Comment on each of the statements below. Type in a few lines stating your opinion on whether you think the statement is true or false and why?

Sample Questions for Microeconomics

1.  When Wal-Mart moves to an area, people employed in competing industries will lose their jobs; eventually, after all of their competitors go out of business Wal-Mart will raise their prices.

2.  Businesses that behave unethically, drive out businesses that behave ethically.

3.  The government should get involved with setting gas prices? If they don’t will prices eventually rise to over $5.00 per gallon.

4.  Student loans in America are now total over $1 trillion. The government just doubled the interest rate to 6.8 percent for subsidized loans. Plus, tuition continues to rise. Something has to be done to stop this trend.

5.  In 2011, 23 percent of collusions involved cell phones. Drivers looking at their phones for about 5 seconds when reading a text. And, 11 people die each day from cell phone related accidents. If the federal government banned cell phone usage while driving, what businesses or technology would be more highly demanded?

6.  One economist estimated that over 2.4 million US jobs were lost in the last decade to China due to the increased trade between the two countries. The United States needs to stop exporting jobs overseas, particularly their manufacturing jobs.

7.  In the 1980s some cars were getting over 50 miles per gallon. Why can’t we get a car now that comes close to that?

8.  Businesses should have every right to hire who they want, pay their employees whatever they want, and charge whatever price they want.

9.  Economics is a class that uses a bunch of theories that are never used in the real world.

10.  The United States should send all illegal immigrants back to their own country, then there will be jobs for the Americans.

Writing Assignment 1

For your first writing assignment you will elaborate on one of these questions. You will write a one-page opinion. The writing assignment will be 12 font, typed, and handed in (do not email) to the professor on the date due. The article must be in your words. All you need at the top of your page is your name and the question you have chosen.