ON MONDAY 10 JUNE 2015 AT 7.30PM

Councillors Present: Evelyn Conlon (EC) Nigel Cox (NC) Eric Hope (EH)* Bryan Pillow (BP)

* RDC Cllr - Thornton-le-Clay

In Attendance: Fiona Hill (FH) - Parish Clerk

Public Present: 1

Parish Council Vacancy - A notice had been placed on the parish notice boards, but no

applications had been received. Parish Councillors would ask around to see if anyone

would be interested in putting their name forward.

16/23  To receive apologies for absence and reasons given:

Parish Councillors Calum Calding (CB) and Christine Walker (CW), RDC Cllr Caroline Goodrick (Foston) and NYCC Cllr Clare Wood

16/24  To record declarations of interest in items on the agenda:

6.1 EH is on the RDC Planning Committee

16/25  To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 13 May 2015:

Minutes were unanimously agreed and signed by NC.

16/26  To discuss matters arising from previous minutes:

1. Community Emergency/Resilience Schemes

CW would attend a RAY event on 08Jul15. FH was asked to contact Maggie Farey about Good Neighbourhood Scheme. FH had received details about the Ryedale Community Transport scheme and the Ryedale Community Transport scheme.

16/27  Public Session - The parish Council will, time permitting, adjourn the council meeting for a short time to allow for public comment and questions:

The NYCC proposed reductions to bus service subsidy consultation was discussed at length. FH would submit a response online. Details would be put on the notice board, on the website and delivered around the villages.

16/28  To discuss new planning applications received:

15/00613/HOUSE The Croft, Foston

16/29  To discuss matters raised by Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer:

1. Bookkeeping records to date

FH circulated these around Cllrs

2. Internal Control Checks(s)

The Parish Council conducted the monthly checks and found everything to be in order.

3. Monthly property inspection report

EC/CW had done last month and NC would do next month

4. Matters raised by/with Yorkshire Local Councils Association

The Parish Council agreed to purchase two copies of the Good Councillor Guide for EC and NC

The Parish Council accepted the Retention of Documents Policy in principle and FH would prepare a draft for approval

An organisation called "Making Parishes Better Places" was contacting Parish Councils requesting information as authorised using the Transparency Code and Freedom of Information. The advice was to respond to these requests in full, as appropriate.

5. Allotment Rent Review

The Rent Review was deferred until the next meeting

The Parish Council agreed to a request from FH to defer a matter to Closed Session at the end of this meeting.

6. To approve payments as follows:

6.1 Fiona Hill Salary £89.83 100393

6.2 Village Hall Hire £12.00 100394

6.3 HMRC PAYE £67.20 100395

6.4 Fiona Hill Home-Working Allowance £17.68 100396

Cheque 100392 was cancelled

16/30  To discuss the Parish Plan:


16/31  To report any new correspondence received by the council:

The Parish Council noted receipt of letters from -

NYCC - surface dressing

RDC - Chairman's Charity

CW had read the email received from Ryedale Ramblers. The report did not mention any footpaths within the parish, but the attached document about duties and responsibilities was useful.

16/32  To receive matters raised by members:

- FH would report a broken finger post on the footpath sign alongside David Mook's farm.

- Defibrillator scheme would be discussed at a future meeting.

- FH would report to Yorkshire Housing the car repairing ongoing at one of their High Street properties.

16/33  To confirm the dates of the future meeting(s) on Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall, Thornton-le-Clay:

10 June 2015

01 July 2015 05 August 2015 02 September 2015

07 October 2015 04 November 2015 02 December 2015

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Approved ……………………………………………… Chairman Date......