
Parents’ Library

We would like to set up a parents’ library. Please can you let us know of any parenting or educational books that you have read and would recommend. A short review would be great and also any spare copies would be gratefully received! We will make these available to borrow and they will be placed in reception. If you are aware of any new research about childhood and learning that you feel would be interesting please let us have an electronic copy and we can share it with other parents.

This is a work in progress and we are anxious to develop it further.

Many thanks to those who have contributed so far.

Book/ journal / Brief synopsis / Recommended by
‘The 5 Love Languages of Children’ by Gary Chapman and Rose Campbell / It explores the different ways our different children prefer to express and receive love and how you can use it to ‘tune in’ to your child to really encourage them
Follow link 1 below for reviews on the book / Catherine Lily
‘Boundaries with kids’ (How healthy choices grow healthy children) by H Cloud and J Townsend / The authors look at why children need boundaries (with one eye on the profound effects of boundary absence); ten boundary principles all children need to know to make healthy choices as they grow up; how to instill these in your child ( even though they may not like them much!!
Follow link 2 below for reviews on the book / Unknown but thank you!
‘Raising Boys (Why boys are different and how to help them become happy and well balanced men) / A highly readable style – the author intriguingly identifies three clear stages through which boys progress – the effects of testosterone – the need for strong male role models – the role of sport – and a revolutionary vision for the education of boys. An insightful and supportive resource!
Follow link 3 below for reviews on the book / As above- same contributor.
Know IT All for Parents - a unique, interactive e-safety guide for parents and carers by Childnet. / Know IT All for Parents is a unique interactive e-safety guide for parents and carers produced by Childnet International. It's designed to really help you as a parent or carer keep up to date with how children are using the internet, and support them in using these new exciting services safely and responsibly.
They've tried to make this resource as accessible and practical as possible, and there's a whole wealth of detailed information on a wide range of issues.
There are also lots of leaflets and guides for you to download in the resource centre. Follow this link:

Links to book reviews