Second Grade Whole Group Lesson Plan Unit One

Topic: Places Around Town Essential Question: How is a school like a community? Comprehension skill: Story Structure/Author’s Word Choice

Anchor story: Teacher’s Pets Grammar Skill: Singular and Plural Nouns Lesson 5

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Opening /Vocabulary
Poem: Classroom Stew_
*Introduce HFW and use HFW cards. TE T407
*Place cards on Focus Wall.
*Follow Instructional Routine 15.
* PA, Phonics, Spelling-TE T432 Select only activities needed for the majority of the class (No longer than 10 min.)
*Introduce target vocab. TE T414 – T415 / Opening Routines/Vocabulary
Poem: Classroom Stew
*Use cards to review HFW.
*Follow Routines for Daily *Vocabulary Boost. TE T435
* PA, Phonics, Spelling-TE T436 – T437, T442 Select only activities needed for the majority of the class (No longer than 10 min.) / Opening Routines/Vocabulary
Poem: Classroom Stew
*Use cards to review HFW. *Follow *Routines for Daily Vocabulary Boost. TE T445
* PA, Phonics, Spelling- TE T446, T452 Select only activities needed for the majority of the class (No longer than 10 min.) / Opening Routines/Vocabulary
Poem: Classroom Stew
*Use cards to review HFW.
*Follow Routines for Daily *Vocabulary Boost. TE T455 *PA, Phonics, Spelling-TE T456 – T457, T462 Select only activities needed for the majority of the class (No longer than 10 min.) / Opening Routines/Vocabulary
*Omit Opening routines
Poem: Classroom Stew
* Briefly introduce preselected vocabulary from read aloud
Read and Comprehend
Teacher Read Aloud
*Read the Read Aloud story, “Lester,” and follow TE questions. TE T408 – T409
*Revisit vocabulary after reading text.
* Introduce target skill and preview the topic using the Read and Comprehend section T416 – T417
* Begin a “theme based” word bank that can be used throughout the week to collect words related to theme or topic. Sample Words: school, work, jobs, town, police station, welcome center, citizens, classroom / Read and Comprehend
Anchor Text
*Follow the side bars in TE to introduce anchor story. (day 1 in basal) TE T418 – T430 Use “Think Through the Text” to guide you as you read.
*Reread words on the theme based word bank and add words from the selection. share, noticed, bursting, suddenly / Read and Comprehend
Anchor Text
Revisit theme based word bank
*Dig Deeper (day 2 in basal) TE T438 – T439
* Readdress the anchor story, focusing on the “Analyze the Text” questions throughout the story. TE T418 – T430
*Apply Vocabulary Knowledge TE T450 – T451 / Read and Comprehend
Companion Text
*Read the paired selection and follow guidelines for “Introduce Genre and Text Focus” TE T458
* “Compare Texts” – (use only the text-to-text section) TE T459
*Vocabulary strategies TE p. T460 – T461 / Read and Comprehend
*Interactive Read Aloud
*Select a read aloud that is related to the topic for the week. Use the Read Aloud Template to plan.
Title: _School Then and Now
Author: Robin Nelson
*Introduce grammar skill TE T432
*Complete a modeled writing based on read aloud. (Include grammar focus when applicable)
Topic: Model writing a paragraph that summarizes the read aloud, “Lester.” Include the characters, setting, and plot, which consists of the important events, the problem and the solution. This will address the comprehension skill, story structure. / Grammar/Writing
*Review the grammar skill. TE T442
*Introduce/review the writing focus for the week. Teacher creates a modeled/shared writing based on the comprehension skill of the week and/or anchor text.
Shared Writing Topic: Construct a summary of Teacher’s Pets. This paragraph can be modeled after the writing on Day 1. (include retelling cards as a prompt) / Grammar/Writing
*Review the grammar skill. TE T452
* Review the writing focus for the week. (TE T440-T441-basal day 2) Topic: Do the “Write about Reading” on student book pg. 173. The students will write why Mrs. Fry thinks she is lucky to have Moe as a pet. Include a title, topic sentence, and the two reasons why she thinks she is lucky, and a concluding sentence. / Grammar/Writing
*Review the grammar skill. TE p. T462,T463
*Students should revise and edit their paragraph from yesterday and make a final copy. They should be sure they have: Title, Topic sentence, and two reasons why Miss Fry thinks she is lucky. / Grammar/Writing
*Students will complete their final draft of the weekly focus piece.
*If time, construct a T-Chart comparing and contrasting “Schools Then and Now.”

**Assessments – Comprehension-use the comprehension assessment from the “grab and go” kit (this can be completed on Wednesday). Vocabulary- this should be completed on Friday.