The B’nai B’rith Victoria Menorah Awards were established in 1978. They are presented annually to worthy recipients who

  • have worked for the welfare of the community, and
  • have not previously been recognised for their efforts.


  • Menorah Awards will be presented to individuals who have performed voluntary work of benefit to the community, usually over a long period.
  • Recipients will usually be members of the Jewish community. Members of other faiths, who have contributed significantly in relation to the Jewish community, may also be considered.
  • Nominations must be made on the Menorah Awards nomination form (see attached), obtainable from the B’nai B’rith Victoria office.
  • Nominators will be asked to suggest two referees that the Committee may consult. All nominations will be handled confidentially.
  • Nominees are not to be informed that they are being considered for an Award until after the selection process is complete. Only successful nominees will be notified.

Judging Criteria:

All nominations will be considered by the Menorah Awards Committee, usually in October each year. Awards will be offered to individuals who

  • have furthered religious, educational and social welfare by their communal work, for which they have not previously been recognised, and
  • have performed such work on a voluntary basis, usually over a considerable period of time.

The Committee will assess each nomination in the frame of the above criteria, and it may seek additional information and/or clarification, either from the nominator or other sources, before advising successful candidates of the outcome of its deliberations.


The names of successful candidates for the ensuing year are advised to the B’nai B’rith membership at the December Combined Units Meeting. Prior to this they are asked to nominate a sponsor, who will prepare the citation for presentation at the Awards Ceremony in May.

71 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North Victoria, Australia 3161. ABN 976 9259 009

Telephone: (03) 9576 1116 Fax (03) 9576 0339 Email: .




Name: ……………………………………………………………………..

Postal Address:……………………………………………………………………..

Email Address:…………………………………………………………………….

Contact Number:…………………………………………………………………….



Postal Address:………………………………………………………………………

Email Address:…………………………………………………….

Contact Number:……………………………………………………..

Names of Two Referees:

Referee 1:





Referee 2:

Name: ………………………………………………………………




In what capacity do the referees know the candidate?

In less than 300 words describe how the nominee’s life and work has contributed to the welfare of the community. Please indicate whether he/she has received previous recognition for their activities.

I nominate the above named nominee for the B’nai B’rith Menorah Award. I am willing to be contacted by the Awards Committee to clarify any aspect of this nomination.

Signature: ………………………………………………. Date: ………………………...


  1. Nominations must be made on this Nomination Form.
  1. If more space is required, you may attach extra pages.
  1. Copies of supporting material, such as photographs or documents, may be attached to the application. Please supply copies only, as originals will not be returned.
  1. Nominees should not be advised that they are being considered for an Award.
  1. Forms and any supporting documentation must be submitted to the:

Chairperson, Menorah Awards

B’nai B’rith Victoria Office

71 Kooyong Road,

Caulfield North VIC 3161

by the last day of September.

  1. Any questions can be emailed to.

Nominators and successful candidates will be notified in December. Presentations take place in the following May.