2012-2013 Student End of YearEdit Specification
Preliminary Edit Checks
(The following criteria must be met before further validation of the file will occur)
File Names
· Header File Name - SEY####.nnA
· Detail File Name - SEY####.nnB
· SEY - Indicates Student End of Year
· #### - Is your District/BOCES code
· .nn - Is the file revision number (01, 02, 03, 04.... 99)
· A or B - Indicates (A)Header or (B)Detail file.
Note: The file revision number for both the Header File and the Detail File must match for each submission.
Record Sizes - All files submitted must be fixed-width ASCII.
· The record size for the Header File (SEY####.nnA) must be 218 bytes.
· The record size for the Detail File (SEY####.nnB) must be 52 bytes.
District Code - Your unique 4-digit District/BOCES code must appear in bytes 1-4 of every record submitted. This must be the same code used in the file name submitted.
Field Level Edit Specifications-Header File
Background Information
District Code
· District Code is required, must be a valid School District/BOCES Code; refer to School District/BOCES Codes Table.
LASID Number
· LASID is optional, however, it must be zero-filled if not reported. {1008}
· LASID must be a 10-digit number provided by the submitting district.{1009}
SASID Number
· SASID is required. {1007}
· SASID must be a valid SASID as reported by your district to the RITS system (current or history).{1010}
· SASID cannot be duplicated. Only one record per student is allowed in the Header File. {2001}
· SASID must be a valid SASID as reported by your district to the RITS system (current or history), in combination with the student's first name, last name, birth date and gender.{2002}
o Note: When the student's name is compared against the name in RITS, punctuation and spaces are removed. Therefore, small variations in the student's name caused by punctuation or additional spaces will NOT cause this edit to fail.
Last Name
· Last Name is required. {1003}
First Name
· First Name is required. {1001}
Middle Name
· Middle Name is required. {1005}
o Note: If no middle name, use NMN (no middle name).
· Middle Name cannot be NG (none given), for students with Entry Date on or after October 1 of the current reporting year. If no middle name, use NMN (no middle name). {2004}
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
· Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions.{1102}
· 2nd level edit
Race: American Indian or Alaska native
· Race: American Indian or Alaska native must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions.{1103}
· The five race fields cannot all = 00. At least one race category must not equal 00. {2375}
Race: Asian
· Race: Asian must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions.{1104}
· 2nd level edit
Race: Black or African American
· Race: Black or African American must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions.{1105}
· 2nd level edit
Race: White
· Race: White must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions.{1106}
· 2nd level edit
Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
· Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions.{1107}
· 2nd level edit
Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions.{1108}
· WARNING - If Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category differs from the current year Student October collection.{2005}
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 04 if Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 04. {2376}
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 07 if Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00 and if more than one of the five race fields are not equal to 00. {2377}
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 01 if Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00 and Race: American Indian = 01 and all other race categories = 00. {2378}
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 02 if Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00 and Race: Asian = 02 and all other race categories = 00. {2379}
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 03 if Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00 and Race: Black = 03 and all other race categories = 00. {2380}
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 05 if Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00 and Race: White = 05 and all other race categories = 00. {2381}
· Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category must = 06 if Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino = 00 and Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander = 06 and all other race categories = 00. {2382}
· WARNING - If Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category differs from prior year, for grade PK-6 students. {2321}
Language Background
· Language Background must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions. For grades 7-12, may not be 000. For grades PK-6, report as 000 if not available.{1012} 05/16/13
· Language Background cannot be 000 for grades 7-12. {2019} 05/16/13
· WARNING SUMMARY- If Language Background = ENG (English) for all students. {2020} 05/16/13
· WARNING - If Language Background differs from prior year, for grade 8-12 students. {2299}
· Language Background cannot differ from current year Student October collection unless it was 000 (Unknown) in Student October. {2300} 05/16/13 06/06/13
· Students reported by your district as taking the ACCESS for ELL during the currently reported school year must have a Language Background other than English (i.e. Language Background code cannot equal ENG) and must have a Language Proficiency of Non English Proficient (code = 1), Limited English Proficient (code = 2), or Fluent English Proficient (code = 3). {2371} 05/16/13
· Language Background cannot be coded as ‘eng’ (English) if Language Proficiency is coded as 4 (PHLOTE) or 5 (FELL). {2388} 05/16/13
Language Proficiency
· Language Proficiency must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definition{1013}
· Language Proficiency must not be 0 if ESL is not 0.{2049}
· Pupils reported as Exited a BILINGUAL Program should be reported as FEP in Language Proficiency. Non-ELL pupils should NOT be reported as exited from a bilingual program. {2050}
· Pupils reported as Exited from and ESL program should also be reported as FEP in Language Proficiency. {2051}
· Language Proficiency must 1,2,3,4, or 5 if language background is not English (eng). {2389} 05/16/13
