Sheridan Street Community Garden
2013 Community Garden Membership Application
Applicant Name______
Address: ______City:______State:______Zip:______
Home #:______Cell/work #:______
Email Address:______
Are you a returning Sheridan Street Community gardener? Yes___ No___ Plot #___ (if known)
If an alternative plot is available this year, would you like to select a new plot location? Yes___ No ___
2013 Annual Plot Fee: $20.00. Limit of one plot per household.
I hereby agree to:
· Abide by all Community Garden Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and any updates. I understand failure to do so will result in forfeiting use of the plot and loss of the plot fee.
· Provide a minimum of 4 hours communal workduringthe 2013 calendar yearthrough workdaysorother special projects arranged with the UMD extension coordinator or garden club officials.
· Attend at least two general membership meetings (participation is especially encouraged at the first official meeting of the 2013 season on February 12 at 7pm at the CEP).
Returning gardeners must submit a 2013 application form and plot fee no later than February 1, 2013. A returning gardener keeps his or her previously assigned plot unless a new plot is requested. Returning gardeners seeking a plot reassignment must attend the February 12 meeting. Plot reassignments will be made at that meeting in conformance with previously established garden seniority and plot selection procedures. In the event that no alternative plots are available (or the alternative is not preferred), renewing gardeners keep their original plot. New SSCG membership applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. New applicants will be assigned plots beginning on 2/12/12, if plots are available, or added to the wait list.
Please return application with fees to:
Attention: Christie Balch
Center for Education Partnership (CEP)
University of Maryland Extension - Box 6
6200 Sheridan Street
Riverdale, MD 20737
Address inquiries to Christie Balch at or 301-779-2806 x706. Please make checks out to: PGCEAC – Sheridan Street Community Garden
Sheridan Street Community Garden Operational Guidelines for 2013
· The SSCG Club, in conjunction with UMD/UME, will ensure that garden plots are assigned to gardeners & maintained in compliance with these garden guidelines.
· Plots are non-transferable and fees are non-refundable. If you choose not to garden, plots will be surrendered back to UMD/UME. Plots are received in the current conditions. Unauthorized expansion of your plot or encroaching on other plots is not permitted.
· Plots must be in a cultivated state by June 1st and cleared of all summer debris by November 15th. Winter gardening is permitted provided gardeners keep their space maintained & inform the UMD Extension Coordinator or garden club officials of their plan.
· Gardeners are encouraged to participate fully in SSCG operations by attending meetings, volunteering for committees & participating in community workdays. A minimum of 4 hours of communal labor & attendance in at least 2 general membership meetings is required.
· Individual garden plots are to be used for growing vegetables and flowers for family use and not for commercial sales.
· The SSCG is an organic space (e.g., no Miracle Grow), as defined by the Sheridan Street Community Garden Organic Gardening Guidelines. Non-compliance may result in forfeiture of your plot & fees.
· Gardeners are responsible for cultivating, harvesting, weeding, & watering their own plots & maintaining the surrounding paths. Diseased plants must be removed immediately. For short term absences, please arrange to have another gardener care for your plot.
· Maintain the plot marker, if provided, in excellent condition and keep it easily visible.
· Biodegradable mulch is encouraged, such as, aged compost, leaves, straw & hay. Carpet mulch, stone and sod are not allowed. Black or red plastic is allowed but must be secured.
· Crops and structures over six feet tall are not allowed due to the shadow effect on neighbor’s plots. No permanent structures are allowed, except those put up by UMD/UME.
· No invasive plants. Plants like mint should be grown in containers. A list of invasive plants can be found at:
· All plots may be subject to occasional inspections. If the plot is not in compliance with the guidelines, an email, or other form of notice will be sent to the gardener. Three weeks later another inspection will be performed. If the plot is still not in compliance, the plot will be surrendered and all fees will be forfeited.
· When watering, please use a Y gate/splitter in order to have more than one hose running at once. If other gardeners are waiting please limit watering to 15 minutes. The gardener MUST be present and attend to the hose when watering. Sprinklers are not allowed.
· Please keep plots & paths trash free. All non-plant trash should be placed in the on-site dumpsters, not on the garden site. Waste vegetation (except diseased plants) must be composted in your own plot (guidance available) and NOT discarded in the dumpsters. The SSCG compost bins are for demonstration and other limited use only.
· No alcohol consumption, smoking, pets or loud music in the garden.
These guidelines and fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change. The University of Maryland is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Equal Access Programs
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