2013 Monthly Handicap Shoot Rules
1. The handicap shoot may be shot on either a Monday night at the Rugby Club or a Friday night at the Leisure Centre and is open to all LMA members and shall consist of 12 rounds.
2. Once a handicap score has been submitted all further rounds must be shot at the same location. The only exception is during the summer months when rounds shot at the Rugby Club will be shot outdoors over the same distance.
3. The total cost to enter the handicap event is £3.00 per person payable when submitting first handicap score.
4. The round may be shot at anytime during the month but must be declared at the start of the evening prior to commencement any practice.
5. The round will consists of 10 ends of 4 arrows shot at a standard 35cm field target face.
6. The scoring system is X (scored as a 5), 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and miss. X’s should be recorded, in case of a draw count back on X’s will decide position.
7. The archer is allowed a maximum of 2 practice ends of 4 arrows before scoring begins.
8. Any round not completed once the shoot has started will be recorded as DNF unless failure to finish is due to an unrecoverable equipment failure in which case the round may be reshot at another time.
9. A handicap will be awarded once an archer has shot 2 qualifying rounds (to be shot before starting the handicap competition) by calculating the average score then using the handicap table.
10. Once an archer has been awarded a handicap it may be adjusted using the handicap tables after each shoot by calculating the average score (rounded down) between their current handicap score and the actual shot score.
11. If an archer changes style, they are to shoot two qualifying scores to create a new handicap for the new style. This must be done before the archer may re-enter the monthly handicap competition.
12. Handicaps will be carried over from the end of one year to the start of the next year.
13. At the end of each year trophies will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in both the handicap adjusted and scratch score league tables.