Thompson Integrated Early Childhood

Policy Council Minutes

November 14, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m.

Members present: Nicole Rutledge, Val Sanders, Theresa Clements

Members absent: Brandi Cunningham, Brandi Barber, Rosa Paez

Staff/Guests present: Connie Trimble, Lamb Caro, Julie Lindsay, Nancy Quezada, Mindy Oliphant, Christiana Shorten, Trish Hoffman, Amy Gerhard, Mary Bowman, and Sharon Johnson

Quorum was met X Yes No

Quorum was met via email/phone votes


Approval of agenda: Discussion: need to add one item

Revisions: added removal of a Policy Council member

Motion to approve: Val Sanders Second: Nicole Rutledge

Approved? Yes

Approval of Minutes from previous Month:

Discussion: none

Revisions: none

Motion to approve: Nicole Rutledge Second: Val Sanders

Approved? Yes

Approval of Budget:

Discussion: none

Motion to approve: Nicole Rutledge Second: Val Sanders

Approved? Yes

Approval of New Hires/Resignations: Read by Lamb Caro

Motion to approve: Val Sanders Second: Nicole Rutledge

Approved? Yes

Personnel Action taken- See Appendix A

Approval of Removal of Policy Council Member – Amanda Merritt

She is unable to attend meetings

Motion to approve: Val Sanders Second: Nicole Rutledge

Approved? Yes

Approval of Carry-Over Funds: Use carry-over funds to purchase new playground equipment for Berthoud Elem or Winona

Motion to approve: Nicole Rutledge Second: Theresa Clements

Approved? Yes


1.  Self-Assessment –

·  Disabilities – Trish Hoffman

o  Looking at enrollment for students with disabilities. Look at processes for enrolling students with a disability in the full day program.

·  Family and Community Partnerships – Julie Lindsay

o  Last year only 65% of families set goals and due to last year’s self-assessment they revised the forms. This year they want to look at the number of goals and see if they are higher than last year.

·  Health, Safety and Nutrition – Christiana Shorten

o  Looking at how staff is prepared if there is an emergency. In the self-assessment look at the drill reports and determine if there are training needs, supplies needed, or any other supports needed in completing drills.

·  Transportation – Lamb Caro

·  Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, Attendance – Sharon Johnson

o  Looking at attendance policy revisions – need to look at what we are doing, make changes to meet new performance standards, goal of increasing attendance rate

·  Mental Health – Mary Bowman

o  Last year focus was teaching of problem-solving and right now the program is putting plans in place to support the teaching of those skills. In the self-assessment they want to look at what teachers are currently doing and how that correlates to outcomes in the social emotional area.

·  Education – Amy Gerhard

o  Looking at math area – what are teachers using, do we need changes, training…. The pro-am has provided significant training in CLASS. Look at the CLASS and how it supports math outcomes.

·  Program Design and Management, Governance, HR, Fiscal – Lamb Caro

Policy Council Members were asked to help with the self-assessment. Nicole Rutledge said she would help with Mental Health and Val Sanders said she would help with the education area. Both are willing to also help with other areas if needed. Theresa Clements is willing to help with any area. Her availability during the day is limited.

2.  Budget and Introduction of Mindy Oliphant – see attached PowerPoint

a.  Lamb and Mindy presented the financial/budget training

b.  New Performance Standards began Nov. 7th and some adjustments need to be made to program. One example is new staff requirements for CFSPs. They now need to have a credential or certification in Social Work, Human Development, etc…. The current CFSPs are grandfathered in and will not be required to have this credential but all new staff will need the new requirements.


1.  Program Goals – School Readiness Goals were sent out to members

a.  Other goals – Attendance, Transportation, Emergency Crisis Management, Food Friends replacement, and work with nutritional services on accurate count – see attached goals

2.  Work Plans – The new Performance Standards do not require work plans. They will now look more like procedures and processes to show how we meet the Performance Standards.

3.  Head Start Update – Staff is currently reviewing the new Performance Standards to ensure compliance. All Head Start needs to be full-time by 2020 and we need to meet 50% of enrollment to be full day by school year 2018/19. Full day is 1020 hours. Lamb is sharing this info with Directors at the district level to support planning for this new requirement. Can reduce enrollment by 10% when Head Start implements 100% full day.


1.  Center Updates –

a.  Edmondson - Had a literacy event and it went well – at the park

b.  Berthoud Turner – literacy event is coming up this Thursday

c.  Monroe – Family Event at Fort Collins Museum of Discovery this Friday at 1:00.

2.  Coordinator Update – Emailed out ahead of meeting time

3.  Report on Regional Conference

a.  Attendees will fill out a brief report on their learnings and it will be shared with all members.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Motion to adjourn: Theresa Clements Second: Val Sanders

Next Policy Council meeting is Monday, January 9, 2017 – NO MEETING HELD IN DECEMBER

Minutes taken by Theresa Clements, Head Start Policy Council Secretary

Children Growing, Families Empowered, Diversity Embraced