This Student Handbook

Belongs to:

Student: ______

Grade: ______

Teacher: ______

Union Chapel Elementary


PBIS Student Handbook



Loud and Proud

Dear Boys and Girls,

Welcome to Union Chapel Elementary School! At Union Chapel Elementary School you will ROAR to positive expected behaviors. By using the Positive Behavior Intervention Support approach we will create a safe and more productive school. By following the expectations across campus, everyone will ROAR Loud and Proud. This year we will learn, practice, and teach others respectful and responsible behavior for all school activities. You will be expected to follow our expectations at all times. Students who make good choices will be rewarded throughout the school year.

Take special care of this book and use it as a reminder of our expectations which will allow us to make better decisions. Remember that if we all work together to make positive choices, all students at Union Chapel Elementary will ROAR Loud and Proud.

Your Principal,

Virginia Emanuel

My Promise

The rules in our student handbook have been explained to me and I have received my copy. As a good citizen of Union Chapel Elementary, I understand that I am responsible for following the Union Chapel Elementary ROAR rules and promise to always, ROAR Loud and Proud.

Teacher: ______

Grade: ______

My Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______

Union Chapel Tigers

Check YOUR Voice!

Level 1 – Shhh! Silent!

Independent work



Media Center

Computer Lab

Level 2 – Whisper Voice!



Asking a partner for help

Level 3 – Soft Voice!

Partner work

Group work

Level 4 – Teacher Voice!

Whole group discussion

Level 5 – Outside Voice!



Loud and Proud





Expectations and Rules Matrix

Responsible / Organized / Attentive / Respectful
Bus / Use whisper voice
Keep hands, feet, and objects tor yourself
Stay in your seat
Use appropriate language / Be on time
Keep belongings with you at all times
No inappropriate objects/items on the bus / Obey your bus driver
Use whisper voices
Board and exit the bus in an orderly manner
Be on your assigned bus / Follow driver’s instructions
Respect others’ property
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Cafeteria / Wait in line quietly
Put trash in the trash cans
Keep tables and floor clean
Stay in your seat / Get what you need the first time through the line
Keep you area clean / Do not get up until you are told to leave the table
Walk in an orderly manner! / Use whisper voices
Use proper table manners
Speak to cafeteria staff respectfully
Classroom / Make good
Complete and turn in all assignments
Participate in school activities
Give your best effort / Keep your work area tidy
Clean up after yourself
Be prepared daily / Be on task
Be a good listener
Work hard
Raise your hand and wait to be called on / Use appropriate language
Respect others and their differences
Follow directions
Hallway / Walk silently at all times
Remain in traveling position at all times / Stay on the right side of the hall
Stay off the wall
Stay on the black line / Walk silently
Face forward at all times
Watch where you are going / Demonstrate self-control
Respect others and their property
Restroom / Follow restroom rules / Be quick
Be quiet
Keep clean / Flush
Privacy / Report low supplies to your teacher Put trash in receptacles

Student Incentives

3 Tiger Paws / Show and Tell
5 Tiger Paws / Tiger Den
6 Tiger Paws / Fluff Friend
8 Tiger Paws / Swip Swap/Cool Cat
9 Tiger Paws / Homework Pass
10 Tiger Paws / Teacher Assistant
10 Tiger Paws / Friendly Lunch
10 Tiger Paws / Computer Time
15 Tiger Paws / Extra Recess
18 Tiger Paws / Movie & Popcorn
20 Tiger Paws / Game Day

Incentives for

ROARing Loud and Proud

We strive to reward our students frequently through several reward systems we have set up.

ROAR Chart - Used daily in the gym to assure all students are “ready to learn”

Tiger Paws - Students can earn up to 3 paws a day and can spend every two weeks from Catalog. Celebration each 9 weeks

Tigers Den - Students can purchase every other Friday from the den if they have at least 5 paws.

Tiger Tickets - Students/Staff can receive a ticket and be eligible for monthly drawings.

“Get Your ROAR On” - Celebration for the bus Student of the Months every 9 weeks

School Wide Procedures


Traveling Position:

·  Walk on the right side of the hallway

·  Walk on the black line

·  Walk in a straight line

·  Keep adequate space between you and the person in front of you

·  Hands beside you

·  Line leader will stop at each corner

·  Carry a hall pass if traveling without entire class

·  Use quiet voices

·  Keep hands, feet, and belongings to yourself

·  Use respect words: excuse me, I’m sorry, Yes/No Ma’am/Sir


·  Be quick, quiet and clean; no horse playing

·  Flush

·  Use 1 push of soap

·  Pump 3 times on the paper towel holder

·  If you see trash, pick it up

·  Put trash in receptacles

·  Report low supplies or problems to your teacher



·  Teachers are responsible for taking students to and from cafeteria

·  Carry trays with two hands

·  Teachers will release one side of the table at a time

·  When leaving the table, walk to trash receptacle and dispose of tray

·  When leaving the trash receptacle to exit the cafeteria, walk in straight line, do not walk in and out between tables

Cleaning Up:

·  Wash tables of debris and food (do not wipe food onto the floor)

·  Use the broom and dust pan to sweep up food that is on the floor

·  Let a cafeteria worker know about any liquid spills


·  Feet on floor

·  Sit forward, do not straddle seats

·  Do not talk with mouth full

·  Use utensils, not fingers

·  Only talk to those near you

·  Use your napkin

·  Clean your area before you exit the cafeteria

Lining Up:

·  Traveling position


·  Keep sand, rocks, etc. on the ground (no throwing)

·  If area is being used for P.E. please remain off that particular area of the playground

·  If P.E. Teacher allows you to borrow equipment, bring it inside. Balls and other equipment should not be left out.

·  When teacher signals to come in, make sure students gather promptly and orderly

TIP: Have an equipment manager


·  Classes dismiss at 2:45 pm

·  Buses leave at 2:50 pm

·  Do not leave students unattended

·  Students should not be on the bus if the driver is not on the bus

·  Students will talk quietly to their neighbors

·  Respect bus driver

·  Respect School property

Car/Van Rider Line:

·  No parent/teacher conferencing

·  Students will whisper only to students near them

·  Students will stand in their assigned area

·  Students should never step out of the designated area without and adult