Together Everyone Achieves More June 2017

Pool Phone # 426-4240
Instructor Angela Burris

Luncheon Coordinator Lynn Curtiss 427-7210

Newsletter Belle Brex
for anyschool closures or delays.
POOL aerobic schedule:
Monday and Fridays – Angela
Wednesdays – Susan
Closed June 20 to July 5
Beginning Wednesday July 5, when we return for the summer schedule, water aerobics will be offered 5 days a week at our normal 11:00 to 12:00 class time.
Angela will be teaching Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Susan will continue to teach Wednesdays and maybe do some occasional substitute for Angela.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* / "You can't control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to it."Amit Sood, M.D.
The right way to hydrate
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends drinking 2 to 3 cups of water two to three hours before your workout, and at least 1/2 to 1 cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout. Continue to hydrate after your workout to replenish lost fluids.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*What's the best exercise for you?

The one you'll do. To stay motivated and challenged, try something new. The questions below may get you thinking about what you can do to expand your range of physical activities.
1) What factors should I consider when choosing a new exercise?
Your answers may include:
* Personal enjoyment or interest — Choose something that sounds fun or that you've always wanted to try.
* Convenience — How close to home or work is the activity? How easily does it fit into your schedule?
* Social factors — Do you prefer to participate with others or do you like to exercise alone?
* Required skill level — Can you take a class or meet with an instructor if you need to?
* Level of physical impact — Does the activity involve high-impact movements that may not be suitable for you?
2) What's best: an exercise focused on a specific part of my body — such as abs or thighs — or several kinds of exercise that use different body parts? / June Potluck
Friday, June 9,
Smoking Mo's
Barbara and Charles
Gelsleichter House
2670 E Phillips Lake Loop Road
Take Highway 3 to Pickering Road. East on Pickering to Phillips Lake Road (just past Spencer Lake
Bar and Grill).
Right on Phillips Lake Road for about a mile. DO NOT turn left when you see sign for Phillips Lake Loop Road, just keep going and keep to the left at “Y’
Go about 0.1 mile past the “Y” to where the “Cut Off Road” curves to the right; signal for a left and
proceed carefully straight ahead on Phillips Lake Loop Road for another 0.1 mile (approx.).
Parking is on the right on the lot with travel trailer and boat. (If needed, extra parking on vacant open lot next door.)
2670 is across the street from trailer. (Walk down to house is a bit steep, so folks with walking so folks with walking problems can be dropped off down by the house.)
There is a new glove supply for the TEAM participants to use. These gloves and cuffs available are for pool use only and not to be taken home. Your personal gloves are available for purchase at $15.00 a pair. See Susan or Ellen.
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Abdominal exercises will help strengthen muscle and improve your posture but will not help you "spot reduce" or lose weight around the abdomen. The key here is burning calories. Aerobic (cardio) exercise is the most efficient way to burn calories, and there are many different types to try, such as bicycling, jogging and working out on an elliptical machine. Cross-training, which alternates your workout routine with various exercises, can reduce your chance of injury to a specific muscle or joint due to overuse, and it can help alleviate boredom.

3) What if a new exercise I try causes pain?
Exercise that causes pain isn't beneficial and can result in serious injury. It also can crush your motivation. Stop any activity if it hurts — and then try something else! It's normal to experience some soreness after trying a new exercise but not pain.

4) What steps can I take to help prevent injury while exercising?

* Warm up before exercising. Start with a less-intense (slower, easier) version of your cardio activity for 5 to 10 minutes.

* Wear proper shoes and protective gear.

* Take precautions in inclement weather. For example, if it's very cold out, dress in many layers that you can remove as you warm up, and cover your mouth so your lungs don't get irritated; avoid jogging if it's icy and slippery.

* Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercising.

* Cool down after exercising. Do a lower-intensity version of what you did during your workout for 5 to 10 minutes, or try some general cool-down exercises.

* Get adequate sleep.

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