Use the link below as a resource during the project. It is a customized search engine that has all of the websites below. The list below gives a short description of each link.

Leaverite custom search engine: (includes all related links found below, you just have to search for them)

Helpful Research Links (all specialties): animations and SHORT lectures that reveal details about earthquakes, volcanoes, and the tectonic plates Lists and Maps Earthquake Map Information by Region by Region Dynamic Planet, showing earthquakes, volcanoes, and tectonic plates what it says trenches and how they are formed Detailed Summary of Tectonic Plate Boundaries
I'm sure you can find other articles and sites suited to your specific needs.

For all exploratory questions/resources, please see links below:

·  Plate Tectonic Theory - General Theory and History

Exploratory Question Box 1(Yes, it consists of a couple parts.)

§  "Why did very few people believe Alfred Wegener's early idea of continental drift?"

§  "What can the magnetic properties of the ocean floor tell us about Earth's history?"

§  Resource available: Attached word doc titled “Exploratory Qs 1_2_PTtheory”The file is lengthy; you can go straight to the sections that help you take some notes on your questions.

§  This will be assessed with a miniquiz (open-note).

Exploratory Question Box 2

§  "What is 'geodesy', and how does geodetic data provide evidence of tectonic plate movement?"

§  Resource available: same word doc as Exploratory Question 1

§  Optionalresource available:IRIS animations(The last three animations you may find relevant and neato.)

§  This will be assessed with a miniquiz (open-note).

·  Volcanology

Exploratory Question Box 1

§  "How do volcanologists monitor volcano activity to predict hazards?"

§  Resources available: Wikipedia articles ondeformation monitoring(focus on volcanos) andvolcano seismic monitoring.

§  Recommendedresource available:IRIS animations(The second animation is very relevant.)

§  This will be assessed with a miniquiz (open-note).

Exploratory Question Box 2

§  "List out multiple eruption types and the mineralogy of the lava associated with them. Find out whether any of those types occur in your region."

§  Resource available:Lava and Eruption Types Simulator

§  Assessed with a notes check.

·  Seismology

One Exploratory Question Box

§  "How do seismologists measure earthquakes?"

§  Resources available: Attached DOC file labelled "Exploratory Q Seismology Virtual Earthquake" andVirtual Earthquake Website

§  Assessed with final data confirmation (if possible) and answers to attached questions.

·  Topography

Exploratory Question Box 1

§  "How do erosion and mountain-building interact with each other? Are the highest mountains getting shorter or taller?"

§  Resources available: Wikipedia articles onerosionandorogeny(The latter link is pretty dense. Just scan it for information relevant to the question at hand.) You may have to actually dig a little beyond just these articles.

§  Assessed with a miniquiz (open-note).

Exploratory Question Box 2

§  "How are fault-block mountains formed differently from mountains found at convergent boundaries?"

§  Resources available: Wikipedia articles onfault-block mountainsandfold-and-thrust

§  Assessed with a notes check.