Microsoft EHS – Anti-Spam Anti-Virus


Microsoft EHS – Anti-Spam Anti-Virus



2.The spam quarantine portal

2.1.Login to the quarantine portal

2.1.1.Logging in with multiple email addresses

2.2.Managing quarantined messages

2.3.Managing your quarantine settings

2.4.Additional administrator views

3.Quarantine notifications


Microsoft EHS – Anti-Spam Anti-Virus

  1. Introduction

This manual explains how to view and retrieve email that has been held in quarantine by the Microsoft EHS Anti-Spam Anti-Virus Service.

For help and assistance with using this service please contact your on-site system administrator. If you have any queries regarding the COLT service please report these to your system administrator. This nominated person has access to the COLT servicedesk.

  1. The spam quarantine portal

2.1.Log on to the quarantine portal

Browse to to log on to the portal

You are first presented with the single user log-on, where you can enter your username (youremail address) and your spam portal password.

If you have not logged on before, and have not been given a password, enter your email address in the username box,leave the password blank, and then click Log on.This will activate your account and send a temporary password to the email address specified in the username box.Your account will now be active.Use the temporary password to log onto spam quarantine, and it will then ask you to change the temporary password to something you are more familiar with. Enter a new password and click Change Password when you are done.

If you do not have the password, or have forgotten your password click the Forgot password? link. Here you will be able to enter the email address for the account that needs a password reset. This will email a new password to that mailbox.

You may receive an error that you do not have permission to access this application you need to check with your local technical contact as that would indicate the spam quarantine portal has been disabled for your account.

To change the language settings, click on Options tab. You will then be taken to another page where you can change the language on the Locale setting.

2.1.1.Logging on with multiple mail addresses

If you have more than oneemail address you don’t need to logon to quarantine for each address individually — you can link multiple email addresses into a single quarantine box.

First, click on the Open another Account link.

Before you link multiple quarantine boxes, all the individual boxes must have matching passwords. You may need to login to each quarantine box separately to set matching passwords.

Theemail addresses are now linked, so that if spam is trapped for any of them it will all be stored in one place.

You can use any of your email addresses to access the quarantine box, and the password will remain the same whichever email address you use to log on.

The language and forgot passwordare the same as for a single log-on, and there is also a link to return to the single log-on screen.

2.2.Managing the quarantine portal messages

The quarantine web portal

When you log on you will see the following screen.

On the left hand side you will see Junk Email folder and the quarantine folder

When you click on the Junk Email Folder you will see the mail that has been blocked by the spam filter. The screenbelowis an example of captured mail.

If you have messages in quarantine you can click on the message subject to view the message content. Quarantine email is for mail that could be potentially harmful to your system.

When viewing the message content you have on the left three possible operations:

Delete: Discard from quarantine box.

Move to Inbox: Forward to your mailbox, then discard from quarantine box.

Not Junk: Forward to Microsoft for analysis of the headers, so these messages will be allowed through in future.

2.3.Managing your quarantine settings

From the Options tab you can:

  • Select the language you wish to use in the spam quarantine portal and the language you want to be used in your spam notification messages
  • Enable or disable spam notification emails that are sent to your mailbox

When you make a change, click the Save button.

You can log out of spam quarantine using the Logout option at top right on the page.

2.4.Additional administrator views

If you are an administrator, you can click on Other Accounts to see a list of quarantine folders for the mail boxes that you manage.

Click on the Open another account option on the left hand side.

You will then get a box with the domains you manage.

From there you can search for a username and then add.

You can click on a folder to view what the user would see if they logged on to their quarantine box, i.e. their quarantined messages or a statement that there are none.

This view lists the users on the email domain that you have logged on to. When you have multiple domains, the drop-down box above the time zone will give you a list of available email domains, so you can see the list of quarantine boxes for other domains.

  1. Quarantine notifications

The email message above is an example of a quarantine notification in HTML format and it allows you to perform the following actions when you click the links in the message:

Subject: If you click the subject field of a message you can view the message content of the quarantined mail. If quarantine log on is disabled, you will not be able to do this.

Move to Inbox: If you click ‘move to inbox’ the message is released from quarantine and sent to your mailbox.

Not Junk: When this is clicked, a message is sent to Microsoft to analyse why this message was stopped and to adjust the spam detection service so these types of message will be allowed through.