
- use appropriate language to compare quantities
- use a table/similar organiser to record methods to solve problems
- recognise symbols used to record speed in kilometres per hour
- solve simple problems involving speed
- recognisetheequivalenceofwhole-numberanddecimalrepresentationsofmeasurementsoflength,eg165cmisthesameas1.65m
- interpretdecimalnotationforlengthsanddistances,eg13.5cmis13centimetresand5millimetres
- recordlengthsanddistancesusingdecimalnotationtothreedecimalplaces,eg2.753km Convertbetweencommonmetricunitsoflength
- convertbetweenmetresandkilometres
- convertbetweenmillimetres,centimetresandmetrestocomparelengthsanddistances
- explainandusetherelationshipbetweenthesizeofaunitandthenumberofunitsneededtoassistindeterminingwhethermultiplicationordivisionisrequiredwhenconvertingbetweenunits,eg'Moremetresthankilometreswillbeneededtomeasurethesamedistance,andsotoconvertfromkilometrestometres,Ineedtomultiply'
- createacirclebyfindingpointsthatareallthesamedistancefromafixedpoint(thecentre)
- identifyandnamepartsofacircle,includingthecentre,radius,diameter,circumference,sector,semicircleandquadrant
- findlocationsonmaps,includingmapswithlegends,giventheirgridreferences
- describeparticularlocationsongrid-referencedmaps,includingmapswithalegend,eg'ThepostofficeisatE4'
- findalocationonamapthatisinagivendirectionfromatownorlandmark,eglocatea townthatisnorth-eastofBrokenHill
- describethedirectionofonelocationrelativetoanother,
- eg'Darwinisnorth-westofSydney'
Connectvolume andcapacity and their units of measurement(ACMMG138)
- select the appropriate unit to measure volume and capacity
- demonstrate that a cube of side 10cm will displace 1litre of water
- demonstrate, by using a medicine cup, that a cube of side 1cm will displace 1mL of water equate 1cubic centimetre to 1millilitre and 1000cubic centimetres to 1litre
- find the volumes of irregular solids in cubic centimetres using a displacement strategy
- recognise the equivalence of whole-number and decimal representations of measurements of capacities, eg375 mL is the same as 0.375 L
- interpret decimal notation for volumes and capacities, eg8.7 L is the same as 8 litres and 700 millilitres
- record volume and capacity using decimal notation to three decimal places, eg1.275L