Cardboard Boat Race Challenge Marking Scheme

The following markingscheme has been adapted from the Race rules given to you at the start of this challenge.

Goal: Teams will design and construct a boat to participate in both a speed and a weight challenge in a pool. Students will be given the materials to construct the boat and 2 hours building time. Drawings of boat design will be submitted for judging.

Teams will be judged on safety and cleanliness, planning and design, quality of construction, visual appeal, teamwork and team spirit, knowledge of skilled trades, speed and weight capacity.

Class Submission Requirements:

Planning and Design (20 marks Thinking and Inquiry)

-Sample sketches and notes to indicate areas of interest and design ideas (3)

-Include fast facts sheet of info needed to help in the design process (3)

-Prototype(s) completed and tested (2)

-Notes made about successes/failures of prototypes (2)

-Net drawing of boat cut out with measurements (3)

-orthographic drawings including top, front and side views (must use Vectorworks or other CAD program) (4)

-isometric drawing/sketch (by hand or in Vectorworks) (3)

-all diagrams should be drawn to scale

Quality of Construction (10 marks Application)

-Is the boat study?Will it hold all members?Is it balanced?Are measurements accurate?Does it work? Are materials properly used?

Safety and Cleanliness (10 marks Application)

-submit self-evaluation rubric

Teamwork and Team Spirit (10 marks Application)

-submit self-evaluation rubric

Visual Appeal (5 marks Communication)

-effort made to enhance the look of the boat

Knowledge of Skilled Trades (10 marks Knowledge)

Each team member must research one skilled trade career that relates to the cardboard boat race, the report should be type-written and include the following information:

-job description (3)

-skills required (1)

-education/training required (1)

-where can you go to get the required education/training (1)

-explain how the skills they are using in the cardboard boat race apply to that career (2)

-include a title page and properly reference materials (2)

Group Members: ______Student Name: ______

Safety and Cleanliness Skills / Criteria
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Student / Teacher
- proper and safe use of materials / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
- work area left clean, all material properly stored / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
- proper and safe use of equipment / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Total Points / ____
Teamwork Skills / Criteria
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / Student / Teacher
Helping: The teacher observed the students offering assistance to each other. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Listening: The teacher observed students working from each other's ideas. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Participating:The teacher observed each student contributing to the project. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Persuading:The teacher observed the students exchanging, defending, and rethinking ideas. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Questioning:The teacher observed the students interacting, discussing, and posing questions to all members of the team. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Respecting:The teacher observed the students encouraging and supporting the ideas and efforts of others. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Sharing:The teacher observed the students offering ideas and reporting their findings to each other. / None of the Time / Some of the Time / Mostof the Time / Allof the Time
Total Points / ____



Category / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Boat Construction:
Planning and Design / Thinking and Inq. / 0 5 7 9 10 11 / 12 13 / 14 15 / 16 17 18 19 20
Quality of Construction / App. / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10
Safety and Cleanliness / App. / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10
Teamwork / App. / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10
Visual Appeal / Comm. / 0 1 2 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 4.5 5
Knowledge of Skilled Trades / Knowledge / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10
Speed Challenge
Completed course / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10
Weight Challenge
Declared weight held for 90 seconds / 0 1 2 3 4 5 / 6 6.5 / 7 7.5 / 8 9 10
Additional weight + 2 per person 90 sec/each