· Language Proficiency cannot = 4(PHLOTE) if prior year language proficiency was 1,2,3,5. {2390}05/16/1305/17/13
· If language proficiency is 4(PHLOTE) or 5(FELL) then student cannot be in ELL program (ESL >0 or Bilingual >0). {2391}05/16/13
· Language Proficiency must be 1(NEP), 2(LEP), or 3(FEP) if ESL = 1,2,3, or 4 OR Bilingual = 1,2,3, or 4. {2392}05/16/13
· Language Proficiency must be 5 if prior year language proficiency was 5 OR prior year language proficiency was 1, 2 or 3 from a different district and the student has no detail record in the prior year for the reporting district. {2393}05/16/1305/24/13
· WARNING - This student was identified as an ELL student in a different district in the prior year (Lang Prof = 1,2,3) and is currently coded with Language Proficiency = 0 or 4. Consider coding this student with Language Proficiency 5 (FELL). {2394}05/16/13
· Language Proficiency must be 4 or 5 if prior year language background was 'eng' OR if prior year language background = current year language background. {2395}05/16/13 05/20/13
· Gender must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions. {1014}
· WARNING - If Gender differs from the current year Student October collection.{2006}
· WARNING - If Gender differs from prior year, for grade PK-6 students. {2322}
Date of Birth
· Date of Birth is required, must be a valid date in MMDDYYYY format. {1026}
· Date of Birth must be in valid range. Date of birth must be between 08/01/(current school year minus 23) and 09/30/(current school year minus 3). Cannot reach age 23 before 08/01/(current school year). {1028}
· WARNING - If Date of Birth indicates age is less than 3 years as of 1/31/(current school year). {2013}
Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible
· Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions. Required for grades 7-12. For grades PK-6, report as 00 if not available.{1015}
· WARNING - If Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible status differs from the current year Student October collection for grades 7-12. {2011}
· WARNING SUMMARY- If no 7-12 students have Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible = 01 (Free Lunch Eligible). {2021}
· WARNING SUMMARY- If no 7-12 students have Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible = 02 (Reduced Lunch Eligible). {2022}
· Free and Reduced must be '01' if Homeless is '3' or '4'. {2014}
· Free and Reduced must be '01' if Migrant Education is '1'. {2015}
Instructional Program Service Type
Title 1
· Title 1 must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions. {1016}
· WARNING - If Title 1 differs from prior year, for grade 8-12 students. {2301}
· WARNING SUMMARY- If no 7-12 students have Title 1 = 1 (Yes). {2023}
· A student must be coded with Title 1 Status = 1 (Yes), when attending a school that runs a school wide Title 1 program. Students who exit a school prior to October 1st AND who have enrollment records for 1 week (7 days) or less should not be counted as Title 1. {2384}
· If Title 1 Status = 1 (Yes) then the student must have attended at least one school and grade level that is eligible for either TA or SW Title 1 funding. If you have questions regarding Title 1 funding, contact the Office of Federal Programs Administration (Alyssa Pearson or Donna Morganstern). Students who exit a school prior to October 1st AND who have enrollment records for 1 week (7 days) or less should not be counted as Title 1. {2385}
· All students in a targeted assistance school code and grade level cannot be coded as Title 1 Status = 1 (Yes). {2386}
· Some students in a targeted assistance school code and grade level must be coded as Title 1 Status = 1 (Yes). {2387}
Migrant Education
· Migrant Education must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions. {1017}
· WARNING - If Migrant Education status differs from the current year Student October collection for grades 7-12. {2008}
· WARNING SUMMARY - If no 7-12 students have Migrant Education = 1 (Yes). {2024}
· Bilingual must be reported using a valid code; refer toStudent End of Year Data Elements and Definitions. {1018}
· WARNING SUMMARY- If no 7-12 students have Bilingual = 1 (Yes). {2025}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 4. These students are former English Language Learners who are fluent English Speakers and are no longer in the Bilingual program monitoring phase. {2060}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 1 and Language Proficiency = 3. These FEP Bilingual students are still being served in the program for Bilingual = 1. Should they be in Monitored Year 1(Bilingual = 2)? {2061}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 1 and prior year ESL = 0 andprior year Bilingual = 0, or prior year ESL = 4 andprior year Bilingual = 0, or prior year ESL = 0 andprior year Bilingual = 4. {2295}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 2 and prior year ESL = 0,2,3,4 and prior year Bilingual = 0,2,3,4. {2296}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 3 and prior year ESL = 0,1,3,4 and prior year Bilingual = 0,1,3,4. {2297}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 4 and prior year ESL = 0,1,2,4 and prior year Bilingual = 0,1,2. {2298}
· WARNING - If Bilingual > 0 and current year Student October ESL > 0. {2233}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 0 and current year Student October Bilingual = 1. {2234}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 3 and current year Student October Bilingual = 1. {2235}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 4 and current year Student October Bilingual = 1. {2236}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 0 and current year Student October Bilingual = 2. {2237}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 4 and current year Student October Bilingual = 2. {2238}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 0 and current year Student October Bilingual = 3. {2239}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 2 and current year Student October Bilingual = 3. {2240}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 0 and current year Student October Bilingual = 4. {2241}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 1 and current year Student October Bilingual = 4. {2242}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 2 and current year Student October Bilingual = 4. {2243}
· WARNING - If Bilingual = 3 and current year Student October Bilingual = 4. {2244}